Sinus tachycardia / ectopic beat issue - British Heart Fou...

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Sinus tachycardia / ectopic beat issue

Jamesw72 profile image
8 Replies

Hi all,

whilst on holiday last week, I woke up to a horrible episode of ST with ectopic beats. ST was over 110 BPM with horrible ectopic beats. For me, I really feel them ..

This continued on and off throughout the holiday and with my heath anxiety, I am sure this was not helping.

Upon returning to the UK at the weekend, I went into a A&E dept to see if I can get this sorted.

To cut a very long story short, ECG’s where run, bloods and a CXR were took (which came back normal) and they eventually send me to a cardiac ward for the night. The next day, everything returned back to normal and the cardiologist send me back home.

After an a couple of hours (I was a bit anxious due to my health anxiety) I was back in A&E repeating the same same ECG’s and bloods.

This time, they once again assured me that my heart is fine and this time, they suggest that they prescribe 2.5mg of Bisoprolol hoping to calm it down .. which it did. They monitored my heart for over 24hr and all is well.

One thing to add that in May, I had a 24hr ECG / bloods which did show Eptopic beats and T wave flattening. An echocardiogram was done and all fine.

My question and due to my health anxiety is that I noticed the medication is used for people who have been diagnosed with Heart Failure ;(

Not once have they suggested (our on the hospital release notes) that I have heart failure and everything is fine.. multiple doctors, nurses ..

Am I over thinking this.. I suspect yes and of course, they just decided to use this med to tackle this situation..

Also on the Discharge Summary form ‘Outpatient Appointment Required’ .. it says ‘No’. .. I’m sure if I had heart failure, it would be yes and also, all ECG’s took have been in rhythm - but fast

Maybe I’ve just answered my own post.

Any help would be greatly appreciated to calm my mind..

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Jamesw72 profile image
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8 Replies
weepip profile image

I'm not able to give medical advise at all but can only say I've been on bisoprolol since December when they discovered the angina. After my bypass they increased it to 3.75 to help control my heart rate. I don't have heart failure so there is a good chance you don't either. But as you are concerned it may be a idea to phone your GP for a bit of reassurance 😊

Jamesw72 profile image
Jamesw72 in reply to weepip

Thanks .. The only other notes was for me to have 2 weeks off work for work stress reasons.

Deejay62 profile image

Hi I was given Bisoprolol for a fast heart after I had my 2nd device fitted and they noticed my heart rate was very fast. I have a lot of arrhythmias going off since childhood. I do have Heart Failure, an echocardiogram then an angiogram showed up my heart failure. The angiogram was to find out why my heart was failing. I’ve had it for 21 yrs and it became severe over 5 yrs ago.

Bisoprolol is given for many reasons but I don’t think heart failure is one, mainly to keep blood pressure low and fast heart rates I think, but I’m no expert. Speak to the BHF nurses if you’re concerned.

All the best

revel_runner profile image
revel_runner in reply to Deejay62

I have suffered from ectopics for years but have an otherwise healthy heart and BP. I think beta blockers are the standard go to drug for ectopics. I have tried bisopropolol and currently take carvedilol. You will notice it slows your heart, my current resting Avg is around 49 - 50. But was below 60 before I started taking them, which I put down to my running 'habit'.

Scroll profile image

okay 10 days ago taken to hospital with 140 bpm, for 7.5 hours continuous, I’m on 2.5 bisoprasol anyway, they gave me an extra dose, never touched it. Sinus Tachycardia.

Sent home next day back in 2 shorter bouts, anyway with watch ecgs and ambulance, three days later thanks to a great nurse in the cardiac department with review from a doctor diagnosed as Atrial Tachycardia, have been swapped to Sotalol, only been a few days but starting to feel the difference.

Generally the tachycardia is not considered life threatening unless accompanied by other symptoms, while I’m not a medical professional, it is unsettling, for me it drains me. The BHF site and the NHS site are the only two places to look it up, the information is reliable.

Non-dual profile image

Hi, I'm new to this forum, just to say this sounds very familiar to my experience after contracting Covid last year. Heart rate, high >130 resting, calmed down now but still getting ectopics which feel uncomfortable. Saw cardiologist, had Holter monitor and Echocardiogram. Was told all was fine as ectopic heartbeats were about 3500 in 24 hours, said it was only considered a problem if over 10,000. Was offered medication but declined, already taking 40mg Atorvastatin and Allopurinol. Trying not to be anxious about it and return to cardiology if symptoms worsen, hope this has been helpful.

Jamesw72 profile image

Thank you all for your messages / responses

DonnaA profile image

Different medications are for different things and often various things as they can treat more than one symptom. About a year ago I was going through similar, fast heart rate up to 116 beats a minute whenever I stood up and they gave me Bisprolol. I’d had holter monitors in the past, ecgs and an echogram for ectopic beats and they say my heart is normal, nothing wrong with it. ……So anyway reading the leaflet I’d noticed that they used Bisprolol for heart failure too which startled me, but different drugs as I said are used for different things. In my case I only took the Bisprolol as and when I needed it, despite having been told it would be a lifelong medication I’d need to take….……..But my episodes only lasted a few weeks then just suddenly stopped. Never had a problem since and I don’t take Bisprolol and haven’t for over a year. I sometimes think my episodes could have been down to losing my mother and brother in a spate of three months back end of 2022…., it was a particularly stressful time.

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