Hi tgere i dont ask many questions but i am a keen reader of the posts daily .... I have currently got copd, emphysema asthma and bronchietasis..ive also recently been diagnosed with sleep apnoea..fibromyalgia..and cfs/me .also many more illnesess... thyroid b12 acid reflux etc etc .....well ive not been on holiday for 10 years and it was my 40th bday so i want to go abroad ..can anyone recommend a good travel insurance please ??? And thank you for taking time to read it
Can anyone recommend a good travel in... - Lung Conditions C...
Can anyone recommend a good travel insurance company ??????? 1st time abroad but have many health problems .....

Clearly you'll need pre existing medical conditions... and declare you haven't been warned off flying by yr Dr.
I have a couple of your conditions and went through money supermarket to search the market:
Got a good quotes but dont know about claims 'cos I didn't need to.
Used Insure & Go (for Cyprus) before and Just Travel Insurance last time, Egypt, in March.
Good luck with the forms... prepare to be frustrated.
Best wishes
'All clear' mspecialise in health travel insurance and are very good
H.S.B.C. were reassuring, most helpful and paid out an awful lot of money in hospital fees when I was taken ill abroad. Their service was absolutely first class. They are not the cheapest but do remember that cheapest is not always best when insurance is involved.
If going to Europe also make sure you have your EHIC card.
The prices fluctuate all the time, for years we used Holiday Extras pre existing medical insurance as it was good value, then for no reason (no change in condition etc.) the price rose dramatically. Don't forget that you will need a fit to fly certificate from your doctor, if you became ill overseas your insurance may not pay out if you did not have this certificate.
I have used freedom travel for the last 5 years. If you have had a hospital admittance in the last year it will cost more but yearly I try a number of companies and end up back with freedom. I am 51 with severe copd, bronchiectasis etc etc! Give it a go and happy holidays
If your going in the EU using your EHIC card and Swiss assist which costs 60 euros a year and will bring you back home for treatment is an alternative option. If your out of EU then this is obviously no good.
Have a great hol!
Avanti Travel Insurance - 0800 222 9141
I've used then twice now and find them very good
Hi Zoe 118, I am using Allclear this year for annual insurance , have several illnesses and age factor against me. But their quote was reasonable for Europe. If you are only travelling once, a one trip might be cheaper. Last year I was with AXA and I have been with insureandgo in the past and several of the others mentioned. Shop around is the best advice and don't let refusals put you off underwriters vary on what illnesses they will or will not accept. Good luck and enjoy your birthday trip and many more to come x
this is hard to get as i have copd plus more they will not cover you for what you have so the price will go up i did the post office insurance and s a g a then found out as i bank with nationwide i got it for free but remember it it is for what is not wrong with you .plus as you have copd you must have a flight test to see if you can fly ask your doctor for a fit to fly test .i had on 5 years ago and each year since and the ancer was not fit to fly . so now i do a cruise each year and it is the best holidays i have had and the best one to go with is P&0 thy will look after you .
BLF recommend Unique as good for lung insurance. Worth a try.
Travel insurance I have found a nightmare now. When I only had a few problems it was not that bad but now it has priced me out of going aboard. Once I declare all of the conditions. It seemed the PH was the one that closed my options down the most. I would go to Google and search "Pre Existing illness travel insurance." that way you will miss all those that just want an easy fix. Be careful of those that appear cheap to find that they have a huge excess per treatment!
Be Well
Hi there thank u for your reply .....god its so frustrating i only want to go to spain lol !!!!!!!! Ive had so many quotes and so many declines its stupid...i didnt no i needed a fit to fly certificate as i have moderate emphysema and bronchiectasis.........asthma .....did have the tb germ that lived on lung but all clear on that now ......i get so breathless just by bending down ......people without our conditions just dont understand what our quality of life is like as they cant see our lungs ........zoe
Have to agree with Bilko952 when he recommends Avanti . Four years ago my husband was diagnosed with IPH , an extremely rare lung condition, at the age of 70 . The biopsy procedure went horribly wrong & he was in hospital for five weeks- most of it in ICU & not expected to live initially but he has made a fantastic recovery . As our son lives in America we didn't think we would ever be able to visit again but Avanti were great ( hardly any other company would consider him unless we remortgaged the house!!!!) but Avanti were great - can't recommend them highly enough . Have a lovely holiday where ever you decide to go .

Hello there thank u for replying great news that your husband pulled through and great news that you could also see your sun again ......thank u so much for replying ill b sure to try them
I use Tesco they have been very good in the past I booked a holiday to Kenya and the holiday company wanted 3 times more insurance because of COPD the last time I went away I went on the compare website and Tesco came up the best. Hope you have a great time
Hi ,I used to have travel insurance with STAY SURE ,they cover existing illness,
I had/have emphasyma,asthma,Bronchietis ,under active thyroid ,and Osteoparosis 'yes you have to pay a bit more to cover for these illnesses but best to be sure your covered ,,,,,just ,,,,in ,,,case,
Have a great holiday ,
I always used AXA. paying extra for pre-existing health issues, emphysema and bronchiectasis. Had a 2 week stay in private hospital whilst on holiday in Spain. They were great paid for everything and even advised me of all to claim for. However they would not insure Mr the following year. I am now with Staysure. Hope this helps barnowl
I've never been asked for a 'fit to fly' certificate by the insurers I've used and I declare my copd. I then get asked if I can walk 200 metres on the flat without getting sob. I put Y, (true) that's it. They ask if your doctor has told you not to fly, but never been asked for certificate in the 5 years I've been diagnosed- 8 times been abroad (Europe inc Egypt) all covered by Med Cond ins..
Also have heart cond, hi BP, Cholesterol, and a couple of other things.
Maybe if you cant do the 200 metre thing?
PS I've noticed that if your meds have changed in the last 6 months the quote shoots up. Or recent diagnosis. They like 'stable'.
I used Medical Travel Compared, they came up lots of reasonably priced quotes, they were much better than MoneySupermarket or Comparethe market
I was given a very good quote from stay sure, they ask for all illnesses, then all medication and gave me a excellent result.
It is worth a good search, because it's no good anyone saying so& so was better than money supermarket (or whatever) because, whilst indeed it may be, it will depend on your conditions and where you are going AND will vary by company.
I tried Medical travel, too and its results were pricier than my Moneysupermarket result - Theirs was £59.95, Just Travel (through MS) were £34.15, but as I said, it could be different for you.
Give them a try the ex had motor insurance through them and it was cheaper than anybody else
I used Unique - for sarcoidosis and bronchiectasis. I went to New York for a fortnight and it cost around £160. I thought that was decent value but I might be wrong. I think the issue with any travel insurance is unplanned hospital stays within the last couple of years - that seems to bump up the price.