Information needed. Have high blood pressure and find I break in hives to all types. Any advice. The best on is an arb with only one hundred hives. Anybody else. Tried ace and channel blocker. Help
Help with high blood pressure and hives - High Blood Pressu...
Help with high blood pressure and hives

Hi Fordcar. That's a tricky one, breaking out in hives to all the meds for BP. Have you discussed this with your GP/doc?
No one can give me any answers. Wondering if anyone out there had same problem
That really is a worry isn't it. I know we shouldn't look to Google for answers but have you tried? Better still, can you ask your GP/doc to refer you to a Hypertension Centre (if you have one in your area)? Someone must be able to help you. Can I ask whether you are in the UK or the USA? If you are in the UK, you could ring the (British Heart Foundation) and ask advice from them, they do have a helpline. If you go into their main page and scroll down, over on the right hand side there is a section under related links and also from the menu at the bottom, you can see if there is a BHF near you. Good luck and please let us know how you get on. x
Yes recently I have. Switched from Candesartan Cilexital 16 mgs to Losartan Postassium 50mgs by specialist. The Losartan did the trick by bringing down my BP BUT gave me itching and hives.
I had problems with this but since I started with two meds they couldn't tell.which one was causing it.Anyway in time they subsided.Mind you I had a bout of cellulitis on the leg that was worst affected.Definitely not fun.
How long did it take for hives to subside may I ask
It was pretty bad for at least three months and even after it subsided it still itched a bit for another couple of months.The strange thing is that it only affected one leg so they didn't believe it was hives but I've read of cases like mine on drug side effect sites.As I say since I was taking two they were unsure which one to change and to be honest they wanted me to stay on the ones I was on.I used Eurax cream, which really helped, for months and it gradually went.Not great though.😒