Humm, nearly two weeks post AVR surgery, doing amazingly well other than various bouts of Atrial Fibrillation, subsequently just started on Apixaban, this evening experienced one moment of double vision. It soon corrected its self but a bit disconcerting. May I ask if anyone else had similar experience?
Post AVR Op ocular disturbance/double... - British Heart Fou...
Post AVR Op ocular disturbance/double vision

Morning, I'm glad to hear that overall you're doing well 😊 my partner had mitral valve surgery in January 2024 and he did experience a few episodes like the double vision or eye disturbances - flashing colours and so on, his GP said it was called migraine aura and gradually they became fewer - although it was only a handful of times - to wearing off. I hope this is the case for you too, but do bear in mind the amazing BHF Nurses are always at the end of the phone, should you want to speak to someone to check things out, they are very kind and knowledgeable. Take care.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. Normalising the experience is really helpful and I hear you, BHF nurses sound really helpful.
Hello Bumpitynump, my wife was prescribed apixaban last year following hip replacement surgery. Three days after starting course she developed double vision. The leaflet in the pack made no mention of this however upon researching she found that the US/Canadian leaflet does include vision issues and advises immediate medical aid. Unfortunately we only found this out after she had finished 28 day course. She has sought help as it has become permanent and she has seen multiple specialists in different hospitals to no avail. She has reported the side effect through the official channel. Specialists unwilling to consider apixaban as cause but can offer no causation or resolution. Speak to GP asap.
sorry to hear of you experience , I to had a lot of side effects from Apixaban, eyes , stomach problems , I’m not on them at the moment , but i do advise speaking to someone as soon as possible to at the very least stop you worrying .
I wish you well and hope this all settles down quickly.
Thank you so much. No repeat double vision as yet and no A-Fib so far today 😅 but I hear you. Take care.
I was 5mg on Bisoporol before my valve surgery and I had similar vision disturbances which increased so was admitted to hospital and the bisoperol was increased to 10mg
I’ve just had my open heart heart surgery and the bisoperol has just been reduced to 2.5 but noticed when I got tired today I had a fleeting moment of similar vision disturbances , not for long but still disconcerting x
hi there - apixiban has always been very well behaved in my experience. I am down for MVP surgery - was it as bad as you had feared?
As many have said on this forum, the waiting is the worst part. The care post Op was excellent and nursing very reassuring. When you come round lots of monitoring but all disconnected by day five. For me paracetamol alone has been adequate for the pain control - amazing! Now 14 days post Op, feeling stronger each day. Very best of luck.
Thanks so much. May I ask about the ‘scarring’?
At this stage it is a healing wound but healing quickly, so far so good. Post Op I had a ‘negative pressure dressing’ that looked a bit drastic, stayed on for five days, once removed the actual wound is minor by comparison. A thin line that is neat, dry and not painful. Obviously, I am very aware of it and protective of the area too but wound uncovered and on the mend.
I had AvR 2 years ago and post op had loads of visual disturbances flashing lights double vision ocular migraine . The ocular migraine had continued ever since it was daily but now weekly - I feel it’s a small price for my much healthier life ! It’s such minor thing I almost don’t notice them now . Focus on the positive side of recovery and good luck