Most posts are for high BP but I’ve got LOW Blood Pressure. I have lots of dizziness and sometimes faint which means my husband calls the paramedics. My cardiologist told me to have salt with food to help the BP. I’m a bit uncomfortable doing this and don’t like the taste of salt but I have tried and it makes no difference. Is there anyone who has the same problem and has found a way to control their BP? What foods are best. I eat a healthy diet veg, fruit, fish etc. My CRT-D is programmed at around 70bpm. My bp monitor when dizzy reads S-75 D-55 P-69 or lower and normal for me is Sys 99, Dys 60, Pulse 67. I’m on Bisoprolol, Entresto & Dapagliflozen low doses so can’t change meds. Any help from people experiencing the same problem will be very much appreciated thank you. Joy
Low BP : Most posts are for high BP but... - British Heart Fou...
Low BP

Your meds mirror mine, also I have a CRT-D. After I had it fitted I was put on 10 mg Bisoprolol because of a fast heart rate and I began having Afib. Recently it was halved to 5mg because my blood pressure became too low and I kept feeling dizzy/faint, but my heart rate began to speed up so I had to end up on 7.5 mg and it’s not too bad but my blood pressure still gets very low after I take my meds 3 times a day. I also take Bumetanide a diuretic, which lowers it also.
Thanks for replying I have Bigeminy which is extra beats making it go faster that’s why they gave me the device but it’s the low blood pressure that stops me doing things. I’m on the lowest dosage of tablets because of it as they lower it even more. I feel as though I can’t do anything as I’m scared of fainting. I try to drink plenty of water to keep hydrated. I take the dog a walk and walk round to my 94 year old mums house and look after her 3 to 4 days a week but it takes it out of me. I’m on 2.5mg Bisoprolol so I think that’s as low as it goes. Hey Ho lol, Joy.
My husband also has low blood pressure and low sodium. He takes sodium chloride tablets in the morning and this has kept the sodium up so no need to add salt to diet. Bisoprolol was increased recently and for 10 days or so his blood pressure was frightening low on some occasions and about the same as your low days on others but now generally seems to be above 90 / 60. On the low pressure days he sleeps a lot and can be light headed.

Thanks for replying I haven’t heard of sodium chloride tablets are they on prescription? I will have to ask my GP if it’s ok to take them is that what your husband did? I’ve ordered an expensive blood pressure monitor the ones they use at the doctors as it drops lower than what I put on my first message. I thought something was wrong with the one I’d got but tested it on my husband and he had good normal readings. It should come tomorrow. I don’t seem to get tired even though I suffer with insomnia most nights I’m up at 7am every day it’s the dizziness I find difficult because it frightens me. Thank you and I will definitely ask about the sodium tablets at my next appointment. Glad to hear your husband is a lot better hope it continues for him. Joy x
Eat crisps or increase salt intake. . And drink more.
Hi honeybuns, I had a icd fitted programmed to min 60bpm and my meds are same expect I take ramipril not entresto. I ended up stepping back my beta blockers a dose (they we're trying to get me to 10mg a day) I was on 6.125 and they were stepping me up to 7.5. My bp was regularly 80/40 and I felt terrible. Is it possible the amount of beta blocker is just too much for you? I know they do an important job but you need to be able to live without feeling rotten so please discuss with your doctor. I stepped back to the 6.125 dose and started to drink an ungodly amount of water (min 4 ltrs) and life got a lot better.
Thank you for replying I will make a note of all these things to ask on my next appointment it is most helpful x Joy
Hi , I do drink a lot of water. On my last appointment he said he wanted to keep my tablets the same and wouldn’t increase them but didn’t want to reduce them either. I will talk to him about it in November on my next appointment thanks. Joy
Hi there, unless you suffer from low BP you don't know how awful it can make you feel at times, plus your pulse speeds up to try and raise it up again. It stands to reason if you're told to cut down your salt intake because of high BP, then it should work in reverse. I'd try giving the salt more time to work. You can buy Celtic salt on Amazon, which I find really, really salty tasting.
Maybe discuss with cardiologist again, you could phone his secretary and ask for advice.
Like the person who suggested crisps, I've been known to lick the inside of the bag afterwards as it's the salt I crave. Lol
Hi, I'm in the same position as you. Rarely does my BP increase 98/60 ish but tends to go lower to similar levels as yours. Luckily I haven't had too many dizzy spells but do have terrible fatigue and just need to sleep for a while. Resting heartbeat is around 53 which means I can only take the lowest bisoprolol and mid range Entresto. I've been told they can't put me on the higher doses due to the BP and heart rate ranges. Funnily enough, I crave salty food so perhaps that's my body trying to sort this out for me. Only been this way since suffering a serious heart attack in August 23 with late diagnosis resulting in HF so I'm still finding my way a bit.
My husbands sodium levels are measured regularly with blood tests. The advantage of the sodium chloride tablets is that is a known amount every day and top it off with a banana or some tomatoes to keep your potassium levels good too.
