Hi my partner attended for a stent on 17th Dec 24, the angiogram showed extensive CAD, so he was referred for an Urgent Quadruple CABG.
The Cardiothoracic surgeon saw him on 7th Jan 25. Surgeon says op will be approximately in mid Feb.
2 days after the angiogram and abandoned angioplasty on 17th my partner had HA on 19th Dec (tropinine 57) , ( Medics think it was a induced by a combination of GTN Tab and an abandoned angioplasty on 17th).
I recognised the signs and symptoms and sought emergency care- and he was blue lighted to A&E, he came home day after. He is now concerned to use GTN spray and when gets chest discomfort he rests rather than use the GTN spray ( despite being told continuously by myself to use it ).
If he had been alone he would not have been capable of ringing 999 as he had slumped to the floor and his BP plummeted and was nauseous and clammy and extremely weak with cyanoses.
I am a guest lecturer at university and have a few up and coming commitments to travel away overnight ( but can easily rearrange them).
He is also refusing to sit or mix with others because he’s anxious he gets infections pre operation.
I’ve not left his side since 16th December …he’s on meds and his angina seems manageable atm but he doesn’t take health guidance ( GTN) he still thinks he can do things but is slightly more cautious re exerting himself but I have to intervene and ask him to not lift heavy bags etc.
He insists that I go away overnight etc but I’m worried about leaving him because he forgets that his health situation is precarious. I’m in a dilemma what to do.