I have high blood pressure and OA +.My doctor gave me Amiodipine 5 mg tables the other day.any blood lowering advice would be helpful.thanks pam
High blood pressure advice needed - High Blood Pressu...
High blood pressure advice needed

Try looking at bloodpressureuk.org for advice.It gives advice on diet, exercise and much more.
I was given this but did not get on with side effects . Feeling dizzy all the time so doctor agreed to change . If you can live with it then no problem
Hawthorn berry tea helps to regulate BP. I’ve tried it but do keep a check on your pressure.
I have not heard about this . Does it work ?
Yes but only while you drink it. You must keep a check on your BP though as it may get too low especially while you are taking medication
So its a very short lived effect ?
So is BP medication
I just assumed ( wrongly I'm guessing ) that if you take one pill a day it will lower your blood pressure for 24 hours. Thinking about it now I realise it can't be the case
I was drinking 2/3 cups a day it kept my BP at a constant lower level in conjunction with my medication. My medication on its own does not stop my BP rising in the afternoon/early evening but it probably stops it getting very high. I think a multitude of things can help😊
Hi Pamela 2017 , yes there are lots of different things to try . I think lowering cholesterol is important but it nought not lower your blood pressure. Good luck , james
I tried Amlodipine just before Christamas and my feet swelled up after about a month. So I stopped taking it and they went back to normal after a couple of weeks. Now I am trying to reduce my blood pressure the old fashioned way, by getting my weight down by 10% and it seems to be working slowly. Target weight 70Kg