Ectopic heart beats : I was diagnosed... - British Heart Fou...

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Ectopic heart beats

Phoebewhite123 profile image
25 Replies

I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation about 10 years ago which is largely controlled with Bisoprolol 1.5mg and I take aspirin, I have intermittently experienced ectopic heart beats which have never worried me as I have always had my husband to bounce things off, he also had heart problems and it was reassuring when he would say that he got these and not to worry, sadly I lost him 7 weeks ago, my anxiety at his sudden death is causing me to get a lot of these horrible beats which in turn make me more anxious and so it goes on, a couple of days ago it resulted in a full blown panic attack, it's just a vicious circle at the moment, how do others cope with ectopic beats?

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Phoebewhite123 profile image
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25 Replies
DodgyTickerMum profile image

Hi Phoebe,

So very sorry to hear of the unexpected loss of your Husband. Such a lot for you to cope with, so it’s no wonder you’re struggling.

I have always suffered with an erratic heart beat (lots of ectopics and extra systoles). Stress certainly doesn’t help the situation.

I sadly found out both my Parents were palliative - less than 2 wks after I’d been discharged from hospital, following open heart surgery. We then sadly lost my Mum a few weeks later and am now caring for my Dad, who has end stage heart failure.

I definitely think all the worry (with - at the time, having one parent in hospital, the other in a hospice and me having to visit another different hospital for daily I.N.R checks) - has negatively impacted my recovery, to the point that I had a Loop Recorder implanted 4 wks ago - as my Cardiologist is concerned I’ll now go into A.F.

However, she did say that the ectopics aren’t damaging to my heart. So I do try not to focus on them, which is sometimes easier said than done - especially with a mechanical valve that ticks, so I can hear them, as well as feel them now too!

What about listening to a relaxation tape or one that concentrates on breathing exercises - so you can focus on that, rather than your heart rate rocketing off?

You’re also grieving at the moment and that is definitely going to affect how you feel. Perhaps speak to your G.P and tell them your concerns and seek reassurance from them.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this at the moment. Such a difficult time. I hope you have friends and family around that can help and support you. Life can be so hard sometimes. x

phoebewhite profile image
phoebewhite in reply to DodgyTickerMum

Thanks for your reply. I would dearly love to talk to my GP but I can't even get a telephone appointment for over 2 weeks. It is reassuring that your cardiologist said that ectopics don't harm the heart.

Blearyeyed profile image

So sorry to hear about your loss.Stress of any sort can trigger your symptoms or make them worse with any Chronic or Cardiac health condition, and Grief is probably one of the most stressful things we need to deal with.

At times like these , we need support , not just from friends or family but from the Medical Professionals that usually treat us and understand our needs.

For one , I'd suggest explaining what is happening with your health to family or close friends and don't be afraid to tell them you need help with the practical things involved in Bereavement, and maybe some companionship with people taking turns to stay with you and help you to cope for a short time , especially if you usually live alone.

Second. Ring and ask for an appointment with your GP explaining that you have suffered a bereavement and it is affecting your heart condition as well as causing you panic attacks . Ask for the earliest appointment possible , a telephone appointment at first if that's all that is available, the GP will hear your issue and then bring you in face to face.

Ask if you require a temporary change in your medications to help stabilise the problem , or if they have got anything which they can recommend for you in the short term to help you relax.

It would also be helpful for you to see if they can refer you to Grief Counselling or CBT therapy , these are invaluable in helping us to cope with Bereavement but also to help you to learn practical breathing and other relaxation techniques to help you keep your physical symptoms in control , as well as making it easier to cope with the Mental Stress.

Try and relax and rest all you can and use distraction exercises or techniques that you know could work for you to keep calm and reduce the triggers for your AF and ectopic beats. Try and remember that these physical symptoms are things you can get back into control , even if you need a little help to do it , and that increased symptoms won't happen forever , it will help reduce the chance of you triggering a panic response.

If and when you feel up to it you could also look online and see if there are any local Bereavement support groups , or, groups for people coping with cardiac issues in your area that you could join and have chance to talk about your feelings at with people in the same situation as you whom understand what you are going through.