Like you we think the machine isn't working properly when my husband's BP falls so low but it then takes an ordinary reading for me so we have come to believe it. As far as I know he does not get an compensatory increase in heart rate, it is often also low when the BP is low which, I think, leads to the fatigue and / or light-headedness.

Thank you, I’m going to add a bit of salt to food for now even though I hate the taste until I can ask cardiologist on my next appointment. Joy
You could also ask whether a daily ( small?) glass of red wine would be beneficial. I remember a friend who had a similar issue with BP and fainting was told to eat regularly, increase salt and have red wine. But that was some years ago and advice does change so do ask a pharmacist or Dr.
Thank you but I don’t drink alcohol at all not for the last 20 years in fact. I was also allergic to red wine! lol. One sip and I got streaming hey fever symptoms. People laughed when I told them years ago and stupidly on a works dinner dance they insisted I had a sip of red wine and 2 minutes later guess what it ruined the evening and I had to go home lol. Joy
Hi, I too suffer with a low B.P, but it came into its own when I had replacement valve surgery last year. I can honestly say, I’d never so unwell in my life. It was 50 / 24 when I was I.C.U. (I was 49 at the time of my op). I went into hospital - taking nothing more than a Nurofen - maybe twice a year and came out 2 weeks, later on a cocktail of medication - all of which lowered my already low B.P. (usually in the 80s / 40s but does drop much lower.
In an effort to assist, my Cardiologist prescribed Fludrocortisone to take in conjunction with my Dapagliflozin at lunchtime - to help raise my B.P. Then my Bisoprolol and now Perindopril, I take at bed time - so that if I feel dizzy, I’m laying down anyway - so it’s not such an issue.
There is a 1.25mg dose of Bisoprolol - so you cld possibly ask your Doctor re a dose reduction, if suitable? Hope you get it sorted and feel better.
thank you for sharing your experience. On my last echocardiogram it said mild leaky valve. I asked my cardiologist and he said it’s nothing to worry about. I automatically worried of course lol. I like to know everything and with having my on line records I picked it up from there. I’ve also read about it and it says it gets worse as time goes on. I was thinking that this could be why my blood pressure is so low? Was having your valve replacement because it was causing problems like your low blood pressure I like to know everything so I’m prepared. I know it’s strange as most people say they prefer not to know things but I’m the opposite it makes me feel better as I know then what’s coming and I can deal with it better. Any information of your personal journey regarding this I would be most grateful. How long did you have a leaky valve and did they wait until it was quite bad before they operated? Thank you in advance. Joy
Hi, I to have problems with low blood pressure. My consultant halved my bisoprolol to 1.25mg in the morning and 1.25mg in the evening, so I am still getting the full dose but spread out. It hasn't 'fixed' it but I have been so much better since doing this.Hope you manage to get sorted xx
Hi Joy,
You sound a worrier too, like me and yes, I much prefer to know what to expect and prepare for what eventuality may lay ahead. Sadly, that wasn’t really the case with my heart surgery and it did rather pull the rug from under us. Particularly the immediate aftermath of the surgery. I hadn’t found this forum at that time and did go in ‘blind’ - as it were. I really wasn’t very well after my op and did struggle emotionally afterwards because of it. Hospitals are very good at fixing the physical, but not so great at supporting you with the enormity of what you’ve been through - post surgery.
So, going back in time, I was diagnosed with a murmur as a child and told I would ‘grow out of it’, but that I should get my heart checked again before I had a family. This I did and it was at that time, that I was diagnosed with a leaking mitral valve and told it was ‘nothing to worry about…’ With those words ringing in my ears, I didn’t. I had two successful pregnancies, followed by natural deliveries and just got on with life - as you do.
Over the years my heart would do odd things and be very erratic, but 72 hr monitors just picked up lots of ectopics (which it still does). During Lockdown my heart was quite unsettled, but because you couldn’t get an appointment - I put it out of my mind. That was until last Feb, when I momentarily collapsed on the floor, due to a drop in my blood pressure. Never one to rush to the G.P, I monitored my B.P for about 10 days and it was consistently low. As both Heart Failure and A.Fib seen to run in the family, I then went to my surgery, who organised a specific blood test for Heart Failure. I think the normal ranges are 0 - 150 and my reading came back at 482. At this point, my G.P, advised that she didn’t think it was H.F but more likely, that my valve had deteriorated.
I was then referred to my Cardiologist- who took one look at my E.C.G and said ‘I can see why you’re here…’ After listening to my heart, said she didn’t think it was my valve but that she would organise an Echo - to be certain.
Valve disease seems to be graded as; mild, moderate, moderate to severe and severe. My initial Echo result came back as moderate to severe, so we then began the work up (various tests - to aid the Surgeons, so there’s no unexpected surprises in theatre) - prior to my op. After the Angio and the T.O.E, my valve was then deemed very severely damaged and I was booked in for surgery 6 wks later.
