Hello All, I am currently taking statins (Atorvastatin 20 mg) as recommended three months ago by my GP. I was very reluctant to start them, especially after reading about the various side effects. I am also taking Losartan 50 mg for raised blood pressure. Unfortunately, these do not seem to helping as my readings are still very high! I was originally prescribed Amlodipine but these caused my feet and ankles to swell. I had blood taken yesterday, which I believe was to check my liver and kidney function.
I recently read an article about Magnesium Taurate and how it may help lower blood pressure, plus various other health benefits. Does anyone know anything about this particular form of Magnesium, as I know there are several different sorts. I am suffering badly with a very painful left leg and knee, which may be due to the statins (?) or sciatica which I have had on and off for many years. I just hope it is not my hip as I really do not want to have a replacement. I also suffer with cramps and restless legs, so wondering if the Magnesium might help this also. I think I am going to stop taking the statins for a few weeks to see if the leg pain and sore muscles improve. I would wait before trying Magnesium. I do not have much faith in my GP - when I mentioned my aching legs and muscles, he just dismissed it! I find the local Pharmacist is more helpful.
Thank you in advance for any helpful information or advice x
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please don’t stop medication without talking it over with a health professional. And, it might not be a good idea to take supplements without a discussion. Your doctor’s group of surgeries probably employs a couple of pharmacists so a chat with one of them could be beneficial. They can see your records.
Thank you for your prompt reply. I know that I should consult a health professional first, but I am fed up with all the aches and pains which seemed to have started once I began the statins!
There are are other statins to try and they might not give you the same effects. And if you are statin intolerant because of side effects there is other medication to try. It is surely worth a discussion with your health professional to talk things through rather than increase your heart health risk by stopping the statin and relying on a supplement which is unlikely to be as effective as medication, and might not do anything at all.
Thank you for your reply. I will try to get an appointment at my surgery, but the useless online booking system causes me stress - which doesn’t help my bp!
I too was reluctant to take statins but I recently gave in and am on Avorstatin 10 mg every other day, and I don't have any pain. Maybe you can ask your doctor to adjust the dosage, but don't stop without talking to him first. I'm also taking Magnesium Taurate, but I don't have high BP. All the best.
I am the same age as you and take all the medications you take. I have read about the benefits of magnesium but I am unsure about it. I also have a painful leg and swollen ankles but I don’t really know what’s causing this.
I recently had a very bad fall on ice that has really knocked my body about. I do my own blood tests at home and have reached over 200/90 but it has reduced now to 180/80.
The point I am making is many things can cause high BP and how are we mere mortals be expected to analyse and take corrective action?
We are not given enough information and getting a Doctors appointment is very difficult. Can I ask you how high your BP is?
Hello, Thank you for your reply. I am glad you understand my predicament! Trying to get through to my surgery is almost impossible plus their online booking system is useless - even the staff admit it! Although I have a bp monitor at home, yesterday I asked the local pharmacist if he could also check it for me. First reading (left arm) 175/98, right arm was 160/100. He waited about ten minutes then tested me again. Left arm was 161/97, right arm was 156/100, slightly better. My average readings at home are around 145/90. I have recently sent five days’ readings to the surgery, as requested, so if they don’t lose them like they did the last time, I will be interested to see if they recommend another change of bp tablets!
180/80 never mind 200/90 is far too high on the systolic number for you not to see a GP urgently. Are you sure your BP monitor is reading correctly. I would get it checked in my Pharmacy to see if its really that high.
If you are taking required medications for blood pressure you need to check with a professional and look at your medical history and personal symptoms before you start taking higher dose supplements,Although Magnesium can reduce blood pressure and help with aches and pains , if you are already taking essential blood pressure medications taking the supplements and medication can cause you to have very low blood pressure dips or low heart rate ( bradycardia ), particularly at night, which causes it's own risks and symptoms.
If you have kidney , bladder or bowel health issues Magnesium may also not be suitable. High dose Magnesium can reduce your salt balance of Sodium and Potassium and if you already follow a recommended diet lower in these it can increase your risk of symptoms from low levels including arrhythmias, dizziness , changes in balance and thinking skills if your salt balance is affected too much.
Magnesium supplements, although capable of reducing blood pressure , will not give the consistent results you need daily to maintain normal BP on its own for people whom have BP and other cardiovascular problems.
