Do you avoid a heart attack by using ... - High Blood Pressu...

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Do you avoid a heart attack by using drugs associated with an almost equal risk of breaking a hip or injuring your brain?

peter999999999 profile image
27 Replies

i only ask question has my next door neighbour who takes 10mg amlodipine daily had a secong fall 3 months ago age 70 and broke her hip.2nd fall in 4 years, been in hospital 10 weeks replacement hip, still cannot walk or do anything, sent her home with careres who come 4 times aday,hospital stopped bp drugs for her, its a bit late for that ,i told her after the first fall what to do ,but scared to stop them,use to be very active,now after seeing the state of her it reinforceses my view of having a bit higher bp as we age and keep off the pills.

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peter999999999 profile image
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27 Replies
Madlegs1 profile image

Choices, choices!😥

lettingoffsteam profile image

That's your view Peter and she chose to follow medical advice.I hope she gets better soon.

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

does not look has if she is getting better, cannot walk,in constant pain cares 4 times a day,

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

That's very sad then. Mind you I imagine there are more factors at play re. her fall than just the bp such as mobility, bone density etc. As we age it's a complicated mix but I know that whilst I don't enjoy taking meds I would be dead or badly disabled by stroke without them since my presenting bp was clinically dangerous, plus I was only 54. Doctors now know that an overly lowered bp in a very elderly person isn't desirable.A friend in her late eighties who has been taking bp meds since her thirties had her dose lowered for the sake of balance etc. so they do know.But we're all different.

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

yes,glad you are well now, my insomnia started when i took bp drugs and now im drug free i still dont sleep much at night, god knows why it afected me like that, ambulance there yesterday ,doc never came out although he was requested to, surgery 5 doors away, i offered to take he r and leave her there till he did see her,but her husband declined lol,

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

Well at least you tried to help.To be honest I struggled a lot at first with meds but I had quite a few shoved at me at the same time as my numbers were so fierce.I felt very anxious at the time but being diagnosed with hypertensive crisis and rushed into resus is rather traumatic and that catches up with you later on.Now I'm OK.Did you struggle with insomnia before diagnosis?

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

none at all,slept like a log

lettingoffsteam profile image

That's very strange. To be honest I've not slept well all my adult life. What have you tried to help this problem?

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

zopiclone of docs works for a week then u dont get no more as adictive,nytol no sleep and feel rotten all day, night nurse sometimes helps but feel like death in morning, whisky,brandy etc no sleep, sleepy tea,warm milk and honey, valerian, htp5, magnesium, ginger,turmeric, going bed early/later, fan on/off/widows open/shut,bed turned around, meditate,slow breathing all no help. bananas, food before or none at bedtime,there must be more ive forgot,cherry juice,

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

Sounds like you've tried it all...that's very frustrating for you.Do you wake up thinking about a problem or worrying? That's what wakes me as I'm an anxious sort.I find meditation pretty effective thankfully.Plus chamomile tea is good but sounds like you've tried that route.🤔

onadiet profile image
onadiet in reply to peter999999999

Have you tried 2 Co Dodamol? That's what I use and it works.Also Magnesium ,5THP works. I know that labels me now as an Opium addict lol.I use them for Osteoarthritis pain but only take 2 every night.

peter999999999 profile image

i wake up if i sleep anxious why i cant sleep, pilows turned over,get up.lie down, tried to go in another room for a bit its a nightmare, i get up at 4 or 5 and go for a walk about 3 miles clears my head, ive gone months on no sleep or 1 to 2 hours. lucky i can sometimes nap about 4 in afternoon, for a couple of hours but that does not always work. i see people on my walks im surprised the number of people with insomnia,we call ourselves the 4 oclock club lol we are the only people about in the morning, im thinking of trying to stop up all night and so on see if that helps. better been up watching tv than lying there getting frustrated

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

That sounds terrible. I was wondering whether you could be referred to a sleep specialist .I'm a counsellor and a previous client was struggling like you following a bereavement. She found it very helpful. You say you get anxious about not sleeping and from what she told me that was her problem.She was told to not judge herself if she couldn't sleep but just get up, go downstairs and do something quiet and hopefully restful returning to bed after a while. Now I imagine you might say you've tried that, from what you've said, but all I know is that it helped her but I'm no expert on sleep. I deliberately try to empty my mind if I wake. If the worrying thoughts come in, just note it and clear the mind again. Works for me.

