Recently returned from A & E following a BP of 200/105.
Now on meds, which seem to control it.
I am 68 and have all the ingredients to ensure I have high blood pressure.
6 year old daughter, bottle of wine each day, 20 kgs overweight, bad sleeper & no exercise and travel by car everywhere.
So I have stopped the wine completely, changed diet and am working on the exercise. I need to live longer for my beautiful little girl.
At hospital, they did all the tests and cardiogram and said I was lucky and nothing damaged and it was not a heart attack. I do not have diabetes and my cholesterol is just about in limits.
My biggest issue at the moment is anxiety.
Every pain in my arm or chest is making me think I have cancer, heart failure, angina etc ..
I am trying to reassure myself that the light headedness is caused by the drugs and the chest/shoulder pains are muscular.
I am confident many people have felt similar to me and wondered what they did to reassure themselves.
I can give up alcohol and go on a diet and do 10,000 steps a day and 30 minutes in an exercise class each week, but this worry is debilitating.
Any suggestions and thoughts would be appreciated.