was on Losartan for high bp. No problems but be still too high on max dose. Gap changed to Amlodopine which brought bp down but by end of day ankles and feet are swollen. Any suggestions?
anyone experience oedema in feet and ... - British Heart Fou...
anyone experience oedema in feet and ankles taking amlodopine fo raised bp?

Hi Bagadash, I was put on Amlodipine for high blood pressure but within a few days my feet and ankles became very swollen and uncomfortable. If I wore socks, they would cut into my legs! I managed to get changed over to Losartan, 25mg at first but did nothing, then 50mg - ditto so am now taking 75mg but my bp is still, too high most days! I have submitted a week’s worth of readings to the surgery today, so it will be interesting to see if, and when they have anything to say to me! Don’t get me started on Statins and all the various side effects!! Grrrrr……
Very common side effect. Depending on the severity, you could reduce the dosage or find a substitute such as an ace inhibitor. It can also be sometimes managed if you do a little research. In any event, best to get your on board.
I used to take perindopril but developed a really bad cough although it sorted my high BP. I moved onto Losartan 25mg but that did not reduce my BP enough so my GP added in 5mg of amlodipine. Unfortunately, although it dropped my BP considerably I got the oedema so I reduced the dose by half. This seems to be working. I don't have the swelling but my BP is at an acceptable level and the GP is happy. I think sometimes we have to try to work out for ourselves what works for us so currently I take losartan and a small dose of amlodipine. Good luck in sorting your meds out.
First thing the AF nurse did at the clinic was take me off Amlodipine.because of my swollen legs and ankles .. She said she wished GPs wouldn't prescribe it and they always take patients off it. I have been taking Ramipril for long time she said to keep taking it plus I was put on Flecainide and Apixaban. This was in 2021. After my stay in hospital in January now on Atorvastatin as they found slight furring in my right artery . Had no side effects from any of the tablets I am on .
I do get water retention in a phase at the moment but can't take water tablets as my sodium is low and has been for years. And water tablets can lower it further. So just drink more water instead of tea and it goes . But drives me mad as I can put on 4-6 lb a day . When it starts to go have to pee every hour night and day . But am used to it . Just part of my weirdness 😂
I was on amlodipine for years when I suddenly developed swelling in one leg only (confused everyone?).
GP took me off it. There are plenty of other options, so go see your GP.
Same happened to me GP changed it to Felodipine which has been OK for me.
Hi I have been on Amlodipine for 2 years now. At first I had swollen ankles and feet. I started 15-20 mins walk each day and it has gone except for very hot days, which are few and far between. But I was offered to change the medication but I waited to see what happen after more exercise. Also make sure you are drinking enough water. Good Luck
I would go and speak to your Dr with a view to getting it changed, be very careful with this drug as it gave my husband cellulitis and his leg has never been the same. I know we all react differently but if you have these side affects now it could get worse.
I was on Amlodipine awful drug. It gave me bad side effects, especially anxiety, which is a rare side effect and it made my eye sight worse. Optician said it could be what caused my near eyesight to worsen. It was only 4 months after I’d had my eyes tested before. I would never take it again.Didn’t get swelling like you have though.
Oedema is probably the most common side-effect experienced by those prescribed amlodipine. Report this symptom to your GP who will prescribe an alternative.
I have taken Amlodipine for about 23 years. I started on 5mg tablets, and about 10 years ago, this was raised to 10mg. My blood pressure began to rise during Covid, and I was put additionally on Ramipril 10mg capsules. After starting on Ramipril, my swollen feet and ankles quickly returned to normal, and now, 4 years later, my ankles and feet remain normal with no signs of swelling throughout that time. I have no explanation for this.
I was on Amlodipine 10mg/daily but had slightly swollen ankles. My nephro didn't like that so took me off and my BP went up (I am also on Valsartan, Metoprolol and Furosemide). So my primary care doctor put me back on Amlodipine 5mg which caused by BP to go to normal. She said that 5mg is just as effective as 10mg. For some reason Amlodipine for me is the secret sauce that ties everything together.
I had some swelling of the ankles on amlodipine, and declined to change. After 6 months I decided I couldn't put up with it and the practice pharmacist gave me a related drug and within a week my legs had swelled up. I was changed to indapamide modified-release by the doctor, which he described as a "mild diuretic". I have been happy with this for the past year, (although I often have to get up in the night) as my bp has been very well controlled.
Yes my left ankle. A normal side effect. It seems to have worn off. It’s been 4 years and all appears OK at the moment
Hi Bagadash,
I am on losartan and was given amlodipine 10mg to help stabilise BP, same thing, ankles swelled, couldnt get shoes on. Taken off it and given various other meds, Spironolactone, Bendroflumethiazide, Indapamide, all with different side effects including BP too low, potassium levels too low. Tried on lower dose of Amlodipine 5mg but same problem. Now only on the losartan 75mg and bp is pretty well managed.
Hope the info helps