My question is this: Anyone else has found that Kyolic garlic been beneficial is helping reduce their BP in any way? I have been on this for 4 weeks now, and it has reduced my BP from the high 190s over 100s over weeks to now the 130s over 70s. I have been on Candestar 16mgs daily for some time controlling my BP until this year when it started rising quickly. Doc put me on Felodipine 5mgs SR as well. Came down a bit but still higher than it should have been. Doc wanted to put me on something else but in the end did some research and decided to try out Kyolic garlic caps. Well, what a difference! I know this made a difference, because I had been on the other drugs for some time and a few weeks on the Kyolic garlic caps I was certain. My BP hasn't been this low for over 2 years!!. Would like to hear from others their thoughts on this. Kyolic garlic caps are not drugs.
Use of Kyolic garlic caps for hyperte... - High Blood Pressu...
Use of Kyolic garlic caps for hypertension control

HI re kyolic garlic i ve heard of its benifits i take ordinary garlic or the natural plant type it is supposed to be very benificial but like yourself i am also on b p drugs it is hard to know is it the actual bp druds or the garlic that is more effective i was warned by the herbalist NOT TO GO OFF THE PRESCRIBED B P MEDS BY THE CARDIOLOGIST? what is the difference between kyolic and the plant type garlic thanks ed
I gave it a lot of time before I decided to try the Kyolic garlic caps. I stayed on both medications for ages with hardly a drop in BP readings. My Dr was going to put me on a third tab to try and reduce BP. So therefore, since I have been taking the Kyolic garlic caps, I firmly believe its the garlic that has helped, not the BP meds. I cannot for the life of me, feel that the BP meds would suddenly after all this time, show lower readings, when they hadn't before. I am still taking the Candesartan though. Kyloic garlic caps are aged garlic, and do not leave any aftertaste or smell. I did not want to reek of garlic, even though I like cooking with it.
Kyolic garlic caps are aged garlic concentrated. Leaves no after taste and you don't reek of garlic. I am usually skeptical of herbal stuff now and then so was pleasantly surprised to see that it worked. Considering the meds I were on didn't seem to be doing a good job of lowering my BP and then after taking the Kyolic garlic cap once per day after 3 weeks noticed a good lowering of BP. However, I haven't gone off Candesartan though.
Re herbal medicine and prescreption heart meds --- if you try magnesium capsules daily they are also very benefical in controlling b p also co q10 i take these almost daily but the cardio recomended stents for me 3 yrs ago -----ie before i went on herbal meds-------- as my bp soared to 220 -90 after a tia - mini stroke--- i am on three low dose bp drugs since it is now reading 120 --79 that is after daily excercise and some weight loss i did however negelect taking my bp meds which i was onone tab daily before i got the t i a that i why i would be afraid to atemt to go off the cardio prescribed meds a gain
I ended up in A&E with BP 250/115. I was vomiting and very dizzy and felt dreadful. Lucky I didn't have a stroke the ambulance ladies said. I do take magnesium now and then for other reasons but not all the time. I seem to have a bit of a reaction to the mag caps, like heartburn. I lost weight too but didn't affect my BP before I started taking the Kyolic caps.