Hi everyone - it’s been a few months since I posted - I‘be been away from London in Greece and felt the best I’ve felt since being diagnosed with Hypotrophic cardiomyopathy- on returning to London for the first time in a long time I’ve felt breathless lying down and felt congested in my chest - It lasted a couple of nights but was better in the day. I went to my gp and they suggested an X-ray and blood tests. Fortunately the X-ray is now all clear but My bnp level is now up from 3000 - 4000 and suggested to go back on ferosimide.
Doesn’t anyone have experience of changing environments and changes in bnp level - just it seems strange to me that I’ve been so well and then in London it got worse - I was thinking humidity / pollution etc might make my breathing worse then put my heart under more pressure.