has anyone ever felt numbness in their left arm while on bp meds. No pain just weakness and a bit numb. Bit panicky about left arm.
Panic stations. Left arm numb - High Blood Pressu...
Panic stations. Left arm numb

hello, yes i have, i take lercanidipine 10mg/20mg, but best to speak to your gp.
GP put me on Losartan because the Lisinopril I had been taking for a couple of months was making me feel a little sluggish. Shortly after starting the Losartan I began to get numbness in my hands and feet. After a couple of weeks I was also having numbness in my left and right arms and pain in my hands and arms. Muscle spasms then came along. When the numbness started in my face as well I quit taking the Losartan. After a couple of days and no improvement I went to the ER and was admitted for tests. This was shortly after Covid shut everything down. The symptoms mostly went away after several days. After spending money on tests and finding nothing (thank you Jesus), I came to the conclusion myself that I’m in the low percentage of folks who have those side effects from Losartan. The bummer is that my anxiety has taken the numbness thing and ran with it. I now get numbness in my fingers and sometimes my feet when my anxiety kicks in. I’m back on Lisinopril now.
Yes me too
Yes lots of numbness and tingling.