They are really worth attending , or joining online. even if you don't feel confident to talk at first. Sometimes just listening to other people's experiences and how they are dealing with things can make a huge difference to how you can cope.

Take care , you are in my thoughts , believe me when I say this feels like the darkest time now but things will get better, hugs , Bee

phoebewhite profile image
phoebewhite in reply to Blearyeyed

Thanks, I am trying to watch relaxing techniques on YouTube but concentrating on anything is difficult right now, but I have been told about a breathing app which does help me when I remember to use it. I've almost given up trying to get a GP appointment, on Thursday I was on the phone in a queue of 4 for 20 minutes then I was caller number 1 and was on there for another 20 minutes only to be told there are no telephone appointments for 2 weeks! .😊

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to phoebewhite

Could you contact your psychologist, explain your situation and ask for their help for referrals and ask if they would help you and contact the GP to request for them to call you asap to helo with medication advice? I'm sure they would help in the circumstances.

Things like Bereavement support and CBT courses can also be done by virtual link appointments so it means you could get the benefit from them for both your Grief and Agoraphobia from Home.

You could also contact your local Cardiology Department and speak to your Cardio's Secretary and request some advice that way , they would contact your GP with any prescription recommendations.

I see you mention you have no support , I'm so sorry.

You've already had a kind offer from another member to contact them on private message on HU if you want to talk. I'd also like to give you that offer, message me anytime for a chat , or a bit of advice and I'll be there for you if I can.

Take care , Bee

phoebewhite profile image
phoebewhite in reply to Blearyeyed

Thank you that's really kind.

phoebewhite profile image
phoebewhite in reply to Blearyeyed

Hi, I just wanted to update on my GP appointment problem, I was finally given an appt but not until April! I decided to send a letter down to the surgery explaining about these blooming ectopics and lo and behold I will be getting a telephone appointment this morning, see what she says. .😊

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to phoebewhite

Thank goodness I've got my fingers crossed that they will help you fast , thanks for the update , let us know how you get on, Bee

phoebewhite profile image
phoebewhite in reply to Blearyeyed

My GP thinks it is just due to the stress I am experiencing right now, she has prescribed me anti anxiety medication, fingers crossed they will help.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to phoebewhite

Entirely possible with an increase in Stress cardiac problems aren't just affected by the working of the heart itself. Heart rate changes are closely linked to your autonomic nervous system and fight or flight response. My cardiac conditions are caused by both .

Are you happy to begin the new medication?

If you want to discuss it let me know , either on the post or you can message me.

It might take a while to work and have a few mild side effects in the first few weeks as you get used to it. whichever medication was prescribed.

It might also give you a few ectopic or heart rate rocky patches as the medication tries to get dominance over the symptoms.

Take care , and message if you need me. Hugs , Bee

in reply to phoebewhite

So sorry to hear of all your issues, but, if you can, be at the surgery when they open and speak to the receptionist then, and if they get antsy, or even then say there are no appointments, demand to see the practice manager THEN- although they may arrive at 'work' later than the receptionists! Do not take no for an answer-you need to be seen and heard! If necessary have a 'breakdown' in the surgery-as someone else said elsewhere-it's the squeaky wheel that gets oiled!! The time for politeness is past! Good luck.

Phoebewhite123 profile image
Phoebewhite123 in reply to

I've actually managed to get a telephone appointment, but not until 2nd April 🙄

ETHEL103 profile image

Sorry to hear about your hubby .What an awful.shock.I do hope you have some support .I can chat privately if you would like to.Hugs.

Stent2024 profile image

so sorry to hear you lost your hubby 😢

sandandkev profile image

Hi I had AF last year and currently on 1.25 bisoprolol,not in af now but was ok until lost my hubby 2yrs ago,my confidence and strength went and still miss the "it'll be ok hug" and am worried now on my own but hope you have a good support network around you,I have 4 really close friends

phoebewhite profile image
phoebewhite in reply to sandandkev

Sadly no real support, I am also agoraphobic so have been housebound for over 6 years though I've been fighting it for 50+ years, losing my husband hasn't helped, I have a good psychologist who is supporting me though.

devonian186 profile image

The medical fraternity as a whole can be very dismissive about ectopics. There seems to be little research, probably because a study at one time decided they were "benign" and therefore money and resources did not need to be used on sufferers. I think few GP's realise the physical and mental concerns that ectopics bring and that it affects your daily life.

