Leaky Heart Valve and various symptoms - British Heart Fou...

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Leaky Heart Valve and various symptoms

JCB56 profile image
5 Replies

Pleased to have found this group. I recently saw my GP about some loud, intrusive tinnitus. I've had tinnitus for years but this was more severe and a bit worrying. She thought it might be pulsatile and sent me for an ECG, which revealed an anomaly. I then had an echocardiogram, which revealed a leaky heart valve. The radiographer told me informally because I'd mentioned that my dad also had a heart valve problem. He played it all down and said it was unlikely to be anything to worry about, although I'm not sure whether he should really have told me. I also had a hearing test and saw an ENT specialist, who doesn't think my tinnitus is pulsatile. I kind of wish I'd never gone in the first place but I know that's a silly reaction!

Many years ago I started having palpitations and a racing heart - the GP said it was stress/anxiety related. I had two young children and was very sleep deprived but I never really felt I had anxiety. I have since read that tiredness can cause palpitations. An ECG revealed an irregular heart beat but they said my heart was healthy and it wasn't a problem. Interestingly, the recent tests didn't show the irregularity. I've had palpitations for years now and just ignored them as best I could. I believed it must be stress and then the menopause. However, now I'm thinking they are related to the leaky heart valve and they seem to have got worse. For some time I've not been able to lie comfortably on my back without getting palpitations. I also get lightheaded at times, which I think probably also started around the menopause. I also feel more tired than I used to but I'm still quite active - I asked the GP about this a while back but a blood test revealed nothing unusual. I haven't had a recurrence of the very loud tinnitus since I first went to the GP.

It's 3 weeks since I had the echo and I've had no further feedback, so I've asked for a telephone consultation with GP, which is due tomorrow. How can you tell whether these symptoms are being caused by stress or a problem with the heart? Of course, once you start worrying about a symptom then it starts a vicious circle of stress and physical symptoms ...

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5 Replies
BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

It is sometimes quite difficult without tests to say is this stress or is this my heart but you have had tests done so that hopefully should answer your question when you get all the results back

Getting results back from tests can take weeks now and 3 weeks is not unusual but maybe when you speak to your Doctor they might be able to see them on the system if they have come back and if not it is just the waiting game which always feels the worst but I hope speaking with your Doctor will help

It is very true as you say if you have symptoms and you worry then you seem to feel them even more but easier said than done trying to not worry for some of us even though be reassured that they have done tests and so far they are not overly concerned

Let us know how you get on :-) x

JCB56 profile image
JCB56 in reply to BeKind28-

Many thanks for your reply. I've now spoken with the GP, who has only been sent a 'provisional' report, so she's going to chase the Cardiologist for more detail.

She was able to tell me that I have mild regurgitation on the right side, which she said is very common, and mild-moderate regurgitation on the left side, which she said is less common. The heart rhythm, function, size and pressure are all normal - so that's good news at least!

She said to be wary of attributing physical symptoms to this condition but she understood how we can become hyper-aware of our bodies, which can cause us to worry (which then causes the symptoms we are trying to ignore!) She didn't think there was any need to stop doing any of my usual activities and confirmed that exercise is usually beneficial. It could be another 5 weeks before she has further details but I am feeling reasonably OK about it.

I am absolutely aware that there are far worse things which could happen to me, so feeling grateful that I'm still functioning as well as I do ... Also, I have a lovely GP and feel fortunate that our local NHS services are pretty good overall.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to JCB56

Hello :-)

Well that is good news and sounds like your Doctor has done a good job in reassuring you these tests results are taking a long time but at least she had some sort of indication on her system to reassure you :-)

I am really pleased it has left you feeling grateful to :-) x

JCB56 profile image
JCB56 in reply to BeKind28-

I see on the forum that you've had enough health concerns of your own and it is lovely that you take time to help and reassure others. You are living up to your name 'BeKind'. I should have chosen a nicer online name too! Thanks again. x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to JCB56

Hello :-)

Thank You that is very kind of you to say

If you look at your settings there is an option to change your username so if ever you decide you want to you can :-)

You will not lose any of your posts or anything if you did decide to change it :-) x

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