You still require the prescribed medication to do that and reduce other health risks,
You are still going through a period of trial and error in relation to your medication. Some people take longer to find the right doses and medications for them and their individual tolerances. It's frustrating and the side effects can be tiring but you can do things to reduce the side effects and you need to weight up the benefits to your health in comparison to the risks of not taking them.
You can choose to use lotions or creams with Magnesium at night without it affecting your blood Magnesium level if you have aches and pains or night time pain symptoms.
BetterYou , is a company which creates both lotion and a stronger body butter which are good to massage into your legs and joints at night.
There products have been university tested and they tell you the amount of Mg of Magnesium you will approximately absorb with an application,
I do notice that you are taking Atorvastatin as your statin option.
Many people find that this is the Statin that causes more side effects than others,
Changing your statin and getting a lower dose may help with your aches and side effects .
Rosuvastatin ( Crestor) is a Statin that many people swap to and recommend as having less side effects ( me included) .
You can have doses of 5-10 mg on this with the same level of protection.
You can ask your GP to make this change for you to see if it helps to reduce your pain.
It can take 6-8 weeks on a new medication before the mild or moderate side effects reduce.
Taking medications can change your stomach acid , especially if you take things like Omeprazole, Antacids , Steroids , Statins and various medications required for pain or nerve conditions .
This then affects how well you absorb certain nutrients like Vitamin B 12 and Folate , and in turn this can cause a lot of the symptoms people associate with statins like pain and fatigue , muscle aches and exercise intolerance.
Increasing Vitamin B12 , Folate , Vitamin D and Magnesium in your diet and increasing your fluid intake to the daily recommended levels can also help reduce side effects and improve your activity tolerance and blood pressure.
You should get blood tests to check if you require supplements for these before using supplements,and using active forms of the nutrients in sprays or sublingual tablets are usually better for absorption if you are tested insufficient or deficient.
You can request basic blood tests for these from the GP if you have a health condition which requires medication and may affect your absorption of nutrients,
If your current Blood Pressure medication still isn't improving your BP and you've made lifestyle and activity changes to reduce your symptoms already , you may require a higher dose to get the normal BP results you need. Dose on BP medication is often a matter of trial and error.
Or you can discuss with your GP trying another BP medication or combination if your current one isn't working despite changes in the timing or dose .
If you do eventually choose to try Magnesium use active forms without citrate or oxylate, use smaller doses at first with food. Make sure that there is at least four hours between the dose of your essential medication and your magnesium to reduce the risk of hypotension , low heart rate, lightheadedness etc.
If you have lower night time BP or heart rate you shouldn't take oral Magnesium after 6 pm to reduce the risk of night time hypotension or bradycardia.
Thank you so much for your very detailed and helpful reply. You have raised many interesting points. I know I should see a GP before stopping my medication and/or trying any supplements, but it is proving so very difficult to get an appointment at my surgery, which then causes me even more stress!
Hi there. You have a lot of good advice on here...My advice is go Down to your local doctors and see them face to face. Say you need a urgent appointment because your blood pressure is really high still even though you are taking bp medication 💊 at the same time tell them that you are having painful legs because of the cholesterol medication you are taking, tell them you want to swop your Cholesterol medication 💊 to a different make, iam on the same medication as you, since taking it my right leg.has been hurting
Hello jayjay, Thanks for your reply. If I do go into the surgery, I am told at Reception to use the online booking system! They won’t even make appointments over the phone! It’s pretty disgusting! When I did manage to get a telephone appointment regarding my bp, I told the locum doctor (!!) about my painful legs and could it be caused by the statins, but he just dismissed it, told me how important it was to continue with the statins! He also told me “try not to get stressed”. Is it any wonder I am fed up and looking to try alternatives? Sorry you are also suffering with your painful leg x
Sorry to hear you are suffering with so much pain. My suggestion, which goes against the suggestions of bleary eyed above, is to try a small amount of magnesium. Say 200mgs twice a day. That is considered the recommended daily amount anyway. It's worked wonders for me, but this is only a suggestion. I use the cheap Magnesium Oxide, but some people have the money to buy more expensive types like Taurate, etc. It's your body and you need to use your intuition and meditation to figure out a plan that is right for you. Sanjay Gupta, a cardiologist from York, has some good videos on YouTube. Don't be afraid to try something new. The worst case scenario you'll learn from your mistakes. Take care and stay well! Peace my friend!