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

my mate went one,did not sleep,he had the results back it said he did not sleep,he knew that lol. im trying a tin of houch drink see if that helps and i dont usually drink 4 percent alcohol, see how it goes,well went bed at 4 woke at 7 so had 3 hours this afternoon ,see what happends tonight after another tin,

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

Ah I see, I suppose they can't help everyone. Hope you manage to sleep.

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

got 2 hours 11.30 till 1.30 not much but 5 hours altogether.

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

Only two hours at night though! Poor you! Did you get up at 1:30? Think you need some help with this as it will be having a bad affect on your general health. There's a group on Health Unlocked called 'Sleep Matters'. Are you a member yet? If not they may be able to help.

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

up at 4 i have a walk around,bit of exercise then 3 mile walk,went my mates a chemist,they sell loads of sleep aids,he said if u wake up and feel fine you dont need sleeping aids ,thats it i feel fine in the day,yes i go on sleep matters,thank you

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

Ah I see, your new normal I guess.

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

it seems like it, i can usually sleep ok at 4 ,just done 4 till 7 again , illsee what the night brings, i like napping in afternoon, dont like the night at all, i think it must be anxiety i got when i was ill on bp pills, i thought id defeated it but it comes at night when i think i should be sleeping and im not,its a circle but i dont get it in the day , how is your sleep pattern,better than mine i hope, we must be 2 of the oldest members on here controlling our health in completely different ways ,but both respect each others views

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

Ha ha, watch it Peter! Hope you mean oldest in terms of how long we've been members of the forum and not our actual ages!😆😆I'm a very light sleeper so anything and everything wakes me but I've learnt to empty my mind and let sleep come and it soon does. Anxiety is a terrible thing as I know from experience and the meds made me anxious too but the readings I got before taking them were unsustainable so even more worrying.Plus over time that all faded away. Do you want to sleep well at night or are you happy as you are?

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to lettingoffsteam

im always happy but a bit of extra sleep in dark mornings would be nice,im happiest waking up at tp 4.30 , 2.30 makes it a long night but i suppose i sleep when tired, i did 10.30 till 2,30 so 4 hours and 3 before in late afternoon so 7 in total,does not feel like it as i type this at 5.30

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to peter999999999

Not too bad then!

onadiet profile image
onadiet in reply to lettingoffsteam

Download an App.called Glenn Harrold.Relax hypnotic tapes.Takes a little while but I now just put it on and after short while don't hear the rest ( along with 2 Co dodamol)lol.

hc75 profile image

.just to share my experience. Have been on perindopril and amlopodin since 2012 when nursing my mum bp was 180/96 regular basis . Also take statins. am now coming up 79 and my hubby just died and am expat alone abroad. Stress is terrible but Bp is ok 130 ties/74 I look after ,8 rescues dogs and am painting house. Terrible times but feel fit? When bp was high I was irritable and dizzy. My quality of life is much the better. Have a low potassium diet could be meds affecting kidneys. I am now slimmer so that helps overall. The thing I am very very careful about is making sure I walk enough, get some sun for vitamin D snd drink plenty of water...thay make you feel much better

peter999999999 profile image
peter999999999 in reply to hc75

sorry about your husband take whatever makes u feel well,where are living

onadiet profile image

Totally agree with that.I am 73 and on meds.I am happy with 130/140 over 70 even if Dr thinks it should be 120.

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