Bisoprolol = gastritis : Hi anyone had... - High Blood Pressu...

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Bisoprolol = gastritis

tigerjuz86 profile image
16 Replies

Hi anyone had side effects of gastritis since taking bisoprolol ,, not sure if related or not looked online and it link healthme says it does but not sure how true the site is

So come to ask real people as don’t want to be fobbed off by dr telling me not related if others have experienced this

Thank you any help appreciated x

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tigerjuz86 profile image
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16 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

Hello tigerjuz. First thing is to check the pack insert. If you’re still not happy have a word with your pharmacist

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to Happyrosie

Hi sorri late reply I’ve not been too well my sleep still keeps getting disturbed waking up more than once heart off like the clappers then back down to 53 n lightheaded ,, it doesn’t say gastritis just stomach discomfort and yeah I will ask pharmacist thank you x

bamboo89 profile image

You don't say if you are having an infusion annually, injections about every 2 or 3 months, or tablets daily. Certainly, I believe tablets taken daily can cause indigestion/digestive disturbances, but read the Patient Leaflet.

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to bamboo89

No I’m not having any infusions or injections ,, tablet daily bisoprolol and lansprazole at min ,, I’ve had a look and saus stomach discomfort not sure if that would mean gastritis or not ,, thank you for replying x

bamboo89 profile image
bamboo89 in reply to tigerjuz86

Were you already on lanzoprazole, before they prescribed bisoprolol tablets? If they prescribed those when you started bisoprolol, that's why, to try to prevent digestive troubles such as heartburn, gastritis etc. I was told I should take bisoprolol recently but also warned it could increase my usual stomach problems. I'm still on my last few doses of ranitidine, which I've been on for years for gastritis, but it has been withdrawn, don't know what I'll take instead - all the'prazole' drugs actually give me heartburn within half an hour of taking one. In the circumstances, I don't view taking bisoprolol favourably...

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to bamboo89

no i wasnt on lansprazole on my 6th day currently been on bisoprolol since the 9th march ,, my stomach has been constantly bloated since may was gradual since starting bisoprolol as had no troubles before ,, it got to point where i was in so much pain causing me palpitations thus leading to anxiety which has come down since the lansprazole as its gradually not as tight

,, may i ask why you need bisoprolol if you dont want to i understand ,, mines for high blood pressure which has done its job and keeps it under control thats when not in pain noticed it goes up then

,, i have ibs but not had a single flare up in 5 years with my tummy til this so thought was that at 1st but my ibs usually comes and goes after eating if does flare ,, ahh okay do you have to ween off your rantidine ive been okay upto now on lansprazole and feel it helping

how have you dealt with gastritis please its the most painful thing ive felt worser then labour in my opinion and lost my appetite and scared to reintroduce as it kills especially when its constantly

im sorry prazole's have made you feel that way especially already being in pain with gastritis , has it only been ranitidine that has worked for you is that prescription or otc ,, it must be stressful as you have found something that works now its basically being taken away its unfair ,, have you got pepto in just incase it flares when you stop just to give you bit relief whilst speak dr or pharmacist to find a alternative

thank you for getting in touch much appreciated :) x

bamboo89 profile image
bamboo89 in reply to tigerjuz86

It was considered for high blood pressure/high heart rate, all caused by a cancer medication I'm on, but ruled out because I also have asthma and early stage COPD, and it apparently would aggravate that. I wasn't keen anyway, last thing I need is something that irritates my stomach - I found even amlodopine gave me a bit of heartburn, but I just increased the ranitidine.

