hi had stent fitted 4months ago just latley been getting a warm sensation left side of chest feel good in myself just a little bit worried cheers
Mick the brick warm sensation in chest - British Heart Fou...
Mick the brick warm sensation in chest

Hello Mate
Interesting post. I had 2 stents fitted 6 1/2 years ago now and i have had various "odd" feelings ever since, along with other bodily changes. Used to get quite a few headaches before the stents, now don't but also had some very strange feelings straight after, pins and needles in hands/arms, random short lived (few seconds) chest pains, odd feelings that seem like shortness of breath but I am actually definitely not as running to decent standard. Some of there took years to go away but still occasionally surface. Otherwise I am absolutely fine - I can remember one of the medic's telling me that the heart "doesn't like being messed about with". Think most of them are probably down to medication although I am on minimum. I would try and just ignore it and crack on, you have basically just had a gold star "MOT" and a repair job, so you are very likely in a great place to take advantage of the kick up the bum to maybe adopt a few lifestyle and make the most of things.
Cheers m8 yes I am a worrier but getting better everyday just a massive change to life I have lost nearly 2 stone don’t have sugar go for walks eat good I know it’s probably me overthinking every thing but cheers for your reply m8
Just keep up the walks they are the best way to exercise especially now weather is picking up. Just take it steady go a bit further bit quicker bit by bit, take phone and GTN spray plus I always take a couple of aspirins just in case, I always have never needed them. Started off walking now I'm fell running, just keep going, lose the weight and don't eat sh1t, Mediterranean diet is best. Try not to worry you could have been in a much worse place good luck.
Yes not up to running yet hopefully not too long though I don’t want to lose any more weight though still have the odd flutters now and again got my cholesterol down from 5.9 too under 2.5 have a few treats on weekends couple of beers and eat what I want on weekends only in moderation but still got many doubts in my head that keep awake at night because you feel everything when you lying still.
Hi Mick,I had 3 stents fitted 6 months ago, one in each artery supplying blood to my heart. Prior to this I never had any thoughts about my heart health. I am a worrier too and get easily stressed out so my heart attack last September floored me mentally and made me look at how I was living both physically and mentally and how this had changed me for the worse.
I've done the physical rehab and now walk/jog regularly, also lost 2 stone and got my cholesterol from 5.7 to under 2, eat more veg and fruit, don't eat sh*te and also very importantly for me I work on lowering my stress (which I blame mostly on work/shifts that lead to bad sleep/diet/stress).
I hate taking all these tablets daily and I think me changing diet and exercise should negate me taking this medication...but the GP won't tell you this as they've got to cover their a*se but I'm working on changing their mind!
Like stentsandrun said, we got a massive wake up call to change our lifestyle and have had the MOT some others don't have the chance to get. Our brains go into hyper monitoring mode, worse at night wondering if I'll wake up in the morning!, and we notice/feel every little change/twinge and overreact. So just keep the changes you've made going forward, try not to overthink! and you'll be fine. All the best mate!