Does anyone have trouble sleeping, I can go to bed feeling tired but can lay awake for hours its so frustrating
Sleeping : Does anyone have trouble... - British Heart Fou...

I have never been a good sleeper before my heart events but since I am now so much worse not sure if it is my anxiety that is worse or any of the meds I take
I stop up very late and I have an app on my phone that for some strange reason sends me to sleep but only if I wait till I cannot stay up anymore
Maybe you could ask for a med review and see if any of your meds could be causing this problem
I hope others will come along and give you some suggestions but wanted to let you know you are not the only one that struggles with this x
I've tried keeping a journal (okay, worry book) nearby. That way I can jot down anything that is keeping me awake. Sometimes I give up and find a boring task, like folding laundry, as that usually does the trick. My meds cause insomnia.
Hi Alfie33, takes me ages to fall asleep too. I sometimes write down anything that's on my mind, it does help sometimes, and don't look at your mobile or tablet half an hour before bed too. Take care.
I always have a trouble sleeping I'm tired all the time can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep 💔😢😐🙃
I used to take an hour+ to sleep but once gone was fine for the night and considered myself a good sleeper. During some tests they gave me a peak flow test, then an overnight monitor and apparently I had low-medium level sleep apnoea. Because they want to improve my breathing pre-op they gave me a CPAP machine which I initially cursed a lot.
2 weeks in i'm sure I fall asleep quicker and wake up feeling better, maybe psychological but maybe you could get a test with your GP.
FWIW - Critical contributors to a good nights sleep for me are: put my phone down at 7 ish and don't look at it again (probably the most important thing), watch something that is not too stimulating on TV (like reality TV or a funny sitcom) and then read a novel - in bed - until i nod off while reading. If i do not sleep well for a few nights i find i get a better nights sleep if i go to bed a little later.
I enjoy a tipple, but find that generally any booze disturbs my sleep, even just one glass of wine.
Best advice I got was from a cardiologist who advised melatonin. I do fall asleep quite easily most nights, problem is I wake up at 5am in the summer months after 6 hours of sleep!
I have started to wear an eye mask which delays my waking In these summer months.
Can I ask what melatonin you take? I see lots of different strengths and brands advertised and am not sure what is appropriate with heart issues.
I take 1.9 mg (the cardiologist actually advised a double dose which he said was good for anxiety, too) about 30 minutes before bed. As for brands, I can't recall the one I have now (at work now), but some absolutely do not work.
I would definitely consult your cardiologist as they may have a recommendation on dosage and brand.
I’ve started to take Magnesium at night and I think I’m sleeping a bit better.
Have you tried sleeping aid tabs like nytol?( I use Tesco own brand) or you can get stronger over the counter ones but these you have to make sure don't react with medication
Hi Alfie33, Yes! ! I have a lot of trouble getting to sleep, (not every night) I have thought long and hard about why this is and tried to understand if it’s anything I’ve eaten or drunk a few hours prior to going to bed but have not yet come up with an answer. I sleep in a separate room to my husband as he snores really badly. Like you I can be so tired and sleepy but when I get to bed it feels like a switch had been turned on in my head and my brain goes into overdrive. I am wondering if it’s a lack of some vitamin or hormone which at times triggers insomnia? No idea really but very annoying as it wrecks the following day. Good luck with trying to find answers, and hope your sleep gets better.
hi alfie33. I also have trouble falling asleep and I wake up every 2 hours ( if I’m lucky) to pee. When I realise sleep isn’t coming, I read. This usually works but it takes time.
For a number of years I found that reading for an hour or so, in bed, helped me to get to sleep. Police procedural novels were the best for that as they were interesting but not particularly exciting. Later, I changed to listening to audio books using a timer. That worked very well although, again, I didn't listen to anything exciting or stimulating but, for the most part, stuck with factual books about historical events.
Following a TAVI procedure my sleep patterns slowly changed. I suspect it's a side affect of the medication but I now find it difficult to keep awake from early afternoon and often fall asleep for a couple of hours. That sleep isn't very helpful, however, as by 8 p.m. I'm feeling very sleepy again and fighting to stay awake. When I give in and go to bed (usually by 9p.m. or 10p.m., it's a different matter and, although very tired, I simply can't get to sleep. Listening to an audio book or reading no longer helps. Like you, I find it very frustrating.
I have a phone consultation with my cardiologist in mid August so I'll be bringing the matter up then.
I’m the opposite I can sleep in the chair in the evening and still sleep easily when I go to bed
I too often have trouble sleeping. I only discovered Desert Island Discs a few weeks ago on Radio 4 which is a mixture of music and chat. I find the soothing tones help me fall asleep. Only problem there is I usually miss the end of the show and have to rerun the next night. Yo will find this on BBC Sounds Podcasts and they go right back to the first year so literally hundreds to choose from.
Hello Alfie33,
I seem to have gone through different stages of poor sleep through the years. Now, I fall asleep fairly easily, but wake up every couple of hours for the loo, even though I don’t go every 2 hours in the day! Mostly I can go back off, only to wake again. Once it’s light (even though I have blackout curtains) I just can’t get back off. I’m permanently tired & have black rings under my eyes! I blame my meds, but then they are keeping me alive, so I forgive them 😜
Hi Alfie,
I am sorry to hear about your sleep problems. I have found it difficult to get a good nights sleep since my heart valve op in 2017. It is certainly worth considering the various sleep apps but none of them have worked for me.
After discussing my sleep app results with my GP and my reluctance to take sleeping pills he agreed to refer me to a sleep clinic. I am hoping this will give me a definitive reason for my sleep problems rather than an online app. All the best.
Yep, me too. i used to sleep on my left side until my STEMI & 4 stents, now i find it uncomfortable so sleep on right which is not so good. Like you I can be exhausted but as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm wide awake, never been a great sleep BUT now its 20 times worse. I toss and turn all night too. Was told its the meds.....I do take CBD which helps me relax and sleep
Hi Alfie,I was diagnosed with nerve pain and had terrible problems with sleep, sometimes I was awake till morning. I was prescribed 10mg Amitriptyline but I didn't want to take a drug to help me sleep so stopped taking them a week or so ago. I find that putting some drops of Lavender on my temples and around my nose helps me to get off to sleep within a short space of time that lasts till morning.
Obviously, one size doesn't fit all but it's worth a try. Good luck x
being diabetic I awake every night without fail around 3.30, it’s called the dawn phenomena. However I will have been up twice to the loo before then. I do tend to snooze for half hour after lunch and that’s nice but to sleep all night hasn’t happened since having a baby all those years ago. Wish there was a magic cure. Take care 🦊x
Yup, that’s me! I was doing great before my SCAD, but 2 weeks after, my sleeping problems started. Meds are my prime suspects (Metoprolol, Losartan and Aspirin).