Hi I have got high blood pressure and cut the story short I had a blood test done on Wednesday and by Thursday morning my Dr phones me to say that I got high hyperkalemia I all so suffer from bronchiectasis. Could any one tell me if they have hyperkalemia as my doctor things it because of the blood pressure tablets I been taken thanks
High hyperkalemia : Hi I have got high... - High Blood Pressu...
High hyperkalemia

This is something for a professional, I feel. Try Blood Pressure UK or speak to your pharmacist.
Check with your local pharmacist. From personal experience my GP told me that Ramipril the BP medicine she prescribed can increase potassium levels and to have yearly blood test because of this. It is akso mentioned in the patient information leaflet in the medicine box.
Hello needtodo yes my doctor did say that it could be the blood pressure tablets I am taken so told me to stop them until I have one more blood test done on Wednesday x
Sounds like you have high calcium in the blood. It may have been caused by your tablets but I am not a doctor and you don’t say what your medication is. Have a look at the leaflet in the box.
Hello collywobbles64 my Dr things its to do with my blood pressure tablets I been taken for years they called ramipril was on 2.5 mg than they put it on 5mg and my blood pressure was still high so doctors said to have a blood test done which I do on Wednesday by Thursday morning they phoned me to say that my test showed up high hyperkalemia and should be below 5.0 my was 5.08 thank you for message me but I am on lots of different tablets also
I don’t know about ramipril as I am on losartan potassium. Hyperkalemia is high potassium not calcium, so apologies for that. Hope you get it sorted.
It's ok don't worry about it I get it sorted haveing a blood test on Wednesday so hopefully I find out next week thank you x
funny that it was only in the papers last week that ramapril and certain classes of bp pills damage the kidneys if taken long term,you cannot win
Good morning peter999999999. I been taken ramipril for so many years now they never tell us the damage that can come with taken them. I just have to wait and see when I have a blood test again on Wednesday to see if it's the same result from last week test thanks for your message. It is worrying as I also suffer from bronchiectasis lung problems and don't need more added on.
Hyperkalemia is levels of potassium being too high and is common with ACE inhibitors like ramipril. Mind you, in my case too high a dose of ramipril caused hypokalemia ie too low so I had to rejig my meds to lower the ramipril and all was well.
Thank you lettingoffsteam yes that's what my doctors said going to have one more blood test today to see if its the same from last week blood test. I been taken ramipril for years as I have high blood pressure bit lately its been so high even with taken the ramipril. See what happens thanks for your message. I also have other health problems got bronchiectasis also.
Ah, that's strange then.Maybe you'll have to try something else.Luckily my potassium is fine on 2.5mg ramipril but that's with amlodipine for my bp. Sorry to hear about your other health problems and hope they get to the bottom of it.
Lettingoffsyeam thank you had one more blood test yesterday so will have to see if results come back as last week. My potassium was 5.8 so was high. Still got high BP I was on 2.5 mg ramipril but because it was high still put me on 5.0 mg ramipril but went back last week for chest infection and she checked my BP and was high that's why I had a blood test done and came back high hyperkalemia.. thanks hopefully i get to the bottom of this as having bronchiectasis does not help.