I am in permanent AF controlled with amlodipine and Bisoprolol My blood pressure is very well controlled .I’ve never had a problem with magnesium recommended by York cardiologist with AF
Hello and thank you for your reply. I’m glad you understand my situation! I felt quite healthy (for my age) before I started all these wretched pills. I just used to take a multi vitamin and mineral tablet each day, but then read you shouldn’t take minerals with statins, so I stopped. My quality of life has definitely declined over the past few months, since all these pills, I wonder if I was better not knowing about my high bp and cholesterol!! I will have a look on YouTube, as recommended. x
Hi Rainyday2024. Totally agree with your thoughts here! No one needs any added guff and stress with doctors trying to get appointments or even just information. Here in the states it gets frustrating too. I still take my daily vitamin and take my Magnesium glycinate (just 1 capsule) at night.
Hello gbn_, Thank you for your reply. It was great to know that my message had reached the states! Whereabouts are you? I live in the U.K., a town called Rugby - where they “invented” the game. I also had a reply from a reader in Spain. This is a great forum, so many friendly, helpful people out there. Take care x
Hi Rainyday. I live in Pennsylvania, town is Reading, about 65 miles west of Philadelphia. Yes, these forums are great, lots of other knowledge out there, people are kind and ready to help if possible. Interesting with different perspectives.
You talk about discussing things with your gp. That's the point. Many, maybe most of us are unable to do that because the system is skewed against us. That's why people ask these questions. Personally I use the Internet of Things to find stuff out, but not everyone can do that.
Hello MoretonCross, I totally agree with you - They seem to be making it as difficult as can be to get an appointment, so it’s no wonder we are looking for alternatives!
I completely understand I get the same problem myself.When I struggle to get through and keep being told I either tell the receptionist why I need an appointment and ask for a call back from the GP , or for them to give my message to them and ask them to call me back with an answer.
If I need to sort out blood tests I'll often call tell the receptionist I need to speak to the GP to organise some blood tests and tell them the list, they then ring back and either say the GP has sorted out a blood panel form for me or the GP rings and asks for more details over the phone and then organises it.
When I've really struggled to get a non urgent appointment, I begun writing a letter with my GPs name on it (although most letters going to a surgery are just read that day by whichever GP is in). I've explained my problem in the letter with all of my questions and that I have not been able to arrange an appointment. I request either a phone appointment or face to face , or even for them to send me a message by email and for them to organise for me to see the nurse or just come in for bloods. I've usually received a message or a phone call to come in from the GP within 48 hours.
One good thing to do is to ring the surgery and ask to speak to the Practice Manager on a day when you aren't just trying to get an appointment. Tell them the difficulty you are having getting a normal appointment to get your medications and heart condition check ups . Ask them which specific day and time of day that they open the book for non urgent appointments so you can ring then to arrange one. If you need an appointment as well ask if there are any appointments in the book at the moment.
If they are not helpful , you've got to the point when you need to politely but firmly say that you've tried everything you could to try and get an appointment without making a complaint, but if they cannot help you , you're sorry but you will have no choice but to put in a complaint to the local Integrated Health Board ( ICB) about the surgery about the fact that you cannot get access to the Primary Care you should receive with your heart issues and it is causing you more symptoms and stress.
The ICB is the independent complaint board that all patients have the right to contact and any complaints about your surgery are properly assessed and it goes onto their performance records.....so they don't like people making these complaints and will usually sort out whatever they can to help you .
It is helpful to look up general tips and talk to people on the internet like we do here, but because we are all individual and may be on medications , we can't just try things, especially supplements or herbal medications that we look that could make us feel worse rather than better. We can't just try stuff out and see like people whom are generally healthy in many cases because we can get much worse side effects that people with out health problems or people whom are not on the same medications we take for them same condition we have may not. It's hard I know , I do have to go through the same experience as everyone else to get appointments.
I've taken magnesium for many years. either Taurate or glycinate one capsule a day and I don't believe they interact with any medication.
I also take aoravaststin 80mg among many other pills.
While my cardiologist says magnesium doesn't help, my anesthetist told me he took it regularly also you can see sanja gupta talk about magnesium on his you tube channel york cardiology.
Doctors are not always right magnesium has many benefits they won't harm you
Hello, sorry to hear you’re suffering. It’s frustrating and worrying and as you say not good for your blood pressure. In my experience, not many physicians know much about how to help without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs. Sanjay Gupta is a rare exception. I take magnesium daily. I don’t know taurate but take glycinate, oxide is not a good one. Another supplement to take is CoQ10 when taking statins as this gets depleted when on a statin. Diet can help with blood pressure too. How’s your diet and salt intake? Vitamin D should always be taken with vitamin K2 to deposit the calcium in the bone and not the blood vessels. I wish you well. My best wishes to you.
