I am about to start taking Ezetimibe for high cholesterol. I a bit hesitant as with high blood pressure tablets I have had a lot of side effects. Has anyone been prescribed this drug before and what side effects of any have they suffered.
I am about to start taking Ezetimibe ... - High Blood Pressu...
I am about to start taking Ezetimibe for high cholesterol. Has anyone else been prescribed this drug and what are the side effects.

Hi. I think you would be better to post your question in the High Cholesterol Support forum. Have you read the medication insert for the list of possible reactions? Don’t forget that “even” paracetamol that is used by practically everyone at some time or other can cause adverse reactions for some. Clumsy way of saying reactions don’t always happen and may not happen to you even if others have had them. I get clumsier by the sentence 😀.
Thanks Annie I know as well as you that we have to suffer some adverse affects. I have been on BP drugs for 30 years but have always had so many side effects. I have not been able to tolerate statins so this is the alternative Ezetimibe. Just wanted feedback. So will try the cholesterol site thanks. My doctor at one point said to take benecol along with BP meds and I have and feel great. But now he has decided to add the Ezetimibe and I feel why but they are the experts. So we shall see what happens. Take care.
Even if they are expert, you are entitled to know why a particular drug is added. Also, it is surprising how many doctors just prescribe medicines without fully being on top of the side effects and without curtailing a specific drug to the patient's body.
Hi I know that my cholesterol is high and I can’t tolerate statins and this is instead. So far gp has listened to all the side effects I have had with BP meds. But sometimes you feel like a guinea pig, try them out give them report and then try another one out. One day I will be able to take one without drastic side effects. That would be the dream.
Benecol - is this a medicine?
Did it work well lowering your cholesterol?
Thank you
Hi Ling Benecol is a small yoghurt drink with plant stenol it does work albeit a bit slower than statins and without the side effects.
Thank you.
Did the ezetimibe work out for u?
Ezetimibe made me feel so unwell just after the first one didn't take anymore. I usually always give meds a good chance but that was awful. I never used to have a problem with BP meds until a small stroke. Since then and being put on clopidigrel lots of them including cholesterol drugs give me severe muscle pains. Therefore doc said to try Benecol drink. A few days recently I was put on Indapamide and had to stop as in chronic muscle pain from back down both legs so much so in tears. I have now been changed to bendroflumethiazide which I had years as go. See how this goes. I have been on BP meds for 35 years. I have said to doc could it be the mix with clopidigrel but because I have been on for 5 years they don't think so. But I have my doubts. So have done my own test and have only taken that with nothing else and still have the pain. The Indapamide takes 5 days to come out of system so let us see how it goes and then I can go back with facts X
Thank you for sharing. Would be very interested to hear how it goes, if u have the time. Thank u
Btw, this new cholesterol med was recently approved by the FDA so not sure if it's available in the UK -
Bempedoic Acid
FDA Approves Non-Statin Drug to Treat High Cholesterol
Best wishes.
Hi that's an interesting article I wonder how it was administered here as it says third trial not complete until early 2022. I was given it in early 2019. I will let you know outcome.
does high cholesterol ever cause any side effects i know loads who say they are on meds for it, but before doc tested them they were fine and healthy, most are now on statins etc with side effects, im sure doc worry you, id never heard of it till 15 years ago, told me id got it,went hospital for something else they tested for it perfect, are they making profit putting you on pills you can do without,