Will we be on high risk list? - High Blood Pressu...

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Will we be on high risk list?

jan85uk profile image
24 Replies

Really worried.As i know you are to.

Please does anyone know if we will be in the high risk group?

kind regards

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jan85uk profile image
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24 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

We are a vulnerable group but not high risk. High risk is people with transplanted organs, long term chest problems, on chemotherapy now and suchlike. These will be asked to stay indoors.

No change to the advice for hypertensives, we are vulnerable so we don’t look after our grandchildren and we ask others to do our shopping for us. We go out for exercise as long as we keep six feet (two metres) from anyone else other than our immediate household.

Hope this helps. Take calming breaths.

Kaz60 profile image

I was wondering this too. Couldn't find anything on Gov.Uk but on British Heart Foundation. Gov it comes under high risk so really none the wiser. Wish the information was clearer.

springcross profile image

Good answer from Happyrosie jan. If you want to know anything else regarding the Covid-19 check out the Gov.UK website. x

Bluesrock profile image

Hi, yes we are but am not sure why to be honest. Anyone know?

jan85uk profile image

Due to medications.They surpress the immunesystem.This is what i have been told.

in reply to jan85uk

I had the promised letter this morning as I am high risk due to a compromised immune system AND a lung disease.

Other conditions considered are:

Solid organ transplant

People with specific cancers

People having active chemotherapy or radical radiotherapy for lung cancer

People with cancers of the blood or bone marrow such as Leukemia

People having immunotherapy or other targeted treatment for cancer

People with serious respiratory conditions such as COPD or Asthma

People taking immunosuppressants

Hope this helps.

Peteh55 profile image

Told by whom? I have seen all the sensationalist daily mail headlines re arbs and ace-i drugs but there is no scientific evidence to support them. I’ve also seen WHO stats showing hypertension put you at a 6% mortality risk but it was based on data from 28/2 which is a long time ago in this environment. I don’t believe anyone has the full information yet as to whether hypertension poses a statistically significant higher risk of serious complications and if so, what that risk is. It is however clear that other underlying conditions (which are well documented) do increase risk of complications significantly although even in these cases, given the correct medical support the bulk of people recover. The most important reason to take all steps to avoid this virus is not because you yourself are likely to fall seriously ill but to prevent the spread and the consequent catastrophic load on the NHS - and bear in mind many NHS workers may have underlying conditions. If that happens more people will die and the stats will reflect that - but they won’t reflect that many of those deaths could have been avoided had people acted responsibly (I’m referring to the imbecilic selfish behaviour we saw last weekend)

jan85uk profile image

thank you for your replys.Very helpful

lettingoffsteam profile image

Well my bp was volcanic before starting meds but my GP said nothing about others going shopping for me just to wash hands and to observe social distancing to the letter.I specifically asked as I wasn't sure if I was classified vulnerable.

Carr6 profile image

I have already posted this as a topic on here and to another member asking about this very valid concern,


I'm very scared because I read studies in online medical journals and in National Geographic which was reposted in an MSN article that said that in China and Italy the highest % of people who died with Coronavirus also had at least one pre-existing health condition and they found that high blood pressure was the number one health condition!

Web MD,Coronavirus And High Blood Pressure 76% Of People Who Died From It Had High Blood Pressure!


World Health Organization Says People With High Blood Pressure etc Develop More Serious Cases Of Coronavirus Than Other people who get it!



I was very scared until I read a more reassuring NPR article that said that if your young and healthy( they didn't say what is considered young,under 60,under 65,under 55?) and just have high blood pressure as 1 out of 3 Americans do,it's not that much of a risk factor,


But I just read a brand new study today by the Center For Disease Control from just yesterday reporting that 90% Of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Had At Least 1 Health Condition And High Blood Pressure Is # 1 With 49.7% Over Even Lung Disease ( and Coronavirus is a lung disease!),Diabetes And Heart Disease!


I just turned 55 on April first and I never had high blood pressure until a year and a half ago,so I'm really terrified of getting Coronavirus.I haven't been out of my apartment in a store since March 11.but I can't literally stay in until August.I'm on blood pressure medicine that keeps my blood pressure normal most of the time,but worrying about this isn't doing my blood pressure or health in general any good.