Hello Bahamasgirl, Thank you for your reply. I feel that many gp’s dish out these pills as a matter or course - and to shut us up and get us out of the surgery. Cynical or what? I shall definitely be looking at Sanjay Gupta’s YouTube post. x
May I ask what your pulse (heart rate) is usually.l?
You might like to try reading “A statin free life” by Dr Aseem Malhotra whilst you wait for a doctors appointment😉. I take magnesium citrate. I do not take a statin.
Absolutely excellent advice!!! Everybody should read Dr Aseem Malhotra's book, "A Statin Free Life", available on Kindle or to buy from Amazon. Since being pretty much crippled accompanied by memory loss courtesy of atorvastatin, then suffering head pains and aching legs because of restuvastatin (sp?), I have taken his published professional advice very much to heart. Pun intended. "Free at last, free at last", as someone once said...
Hi Rockcake, Thanks for your reply. My average pulse (heart rate) is around the mid 60s, which I think is ok. At least, I hope so! When I took my bp this morning, the first two were 145/90 the third was 129/88! Thought that’s too good to be true, took it again - 129/89, pulse 64. I have become a boring old fart these days, preoccupied with my health! x
Thank you for your reply Rainyday. 64 heart rate sounds good to me. Mine hovers around there, and jumps really high when I have an episode whilst my b/p goes too low at the same time. By the way, you don’t sound like a boring old fart to me 😂!
I have taken magnesium several times (mainly for joint pain as I have fibromyalgia). I sought the advice of the chap in the health food shop where I bought - he is very well versed on contraindications with other drugs etc. I had no problems whilst I took it but have to say it didn't really seem to do very much good either. Good luck
Hello, Thank you for your reply. I often find Pharmacists and Health Store people are very helpful - and they usually have time to talk to you which is more than can be said for most doctors these days, unfortunately x
I am so sorry what you had to go through. It's better to consult with you Gp to see if he can suggest alternative statin, I have no experience with Magnesium taurate but why not try taking tonic water which has quinine in very small dose. It may not do any good but it will do no harm. None of the medication you are taking for high BP is responsible for your symptoms because I take them and very important to have your blood pressure under control, What was the result of recent blood test? Regards.
Hello, Thank you for your reply. I have heard that the quinine in tonic water can be helpful and it is a refreshing drink, trouble is I prefer mine laced with gin! I sent in about five days’ bp readings to the surgery as requested, not heard anything from them yet. They managed to lose my last set of readings! With regards my blood test, that was only done yesterday, so no results yet.
The majority of tonic waters these days either don't include quinine in the ingredients or the amount in it is so small that it gives you no significant amount . Tonic waters today aren't like the ones they had 40 years ago when doctors sometimes suggested drinking small amounts to people with heart problems, I can remember my Dad was recommended it back then , but drinking tonic water now is pointless unless you like it.
You are called Rainy day and I wonder if your problems revolve around the realties that we have numerous "Rainy Days" and as a result our Relative Humidity in Britain is often very high, especially the last 3 months as winter set in.
High humidity is a known irritant of joints and other aches and pains. Have you checked your own home for RH using a cheap hygrometer?
Today our bedroom is 70%. Outdoors it is around 95% as yet more rain threatens. We have just come back from Austria. Being in the centre of the continent it is often much drier and flats are warmer. Generally the apartment we were staying in was 44%RH and outdoors generally around 60%. my wife who suffers badly with her joints had no problems until we returned home.
Of course it could be the statins but High RH (which can be dealt with by a dehumidifier) might well be your culprit, especially during the winter. Using a simple knee bandage may help substantially as well
Yes, I agree with you. There are many anecdotes and not coinicidences that travelling to Spain makes all the niggly, irritating, frustating joint pains got much better and they all returns with vengeance when got back to U.K. Last few days weather has been nasty paricularly with the rains and high humidity. Hopefully with planting the dehumidifier device at home,you will feel better. Regards and thanks for sharing.
Hello devonian186, Thank you for your very interesting reply. Although I don’t mind the cold weather too much, I definitely don’t like all the rain, especially if it is aggravating my legs! Roll on summer! Do you currently live in Devon? If so, whereabouts? My partner was born and bred in Devon!
