Anxiety From Hypertension Driving me ... - High Blood Pressu...

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Anxiety From Hypertension Driving me Crazy

SACB profile image
8 Replies

Recently returned from A & E following a BP of 200/105.

Now on meds, which seem to control it.

I am 68 and have all the ingredients to ensure I have high blood pressure.

6 year old daughter, bottle of wine each day, 20 kgs overweight, bad sleeper & no exercise and travel by car everywhere.

So I have stopped the wine completely, changed diet and am working on the exercise. I need to live longer for my beautiful little girl.

At hospital, they did all the tests and cardiogram and said I was lucky and nothing damaged and it was not a heart attack. I do not have diabetes and my cholesterol is just about in limits.

My biggest issue at the moment is anxiety.

Every pain in my arm or chest is making me think I have cancer, heart failure, angina etc ..

I am trying to reassure myself that the light headedness is caused by the drugs and the chest/shoulder pains are muscular.

I am confident many people have felt similar to me and wondered what they did to reassure themselves.

I can give up alcohol and go on a diet and do 10,000 steps a day and 30 minutes in an exercise class each week, but this worry is debilitating.

Any suggestions and thoughts would be appreciated.

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SACB profile image
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8 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

SACB. What the hospital said - yes you are lucky. They did all the tests and the “only” things wrong with you are those you control yourself (except you didn’t mention your family history).

You know what to do and you have started doing it. It’s a journey. You have to continue on that journey. You have a goal - to be there for your daughter. You will continue on your journey.

You’ve had a bad shock- no wonder you are anxious. You are probably also kicking yourself because you knew, really, that your lifestyle wasn’t conducive to a long life.

My suggestion is that you look at the website of the specialist charity Blood Pressure UK. No doubt your medical people are supportive but they’ve only got a little time to be with you so YOU are in charge, and the website has a range of things for YOU to look at. You’ve started on much of it already ..Please continue on that path. By the way, don’t try to lose weight on a faddy diet - eat sensibly and lose a kilo or 2 per month not per day.

Do you live with a supportive person? Get that person to help you.

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to Happyrosie

anxiety well dont check bp thats a worry for a start,isuffered with it likeyou for3years only thing thatstopped mine was a baby aspirin every day,at least u should not have a heart attack/stroke whichiswhywe take bp pills for but they cause anxiety in alot,i dont take bp pills now,

SACB profile image
SACB in reply to peter999999999

I will have a chat with my GP when I eventually get to see him and ask about Aspirin. GP always told me to take Statin and I never would, but my cholesterol is ok . Aspirin might be a good idea. Thanks Peter

SACB profile image
SACB in reply to Happyrosie

Many thanks for the reply. I live with my wife and daughter and they are a great comfort. As for diet I have found a great nutritionist, who has made me a diet based on my BP & intolerances. She even provides full menus and pictures etc. I used it last year for 3 / 4 months and lost 10KGS. So hopefully that will work for me again.

Lactosebitb profile image

Imo each of us can be sent into a spin by our own minds. Your need to try things like mindfulness and meditation. If you feel panic then try and ground yourself. One thing that can work is distraction - so if you feel a pain or panic then try rubbing your thigh or your belly gently. This can distract the mind. Also take some deep breaths and use self talk like - I've got this, I'm fine, just relax. Say the word BREATHE slowly and match it with some deep breaths. A calm mind always helps improve your health imo. Stay strong, you've got this! You can even try a daily breathing app or just do 3 to 5 mins of deep breathing everyday.

SACB profile image
SACB in reply to Lactosebitb

Many thanks, excellent suggestions

cimarosa profile image

I have some experience of this. There is a useful app called Headspace which you might explore. Also the NHS offers some talking therapies (see Google tips to improve sleep and keep taking plenty of exercise, in the open air. And talk to people. Treat yourself to an occasional drink if you have the willpower to leave it at one. Good luck.

onadiet profile image

I was the same worrying all the time. Diagnosed with Hypotension in 2020 but am sure I had it earlier. Did not know enough so constantly overthinking about any pain or niggle.Taken to A& E many times with critical numbers.Nothing found . Also have Hernia and Gerd so all pains becoming confused.Im now an expert at knowing what pain is what.These forums are so reassuring as you can feel so alone.Its helpful to hear others stories as Dr's don't seem to want to believe us. Also listening to Dr Danjay Gupta is great.He explains about Gastro Cardiac symptoms which causes palpitations and pounding heartbeat. Also breathlessness and other symptoms which Gerd and Hernia cause.My BP also goes up after eating and if my Gerd is hurting.Not one Dr. at Surgery has heard of this? Dr's at Hosp.have and Nurses. GPs seem to live on another planet.One even asked what GERD is ?. I am coping much better now and not so anxious.

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