I paid for private bnp andbits 154 I know under 400 is a bit of a grey zone, but with my low ejection fraction and regurgitating valves and heart displacement and free fluid, would I be right to believe this is mild/the start of heart failure? Would this help me prove my conditions need treatment? I have private echoecardiogram with contrast aswell soon so will know more.
Bnp levels: I paid for private bnp... - British Heart Fou...
Bnp levels

Clinicians won't hang their hats on a BNP result alone to diagnose incipient or actual congestive heart failure as BNP elevations can occur without heart failure. They look for symptoms such as shortness of breath on climbing a flight of stairs or lying flat in bed,unusual fatigue,tendency for edema in feet or ankles,rales on examining lung bases, a third heart sound on cardiac auscultation,etc. Combining these features with echocardiograhic findings of either low left ventricular ejection fraction or significant diastolic dysfunction documents the diagnosis.
Lol. I fell sick in 2019 nobody believed my symptoms. I have lots of symptoms that will not be acknowledged due to cover up culture. I have damage to organs bones and nerves from blood flow. I very sick and inable to do activities. Iv had to defer uni and give up driving, I can't lift or walk far. I cough blood, my skin changes from blue to green to orangey colour. My bone marrow has preserved signal. Basically I have had lots of symptoms and it's changed my life, but nobody believed me, then now this is found they still won't believe me or act. They have tried to conceal it. I am trying to prove I am impaired. So basically what ur saying is it don't matter what money I spend if they don't believe my symptoms I can't get any help? Royal papworth doing investigation into what's happened to my care. But until then I'm trying to build evidence to prove whats happened.
My heart displaced into left hemithorax its been aquired in adulthood somehow. I have low ejection and regurgitating heart valves found 2022 and concealed from me while I was left fighting for help. While iv been left iv endured organ bone and nerve damage. I'm trying to advocate against nhs cover up culture