Hi everyone, so pleased I've found this forum, it's been an awful feeling to find out I have high and sometimes surging bp. Does anyone know of where to find information on how others might have made significant improvements from lifestyle change instead of medication.
Can lifestyle change work?: Hi everyone... - High Blood Pressu...
Can lifestyle change work?

Following the replies am interested too!
What is your BP and what do you mean by surging?
re lifestyle Hi if you go back in old posts ----- alternative to bp meds ---- other posts including my self have written about natural herbal remedies ------ includin magnesium co q10 ed
You might want to evaluate your diet. Of course lowering salt and reducing red meat consumption are the biggies, but also limiting sugar and upping your fruit and veggie consumption. Apparently the potassium in fruits and veggies can help regulate bp. Here's a good article. articles.mercola.com/sites/...
Yes, I think you can turn high BP around with lifestyle changes but you have to be very strong willed and committed!
Have you considered working with a Health Coach?