They often seem to come and go in phases but what causes them to start or stop seems to differ with each person.

I would certainly be more assertive with your GP's receptionist. Are they close enough to go in and request an appt in person?

phoebewhite profile image
phoebewhite in reply to devonian186

I've been housebound for over 6 years so I can't go to them sadly.

Chloeb13 profile image

sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how you must be feeling.

I have suffered with ectopic beats since completing chemo about 3 years ago. I don’t know if mine was triggered by the chemo or the health anxiety I have now got since being diagnosed at 29 with cancer and having a 5 year old daughter at the time.

I had my son 4 months ago and I recently spoke with someone that suggested I try and stimulate my vagus nerve as I was getting ectopics all day everyday. Every few beats, I suffer with PVC’s and PAC’s and it was ruining my life (sounds dramatic but they are so debilitating) and ruining the first few months with my son. I was sceptical but I tried anyway and I had a 5 week stint of barely any so I realised that it must be my anxiety and maybe the adrenaline of having a baby, sleepless nights etc that made them worse.

Recently my partner who is only 33 was admitted into hospital with severe pneumonia, so not only was I petrified for him, I was looking after my baby and 8 year old daughter, keeping the house going, visiting as much as possible, the ectopics started again. So my guess is it’s definitely made worse with anxiety/stress of any kind.

Sorry for the long post but hopefully this explains with stress, anxiety and grief can do to your body and heart. Look into the vagus nerve and maybe try the breathing technique I did and keep at it for a few days and see if it makes a difference. Breathing in for 2-4 seconds and exhale for 4-6 seconds.

I hope you find something that helps you. Take care x

Phoebewhite123 profile image
Phoebewhite123 in reply to Chloeb13

I am so sorry you have had to go through all of this and with a young baby.

Jackiesmith7777 profile image

How awful for you . I can only imagine what you must be going through . Stress is probably a big factor . I hope you have a lot of friends and family to help you through this sad time xx

Alphakiwi profile image

Just gotta relax and take life easy. Ive found that with arrythmia palpitations are par for the couse and excersise intolerance is hard to beat now, so to reduce the amount of ectopics i have try and keep fit by by keeping of low intensity

Choccie55 profile image

My ectopics are made worse by stress. I’m on Bisoprolol 2.5mg since being diagnosed with the arrhythmia SVT. The Bisoprolol has really improved my ectopics. I self referred to NHS Talking Therapies to get help with anxiety. It has helped. You can self refer online or your GP can put you in touch with your local branch.

Jedi14 profile image

Hi Phoebewhite,

Sorry for your loss. My Mrs passed away couple of years ago due to Kidney complications/failure. She had many medications in addition to her heart meds, following a triple bypass prior to dialysis - years before .

I am new to heart conditions, I had stents put in less than a year ago, I thought everything was ok until the start of winter. Chest pains led to hospitalisation and med changes. My aspirin was stopped in favour of Apixoban and other new meds. The latest one being Bisoprolol.

I have literally, after much hesitation, started it yesterday! I admit that I probably had AF which started several years ago. So I am hopeful that Bisoprolol will be helpful, but I see that you (and partner had been) are long term user of this medication and still have some problems?

Did I make the right choice? It's too early for me to decide as I have to wait for any side effects over the next couple of weeks.

phoebewhite profile image
phoebewhite in reply to Jedi14

I am also sorry for your loss. As regards to Bisoprolol my husband was on a much higher dose than me and they never affected him at all, I'm only on 1.25mg but they still affect me, give them a chance, they do slow your heart rate down and it was Bisoprolol that the hospital gave me when I was first diagnosed 10 or so years ago when my heart rate was 190 BPM, you might not get any side effects at all, fingers crossed.

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