There are now 204 people with Coronavirus in my exact zip code and it has gone up every other or everyday I check there was only 14 cases in my zip code at the end of March!

In Louisiana the highest % of African Americans who died of Coronavirus who had high blood pressure is 66.4 %! And more African Americans are dying from the virus around the country.

I'm white but this % is another scary report of higher death rates of people who have high blood pressure above all other conditions including cancer,heart disease, diabetes and lung conditions and this is a respiratory virus that attacks and effects the lungs and often causes pneumonia, Italy and China also reported this and most of their population are not Black people.


Hypertension is most common pre-existing condition in Louisiana's coronavirus fatalities, state says Coronavirus


Hypertension is the most common pre-existing condition among Louisiana residents who have died because of the new coronavirus, according to new data from state health officials.

The information ...

If anyone can respond with some advice or even possible reassurance I really would appreciate it.

Thank You

Carr6 profile image

For some mysterious reason I never get the regular flu even though I have never gotten a flu vaccine, I haven't had the flu in over 40 years since I was a kid, I get very bad colds though every 2-3 years and I always get the same severe bad symptoms since I was a child, first a very painful sore throat,that before taking zinc lozenges right away as soon as the sore throat begins, used to last 4 days instead of 2. Even before it stuffs up my nose,I have no smell and then no taste of foods.

There are 100's of different but similar cold viruses,but I always get the same exact bad symptoms but I recently spoke with an immunologist at my city's health department who finally gave me an explanation that no doctor or nurse ever did,she said it's not the cold virus that is causing my bad symptoms but my immune system's response to the cold virus.

So you can imagine how badly my immune system would respond to this Coronavirus,and I read a CNN news article about why some younger people are dying from Coronavirus including some without any pre-existing medical conditions,and it said that they had a stronger reaction from their immune system because everybody's immune system is different.


Every single time with a common cold, when my sore throat goes away it goes to my nose and I get such a bad stuffed nose that even Sudafed doesn't help and then I can't sleep so my resistance is and stays low,and I can't get rid of the cold for about 2 and a 1/2 weeks.

I have always used hand sanitizers when out,and wash my hands and only bathe with anti-bacterial soaps,and never touch my face when out either but I still get them anyway. When I was 28 I had a stomach virus and the very good,very nice doctor said when I told her that I often wash my hands with anti-bacterial soap,she said this can help but sometimes the germs and viruses are in the air and you can't prevent from getting them.

The Coronavirus Can Live In The Freezer For 2 Years!


Coronavirus Lives For Hours In Air Particles And Days On Surfaces New Study Says!

This is what I have been so scared about all along,especially it living in the air for long periods of time!


NIH Study: Coronavirus may live on some surfaces for days

Researchers found the virus was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper and up to 24 hours on cardboard.

Carr6 profile image

World Health Organization Says more And More Young People Are Dying From The Coronavirus!


WHO says 'more and more' young people are dying from the coronavirus

World Health Organization officials cautioned Friday that more young people are becoming critically ill and dying from the coronavirus that's now spread to almost every country across the world.

25 Year Old Pharmacy Technician Died Of Coronavirus! 23 Year Old Had Bad Case Of It Too!


Coronavirus: 25-year-old's death a warning for young people - Los Angeles Times

The death of a 25-year-old California man from the coronavirus infection underscores what medical experts say is a key point: Even young adults can be vulnerable to the virus. While the older .

30 Year Old Healthy Elementary School Teacher Ben Luderer Died Suddenly Of Coronavirus!


Healthy 30-year-old teacher dies suddenly from coronavirus - CNN Video

Ben Luderer, a 30-year-old New Jersey teacher and coach, passed away only days after contracting coronavirus. Brandy Luderer, his wife, shares the heartbreaking details with CNN's Alisyn Camerota.

Interview With Wife Of A Healthy 39 Year Old Man Who Also Died Of Coronavirus


54 Year Old CBS News Journalist Maria Mercader Died Of Coronavirus


Maria Mercader, CBS journalist, dies at 54 of coronavirus - CNN

(CNN)CBS News producer and talent executive Maria Mercader died of Covid-19 in New York Sunday, CBS said. She was 54. Mercader worked at CBS for three decades, getting her start in the network's ...

