Been on amlipodine for 3 weeks and today been put on rampril, sorry if spellings nor right. Dont want to always be on these tabs. Im 57 and my blood pressure was over 200 and 110.
Im new and worried because im a carer... - High Blood Pressu...
Im new and worried because im a carer formy husband so dont want to be ill

There are many other medications for BP or a combination of some. What ever happens you do need to do something to control your BP, whether that is lifestyle, diet or medication. If it is controllable at all then control it as best you can, the risks from high BP are not pretty.
I echo what Cheyenne has said - you must get your BP under control.
It’s not all down to the doctors - if you haven’t already, then your diet and lifestyle may need action.
The charity Blood Pressure UK has excellent advice.
Amlodipine is a calcium channel blocker and rampril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor . These are two different classes of drugs to control high blood pressure. I am assuming that rampril is in addition to amlodipine -- the treatment is combo therapy. By using different classes, probably at a lower dose, should help you with the side effects.
I am also on two tablets for high blood pressure: amlodipine and olmesartan (the class is angiotensin receptor blocker). My blood pressure had spiked to 200 also, so I am just going to have to continue to take the drugs plus address my lifestyle. Some people are more prone to high blood pressure than others. I do feel my high blood pressure is partly genetic, especially since I also have atrial fibrillation. I, too, at first was resistant to taking drugs but have learned to accept them.
Hi I also a carer for my husband and was on ramipril but I had horrendous headaches with it . I was put on amilodipine 10 mg and my feet swelled up like balloons
I am now on a different one and feel so much better
Thank you for all your help. Your right I need to stick on the tablets and also need to try and lose some weight. Getting a blood test on thursday to see if the rampiril is ok with my kidneys. Im worried about getting a cough with rampiril because with the virus its not the best time to be coughing.
Hi, I had high blood pressure for years and am now on the Keto diet. I’m now amlodipine free and my blood pressure is now normal as I’ve lost 2 stones in weight, it’s inflammation that usually causes high blood pressure and I’ve limited mine by having no sugar and reducing my carbs. I’m a 54 year old female.
That gives me hope. Will have a look into the keto diet. Yes the dr said less carbs more protein. Thankyou.
Don’t be scared of healthy fats either.....avocado, butter, cream is healthier than processed vegetable oils. Olive oil and coconut oil aware really good for us. It’s all about insulin resistance. Look up Dr Eric Berg and Ken Berry on You Tube. Especially Eric Berg, he knows so much about healthy nutrition.
I’ve given up bread too. It all depends on how far you want to go. Grains and sugar aren’t good for us. Now I’ve lost the weight I allow myself treats. Honestly I couldn’t lose weight and the only thing that worked for me was/is the Ketogenic diet. I also have an underractive thyroid, so I didn’t think it possible to lose the weight.
I had a look at the keto diet last night and need to restock and take more time when buying things. Yes I know breads bad just the easiest option. Youve done so well especially as you say with an underactive thyroid.
Hi, I'm in the same boat, but a few months further down than you. My BP spiked at 225/? so I now take 10mg amlodipine daily and it's brought my blood pressure down (unless I get really stressed, then it went up to 139/87).
I would suggest looking at Michael Mosley's Fast 800 or the 5:2 diets - same basis: less carbs, more protein and good fats. I'm 63 and I am almost the same weight now (4 lbs to go) that I was when a teenager; struggled with my weight for 30 years.
Bread is off the menu for me if I want to stay healthy (though I do allow myself some); and I've pretty much gone sugar-free apart from hidden sugar in things.
Also doing Couch to 5K because although I walk a lot, I had no cardio exercise in my life.
In my case I feel that stress is the worst factor, so I'm trying to address that first.
I think taking the drugs until the rest of our lifestyle is under control is probably the best option. You do get used to it. Best of luck.