I was taking Isosorbide mononitrate 50mg modified-release capsules until last week when the dose was increased to 60mg (starting to use GTN spray to counter chest pains) So up until this point everything is good. When I checked my Medical record I noticed that the 'Pharmacy' that my new prescription had been sent to, had changed my medical record by stopping the Isosorbide mononitrate 60mg and replacing it with Isotard 60XL tablets (Evolan Pharma AB) (No explanation has been given other than the notation on my medical record of 'Ended 22 Oct 2024 At the Pharmacist's request (changed to Isotard xl tablets)'
I have tried to find out what the difference is between these 2 medications and how coming off one and starting the new one may effect me. I started the new tablet this morning. It does seem strange to me that the Pharmacist can 'just change the prescription' Has anyone any experience with this situation?