I am on the edge of Torquay. Outside the RH is 95% with rain just starting. Indoors its 62%. These high levels affect my breathing and my wife's arthritis. Both were much better in drier Austria where apartments and shops are much warmer.
As was suggested above Spain might be a good place to alleviate problems but I don't like too much heat.
Devon is very hilly and I often think that people with heart problems are going to know about them much sooner than someone living in somewhere like flat Cambridgeshire!
Hi, mine are 1720mg (2 capsules), I’m currently just taking 1 in the morning simply because of cost of supplements I take, but I’ve read some studies of people taking way more than that and say it’s stopped afib episodes greatly.
I haven’t gone above this yet, I guess it’s finding the dose that is right for you.
I suffer from Afib and Atrial Flutter I was on statins and had horrendous cramps. After research I also found out that Magnesium Taurate could be beneficial for Afib. I take the Ethical Nutrition (purest brand) cramps gone and feel so much better. I take medication for heart and have had 2 Ablations which have not worked so too early to say re that aspect. good luck x
Hello Lamsie, Thank you for your reply. You are the third person to recommend Ethical Nutrition, so I will be looking into that. Have you stopped the statins now? Take care x
With regards to you legs aching, restless, etc., are they worse in the evening/night time?If so, this could be RLS - Restless Leg Syndrome. I have this, good days and bad days, took a while to get my doctor to note this, had to keep saying and explaining, also my own looking into it, finally the GP agreed, no magic help for this, there is a group and NHS information online that can help.
As for magnesium, be careful, I have high BP can be anything upto 165/110 without meds, also depends on day, so many factors, I'm on 3 BP pills, as my main problem seems to be the diastolic side, the second part, I did try magnesium supplement for 5 days, but ended up on the floor, dizzy, nauseous, faint and basically passing out, luckily at a friend's and around someone that knew me and my issues. I stop taking magnesium and with 2 days back to where I should be.
Yes, could be balance between 3 meds and magnesium and there could be a correct level, but I would recommend a long talk with your GP and Cardio Team, before you start.
Hello, Thank you for your reply. It was interesting to read your experiences and hopefully you are feeling ok now. It’s not easy to have a “long talk” with my GP, it’s difficult enough trying to get an appointment let alone a “proper” chat! Even the nurse who took my blood sample yesterday, refused to check my blood pressure! Because I was so concerned about my readings, I asked in the local pharmacy nextdoor, who had no problems checking it for me!
hi there, I have used magnesium bisglicinate for over a decade to help with restless legs and also poor sleep quality it has worked beautifully. I am also on statin‘s snd blood thinners . With occasional restless legs, a little bit of tonic water helps at night. It contains quinine so you must check to see if that is something you are able to have.
Hi - I take magnesium taurate (morning) and magnesium glycinate (evening). No ill effects, and the gylcinate is a game changer for sleep. I am intolerant to statins as had awful side effects to 4 different types, including severe joint pain. So ask your doctor to change the type you are using and see if your symptoms improve. But there are alternatives to statins as well. COQ10 is also needed if you take statins as they deplete it from your body. Hope you feel better soon X
Hello, Thank you for your reply. I think I need to do some more research, as there are so many conflicting reviews on here - all very helpful I might add!
Well if it helps I am much the same now since starting Statins at least a couple of years…Aches & pains are debilitating sometimes…you’re right GP is not taking it on board…
Still manage to do my Gym Classes etc.. Also BP Tablets still on this too…Trying all sorts..
Hello SuzzieQ, Thank you for your reply. I am glad you are still managing to do your Gym classes - I think a lot of my problems may stem from lack of exercise! I seem to have become rather lazy over the last few years, plus I was binge drinking at weekends, which can’t have helped!
Re blood pressure, I was keen to avoid taking medication to lower it when I started noticing it was creeping up, and also noticed by the GP to start me on something asap. I did research and found how low levels of nitric oxide in our bodies is partly responsible, so eating foods high in nitrates like celery, cabbage etc can help increase NO, which has vasodilation properties. Several videos on YT about nitric oxide. Personally just eating a stalk of celery a day has lowered BP back to approx 125/85 after less than a year.