The 'prazole' drugs are proton pump inhibitors, whereas ranitidine is an H2 agonist - both these drugs reduce acid in the stomach, they just work on different areas of the brain that send signals to the gut. It seems like my problem is with the H2 and not the proton pump, so ranitidine has been great - I've been on it years and haven't had any major gastritis symptoms at all since I started it. Ranitidine was withdrawn about six months back because they discovered there was something in it that carried a very small risk of triggering a cancer, but as I've got that already, its just a nuisance they've withdrawn it for me. I'm going to be given something called Cimetidine instead, a much older drug they used to give - I just hope it works as well as ranitidine has done all this time, because I remember very well how ghastly I felt when the gastritis was untreated. After about 15 years of ranitidine, I had another gastroscopy done - this time they took samples from the stomach and found I had got Helicobacter Pylori, which is the most common cause of stomach ulcers and gastritis. Unfortunately, the treatment to kill the helicobacter is 3 different antibiotics - I'm allergic to a lot of antibiotics, and it wasn't possible to find 3 I could take, so I'm stuck with the helicobacter, and the need for something to control acid in the stomach.

It is odd that lanzoprazole gives me heartburn, but I'm not the only one - I have a friend who has the same problem with it. We're all different, so we don't all react to drugs in the way they expect, do we...

I have a lot less trouble with acid reflux and gastritis if I avoid fat, I have to say - if I eat anything really fatty, then I might get breakthrough symptoms, usually in the form of raging heartburn and nausea.

I hope you find something that works better for your gastritis...take care


tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to bamboo89

Hi Miriam

Ah okay ,, aw bloody hell I am so sorry to hear this your really going through the mill my heart goes out to you I know how horrible copd is

I hope you have found coping mechanisms

Yeah I didn’t realise stomach problems could be this awful really struggling with it I just can’t figure if it the bisoprolol caising it or was it there and just decided to flare right up on me

I feel bisiprolol are doing there job so darent switch to an alternative incase get worser side effects n it is just gastritis what come without the bisoprolll ( hope I’m making sense I’m not good at explaining lol )

Ahh I’m not sure if I get heartburn I just get bloat where makes me solid it’s horrid but lansprazole does bring it down as it was just constant 24/7 couldn’t eat sleep or rest so im gonna hate coming off these in 2 weeks :(

Oh god really that’s crazy but I suppose all come with risks but that’s crazy

Aw yeah I bet it is frustrating but it’s best not to make you any worse ,, really hoping the cimitedine help you like the ranitidine has done so for you

I know it’s a while back but can you remember what started your gastritis off - was it a medication or just came on

Oh no I got tested in stool for that h pylori and was negative did you also get a stool sample taken or just found on endoscopy - dr is wanting me to do one but I am terrified especially with being thirsty all time and it cures my nerves drinkin water I’m hoping there’s an alternative as don’t want sedating as know I’ll panic afterwards as wears off

Oh my god I’m so sorry you are stuck with this bug is they something you could eat or drink to kill it or a probiotic,, you are so unlucky with medication I am allergic to penicillin

Aw that’s true wish one drug fit all be so much easier and no side effects if only eh

I’m just on a bland diet but I will take note not to rush back to anything fatty thank you

Thank you so much for getting in touch and me too and wish you well too and hope yours works for you ,, take care

Julie :) x x

bamboo89 profile image
bamboo89 in reply to tigerjuz86

I;m guessing it started when I got the Helicobacter, only I didn't know that. Think I was about 45 when it started, and well overweight at the time. I had a gastroscopy and they said it was gastritis, and a blood test for helicobacter which was negative, but no stool sample. Back then, I don't think they realised a blood test wasn't a useful diagnostic for helicobacter. Anyway, twenty years later, another gastroscopy, this time finding erosion of the lining in the stomach and duodenum, and they took little samples from inside my gut, and that's how they confirmed helicobacter. Only by then, I'd become allergic to a lot of antibiotics...

Cimetidine is apparently contra indicated for me because of other drugs I'm on, so its more like to be one called Fomatodine instead...fingers crossed it works as well as ranitidine did.