56 Year Old Wall Street Executive Peg Broadbent Dies Of Corona Virus


Wall Street Executive Succumbs To Coronavirus Complications

Jefferies announced on Sunday the passing of Peregrine Broadbent, the investment bank’s long-serving chief financial officer, from complications linked to the coronavirus. Broadbent, known as

Carr6 profile image

There are now 220 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code!

Carr6 profile image

There are many members of the great health information site,MedHelp who are very scared about Coronavirus and are creating question/topics about it.


Carr6 profile image

I'm so afraid of getting this dangerous Coronavirus because as I already posted, I always get severe horrible symptoms with a common cold since I was a child, and that I recently spoke with an immunologist and when I told her that it's really strange that there are 200 hundred different types of cold viruses ,but I always get the same 2 horrible severe symptoms ,and it takes me 2 and 1/2 weeks to get rid of it,and 3 weeks until I'm totally myself again.

And she said what no nurse or doctor ever told me,that it's not the cold virus that's causing my horrible bad symptoms,it's my immune system's response to the cold virus, and I also had posted the CNN article about why some young people are dying from Coronavirus including those without any existing health conditions,and health experts said because their immune systems reacted very strongly to the virus,and everybody's immune system is different.

In addition to having high blood pressure, I have even more strong valid reasons to be so afraid of getting this dangerous Coronavirus. I just saw a TV news interview with my city's health commissioner and when he was asked when things could go back to normal and if we could have less social distancing,he said it's going to be a very long time,and that this Coronavirus isn't ever going to go away,it's always going to be here to some extent,and if we stop social distancing,( which he gave the members of my city just a B+ in their job of social distancing in the city) the virus will come roaring back and he said my city has been one of one's that has been hit the hardest.

was also asked if he could have imagined he'd be going through anything like this, and he said you know in public health we prepare for emergencies like this,all sorts of emergencies that kill a lot of people in a short period of time,but this is actually the worst one that has actually happened.

So I and many other people are going to have to live in fear for the rest of our lives especially those like me with high blood pressure!

Carr6 profile image

There are now 229 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code!

jan85uk profile image
jan85uk in reply to Carr6

i am in Portsmouth uk.There is currently 179 cases here.129 have died. its only been a month,since only 5 had sadly died.I to am very scared.not only for myself but also for the rest of my family.

jan85uk profile image
jan85uk in reply to jan85uk

that are in my postal code

Carr6 profile image

Recent Big Poll By Kaiser Family Foundation Finds Large % Of Americans Fearful,Depressed,Anxious,Sleeplessness Because Of Coronavirus


Carr6 profile image

There are now 261 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code!

Carr6 profile image

There are now 304 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code and I just read an article that experts are saying that the warm weather isn't going to reduce the spread and number of cases that much and I really can't stay in my apartment forever,I can't even do it till July,I need to buy things and I can't afford to keep ordering groceries and or take out food including the delivery charges and if I go into a store it's very likely I will catch this dangerous horrible Coronavirus since there are over 300 cases in my exact zip code,and it increases every day.

What I was hoping for was that members would validate and empathathize that I do have great valid reasons to be so afraid of getting Coronavirus.

Carr6 profile image

There are now 336 Coronavirus cases in my exact zip code!

jan85uk profile image
jan85uk in reply to Carr6


Hope you are ok.Feeling a little confused right now.As im now seeing more traffic and people outside.I almost feel im crazy for staying in.But as ive been in for 7 weeks i feel whats a few more.Its hard but im trying to keep to a routine of excercise.Ordering food supplys.Once 1 is delivered re ordering straight away.somwtimes theres up to 2 week slot.This why im orsering almost straight away.

getting into routine of my new way of life.Antebacing after 1 week.unless its freezer or refrigeratored food which i do straight away.Must admit i feel so excited when food turns up.Very grateful.A prisoner in my home.I am currently reading up and you mtubing garden veg growing.Hope to hear about your activitys.And how your passing time.

jan85uk profile image

😞sad times.Its 03.11 am here.Cant sleep.Stay save.Stay well.

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