Re magnesium, some good comments already above about how useful this mineral is and its positive action on muscles, including good heart health. Again, taking a more natural route, eat food high in minerals including potassium, zinc etc, for example, handful of pumpkin seeds with breakfast cereal
Re cholesterol, definitely agree D3/K2 helps, I had relatively high 15 odd years ago, since then I have taken D3 (4000 IU) and has stabilised it to around 5.5 during that time - I tried the simvastatin and atorvastatin that gave muscle aches originally. D3 also has other good properties for strong bones ( I hadn’t heard for BP as per some comments above).
Finally, keeping stress levels low is probably the best natural option - mindfulness, good vagal tone, sunshine, good company, laughter.
Hello and thank you for your very interesting and detailed reply. I totally agree with your last paragraph especially as I know stress can cause such a lot of problems. x
Hello, Thank you for your very interesting and detailed reply. I do not have much faith in the various doctors at my surgery, plus it’s never the same one twice, so you cannot build up a rapport with them. They seem to just dish out pills like sweeties, probably to fob us off and get us out of their surgery! I have become very cynical lately!
Of the various forms, Magnesium taurate is one of the best for the heart and also can be helpful for sleep and blood pressure. I take mine before bed. It can do no harm so try it and see. Leg cramps are awful too, very disruptive to sleep I know, magnesium can definitely help!
This is my favourite brand of magnesium taurate which helps me the most, and has no additives, and they sell the different ones for different needs. You can easily contact Matt who runs the site and ask about the different types of magnesium too, he is very knowledgeable: elivide.com/products/magnes...
After being on Statins, about 8 different, my doctor indicated I am Statin intolerant. I had all the listed side affects, including muscle pain, after a few months. Now I am one Repatha which is great and not a Statin. It dropped my cholesterol numbers in half to the low normal range. I am also on Amlodipine, and my BP numbers have come down from an average of over 140/80 to 110/60. WARNING--I stopped taking losartan years ago, and made the mistake of just stopping it---you must wean yourself off of it. I just stopped it and spent time in the hospital with loss of eye sight because of not weaning off of it--which lasted months. Weaning off is true for many drugs, need to talk to your PCP. I take no drugs without heavy research on the internet to understand everything about them, including side effects AND interaction with other drugs and foods. I take no drugs without thorough research. It amazes me how some people will spent more time in a supermarket selecting food , but ignore their health via medications. PS--my diet is ultra, ultra cautious due to lipid panel.
When I started my journey to lower blood pressure after being diagnosed with AF, it took a few weeks to get the balance right. Have you been on medication for very long? Lower blood pressure doesn't happen overnight unfortunately it takes awhile. As far as the statins - do you know that you have high cholesterol . I was given statins and within days every muscle ached Even though I was 83 at the time; I previously had no aches and pains. Since my cholesterol was within normal range (though at the higher end) I came off statins and watched my diet more. The aches and pains went away. I've been on the same meds now for three years , at 86 and continue to be pain free. Though I do get a little stiff if i sit too long 😃. I take magnesium daily. also vitamin D and tumeric curcumin. Hope you are:able to get advice soon.
Hello Miriam, I was started on both medications in October last year. The first type of bp pills, Amlodipine, gave me very swollen ankles and feet so they changed me to Losartan 50 mg but they don’t seem to be working, as yet. I am waiting to hear back with regards my latest five days’ readings. My cholesterol was 6 (I think) so the dr suggested statins, taking into account my age, family history, etc etc. I was reluctant to start them after hearing so many conflicting reports, but eventually began them. I’m sure I felt healthier before! Now I just feel achey and pretty fed up! You sound great and are doing really well for 86! My dear old Mum lived to be 96 and only seemed to “go downhill” during her last couple of years. She took her first overseas holiday aged 86 and loved it - especially the sunshine!! Which type of Magnesium do you take - and what dosage? As a matter of interest, how was your AF first diagnosed? x
I have taken Losartan for many years on various doses. I was on Candasartan (for AF) previously which did the trick on BP. Reason it was changed was that Rheumatologist saw a study that coincidentally Losartan helped Uric acid levels for gout sufferers. I was on 100mg of Losartan and have been on as low as 25mg (currently on 75mg at night. Your dose may need to be increased (depending how long you’ve been taking it as it does take time to establish.
I started taking Magnesium Taurate about 4-5 months ago -(again for AF & it seems to have worked so I am continuing to take it.) I’ve also found my sleep improved since taking it (usually insomniac)
I’ve tried virtually all statins & every one gave me headaches & or painful muscles & joints. The sciatica may be something entirely different (mine is disc & osteoarthritis caused). I found statin pain was totally different. I got some relief from the pain they cause I take Cherry 🍒 capsules ( excellent for gout & anti inflammatory as is the fruit & juice).