I will tell you that a gastroscopy is nowhere near as bad as it used to be twenty odd years ago, I was surprised, they've got some bit of kit they put in your mouth to guide the tube now, where before, they just pushed the tube down and you had to swallow. Regardless, I insisted on some diazepam or whatever benzodiazapine they use anyway cos I didn't realise it would be easier than all those years ago. It does mean you need someone to take you home afterwards though, if you have diazepam and I think you're there a bit longer too, but if you need a gastroscopy, ask if they will give you a drug, or choose a hospital that will.

Good luck with it all


tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to bamboo89

Hi Miriam

I’ve just got a stool test for hpylori or it could be what you said I don’t know if that is the same I’m hoping it come back okay since seeing dr on Wednesday he upped my lansprazole to 30mg twice a day from my original 15mg once day said it chronic gastritis struggling on higher dose my muscles are achin like mad :(

Yeah I’m overweight too right now

Oh my goodness did you have this trouble for 20 years or did it go and come back

Aw that’s awful and it’s sad you can’t take antibiotics could that be the effect of the damage in your tummy overtime

Ahh I see really hope it helps you 🤞

Oh god it just scares me but I will ask for relax drug I’m glad it has improved in those years and you didn’t have to go through that again

Thank you and thank you for getting back to me

Sorry for all questions i just go in overdrive with worry when don’t know what’s happening

Look after yourself and Take care

Julie x

bamboo89 profile image
bamboo89 in reply to tigerjuz86

I hope the increased dose stops the gastric trouble, even if its causing you to ache. If the stool test is positive for H. pylori, they will add in two antibiotics to the lansoprazole for a couple of weeks, and then you might not need the lansoprazole afterwards.

Why I'm allergic to antibiotics? Pass, no idea, first one I reacted to at 42 years old was penicillin, although I'd had it on and off previously with no problem. Penicillin allergy is very common, but then I became allergic to metronidazole - probably over exposure to those two particular ones because that was always being dished out to me by dentists down the years for tooth abscesses. Funny thing though, when I became allergic to penicillin, I also became allergic to blue cheese... I figure its something to do with mould in the cheese, because penicillin is a mould based antibiotic. The other three I reacted to were not extreme allergy, but more intolerance causing nasty side effects, like breathlessness and/or rash, meaning doctors don't want to give me any more of those, just in case...

Yes, over twenty years of gastric symptoms, it never went away but the ranitidine controlled the symptoms well. In a funny way, I hope you have got H. pylori, because if you are okay with antibiotics, you should be able to get rid of it, and bingo, no more gastritis...


tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to bamboo89

I do too really struggling with the aches and weird sensations it giving me

Oh I really hope not I can’t deal with more pills all I seem get lately wish could go all natural

But I could hopefully tolerate 2 weeks if means this awful thing gone

Yea penicillin is my first when my thyroid started playing up but never had a problem with it before so puzzled me so get where your coming from

Oh like a reisistance type thing , ouch abscesses

Oh that’s really interesting and oh o never knew it was a mould base that’s crazy so your putting mould in body to clear something else madness

Aww yeah it’s not worth it that could be your copd though my mum used to have doxycycline one a day have they tried you on that

Holy moly that’s a long time I’m suffering almost 3 months has me in tears when bad flare up so the lansprazole is just controlling it kinda thing I do hope it goes real soon tho I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy

I was really hoping it went in my 1st month of lansprazole wishful thinking still unsure how I got it n how it just came on like it did

Thank you again absolutely love this forum defo keeps me sane :) x

whammo profile image

Hi, I have been on Bisoprol tablets for years, and have never had any problems with it.

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to whammo

Hey ,, yeah I’m just not sure what’s going on with my body lately so unsure myself just trying to make sense ,, I’m so glad you have being okay I know a lot haven’t ,, thank you for replying:) x

Patricia1 profile image

I have been taking Bisoprolol for many years and I have never had any digestive or stomach problems with it

tigerjuz86 profile image
tigerjuz86 in reply to Patricia1

Hi , okay that is good maybe just happened coincidentally I’m just trying see what’s going on with my body right now ,, I’m happy you have being good on them ,, thank u for replying x

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