My bp drops when I stand. Yesterday dropped from 120/70 to 110/70 for e.g. Is this normal? I do notice it when standing. I am on Perindopril 4mg (for hypertension)and bisoprolol 1.25. Also how have people gone about getting a second opinion re cardiology? Thank you.
Bp lower on standing: My bp drops when... - British Heart Fou...
Bp lower on standing

Orthostatic hypotension if systolic drops by 20 or more and diastolic by 10 or more, I'm suffering badly with this but I'm not taking anything to cause it.
Possibly your meds need adjusting.
My mum has that and it makes her dizzy.
Hope you get sorted love. Sheena
How did u choose the second cardiologist? Well done you. I am happy to do this but don't know how u find one.
Great. Thanks
Skinned chicken hopefully! 🐔
You can get your GP to refer you directly to the Specialist of your choice at the hospital in which he does his NHS work. That saves the need to pay for a private consultation.
Hi. I had the exact same problem with the drop in blood pressure. I also was on Perindopril the same dose 4mgs. daily. Then following a TIA (mini-stroke) last summer when I was hospitalised, the doctors at the hospital reduced the amount by half, down to just 2mgs and now all is back to normal. So maybe ask your health care providers about this . . .