My OH ( John) is 16 days post op CABG X2 ( he had been listed for 4 but CT Surgeon said he only needed 2) . We had a couple of scares in hosp ( remained intubated and sedated 12hrs longer than norma due to abnormal blood gases ++potassium); and when he got home., you may recall I came on here asking for advice as his skin was a yellow tinge, and he was gasping for breath. He had low Hb and the GP prescribed ferrous sulphate which has helped him 100% and the breathing is now ok.
He's doing really well and we went out today for a stroll - his first mile !!
He's built his strength up - I've gave him lots of healthy meals, salads, fish and veg etc. he's fine everything according to the book. Chest wound healing well, his well being is good - the only thing is a bit of numbness in his right thigh ( the SVG was harvested from his left thigh so not the leg he expected to have an issue with). He's still got a long way to go to full recovery but we feel the future is looking far more positive. Cardiac Rehab booked for mid April.
I just wanted to thank you all for the wonderful support you gave me and the reassurance you gave to John.
It's a brilliant site and hopefully we can give some support to others one day.