I want/need the benefit of a statin & I’ve found (following consultation with Dr) - symptoms subsided when I stop the statin yet recur when I’d been on it a while. So every few weeks when pain returns I stop the drug & restart it when the pain has disappeared.
Obviously all this is peculiar to my own case but you may find bits helpful - you must seek advice before doing anything with prescribed medication. Pharmacists are excellent advisors - if they have info to give to your dr that may assist prescribing something else. Hope you get it all sorted soon x
Hello and thank you for your very interesting reply. After reading numerous replies recommending the benefits of Mag. Taurate, I am going to give it a go! I also like the sound the Cherry capsules!
I knew about the magnesium for a couple of years from people on here. It’s quite expensive but I am personally convinced it was that that put me back in to a normal rhythm. I get the ones from Ethical Nutrition.
The cherry, it’s the black Cherry (Montmorency) which I first used in fruit form when I initially got gout (unbelievably painful) then I bought the juice, available in concentrate or ready made. Both had an amazing effect (apart from the acidity & volume I’d have I actually think I took the lining or something off the oesophagus - terrible indigestion type effect! The capsules are excellent, in different strengths & I find that I generally overall fee it’s helped my joints (& possibly the AF which can be a result of inflammation)
I’d love to here your thoughts on if it helped you if you decide to give them a try. Take care x
Hello again Afibflipper, Many thanks for all your info - I will try to keep you posted, maybe via the “private” message facility on here, if that’d be ok. x
Hello, I am also on atorvastatin was on 10mg and now on 20mg .....the 20mg upsets my stomach so my cardiologist told me I can take 10mg in morning, and 10mg at night........ I have always taken mine at night as I was told it doesn't affect your muscles/joints as bad and I haven't had a problem with taking them at night.... Have been on them 3 years...... My advice would be try taking them at bedtime and see if that works better for you, if not maybe try taking 10mg in morning, and 10mg at bedtime, if that doesn't work try taking 10mg one day and 20mg the next, this was suggested by my cardiologist....... And for your blood pressure that is extremely high they need to change your dosage, or prescribe something different..... Hope this advice helps...... Have a blessed day
Hello and thank you for your reply. My Atorvastatin is 20 mg and I take it before bed. I read somewhere this was the best time, especially as I take my bp tablet in the morning. I sent the surgery five days’ readings on Monday so am now waiting to see if and when they get back to me!
I am currently taking magnesium taurate after quitting all my blood pressure medicine...one in the morning and one at night. bp is 115 /71 .I have 4 stints with BP meds BP just keep going up every year now it is normal.
Hello my pony2 and thank you for your reply. I’m glad your bp is now normal, but did you consult your dr before stopping the prescribed medicine? What dosage of the Magnesium do you take am/ pm? I am waiting to see if and when they come back to me after I sent them my latest readings!
No I did not but did inform him 3 months later and he was ok with it.........my BP was higher when taking BP meds.......... I will say I am almost 80 and that may make a difference.
Hi, That’s interesting and rather strange about your bp being higher when on the meds! Ha! Perhaps they prescribed the wrong pills, it wouldn’t surprise me! Take care and thanks again for your replies x
Just a reminder that content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and your doctor. Please avoid making any changes to your medication or advising others to do the same, without speaking to a health professional first.
Hello HUModerator, I do appreciate what you are saying but what is one supposed to do when it is almost impossible to get to see a doctor at one’s surgery? This is the reason I was asking for other people’s opinions and/or possible recommendations. I am now waiting to hear back from my surgery after sending my recent blood pressure readings. They managed to lose the last ones I sent! When I told my doctor about my painful leg pains and cramps, he just dismissed it. Is it any wonder I am looking for alternative remedies? I am overwhelmed by the support I have received by the people on this site - so many friendly, understanding and supportive people! As a matter of interest, why do you seem to object to MY post asking for advice, etc but allow a certain “ gentleman” to write a rather crude post using vulgar language when complaining about his lack of sexual activity? I presume you find that sort of language acceptable?
Content on HealthUnlocked does not replace the relationship between you and doctors or other healthcare professionals nor the advice you receive from them.
Never delay seeking advice or dialling emergency services because of something that you have read on HealthUnlocked.