That was a year ago - today, on Fri 16/6/23. Possibly the most terrifying day of my life and the most worrying for my family, who were waiting 8.5 hrs for news. But, looking back now, if I hadn’t had the surgery when I did - I may not be here today.
So in answer to your questions, my B.P is still naturally low - made worse by the heart meds. The low B.P didn’t cause my valve issues. My valve deteriorated slowly, over the course of 25 years (without any medication supporting it - albeit meds wouldn’t have repaired the damage) and without much monitoring - so hopefully yours will be ok for many more years to come.
Ask your G.P about the Fludrocortisone. It may help you with your low B..P. Take Care, V.
Ooh, I'm jealous that your leaky valve is only 'mild'! Seriously, they found I had a 'moderate' leaky valve about 5 years ago; I've had an annual echocardiogram ever since and its condition has barely changed. My cardiologist told me it didn't need any treatment unless it tipped into 'severe' and it's possible that that may never happen; his actual words were, "You might die with it, not because of it!" He also told me that advances in valve surgery were increasing all the time, so if it should need surgery in future, he'd be able to do something 'miraculous'. And even on BP meds, it's a struggle to keep my high blood pressure within the normal range, so I don't think your valve is affecting it.
It seems that your combinations of meds is causing your low BP! Only thing I can think of is to get as many of the meds to a minimum dose. I am on 1.25mg tabs for Bisoprolol a day.
Thank you Jaskei, haven’t heard from you in a while hope you are ok. I won’t see my cardiologist until November but might send the questions to his secretary you never know he might get back to me lol. GP’s won’t change anything it’s got to be the cardiologist so it’s a waste of time seeing GP. I went to see GP 2 weeks ago after a trip to A & E saying I still wasn’t right and he as good as said he wouldn’t do anything different and it’s the cardiologist I need to ask. That’s if you can get to see a GP these days as well. I’ve had some good advice and suggestions from a lot of people here so I’m gathering all my notes to get ready when I see him in November but I’m going to try and eat a bit of salt each day. I only eat fresh meals home cooked and ingredients fresh so I don’t get salt from processed foods as I don’t eat them. Going to Llandudno for a few days with hubby so will probably get salt in meals at the hotel and I will definitely ask about having half tablet one at night and one in the mornings. Thank you look after yourself, Joy x
hi I also have very low blood pressure. Luckily I get plenty of warning usually effects my vision dazzle effect so I do not faint. When my top number is less that 70 I can do nothing but lie with my feet above my head. I have heart failure so cannot take extra salt or too much fluids. After about 49 minutes I feel better. I like you are on low doses of the heart drugs I also take eplerenone and apixaban. My normal systolic is mid 80s. The cardiologist would just take me off some of the drugs which worsens my heart failure so I just put up with it. It is exhausting and limiting. Sorry I cannot be more helpful.
I have heart failure as well but my EF was 35 and now gone up to 45 which he said was the CRT-D device and tablets working well together. I also get a sparkly dazzling through my eyes when I’m going to faint but twice when it’s happened with the blood draining from my head I wasn’t thinking quick enough to lie down but luckily my husband was with me. I also have ‘coat hanger’ syndrome where you get pain across the top of your shoulders and neck going up to your head in the shape of a coat hanger which he said is the hypotension. I get it when I’m out walking and at other times. It’s like a pressure pain. Joy.
I occasionally need a salt boost for different reasons to you - my preferred way do do that is a mixture of 1tsp salt + 1tbsp sugar + up to 1l water - I tend to dilute the salt & sugar in a glass of water then drink plenty afterwards sugar and salt + some water are easier to take than neat salt and the ratio I outlined is used for rehydration
I recently started getting dizzy spells and feeling I was going to pass out which really freaked me out as no warning as to when it would happen. I was on 7.5mg Ramipril for blood pressure which had been upped to help kidneys. GP visit as potassium had been high for some time and he noted my blood pressure was going too low (diastolic into 50’s). Advised to reduce Ramipril to 5mg / tried that and no change so I stopped it and the problem literally disappeared. Started again and came back so I’ve quit the Ramipril. My BP at the moment is fine without it and I’m getting regular bloody tests to check kidneys but at the moment all is good - Our bodies change and sometimes medication we’ve been on for a long time can become the problem
Hi, I don’t think they’ve tested me for potassium but I know you have to watch magnesium as well because they work together but hopefully I’m eating the right food. I used to be on Ramipril they took me off it but don’t know why. I’m on Bisoprolol, Entresto & Dapagliflozen now. Stopped Aspirin and Statin as I’ve been told I don’t need them. Joy
I have always had low blood pressure get light headed, tried eating more salt but ended up bloated so that's not a great idea. If found you can't sit for long periods get up and walk around every 30 mins helps. Not a lot you can do about low blood pressure
yes I’m realising that wish magic wands really worked lol. Joy
What about asking doctor which one is the bp lowering one and take slightly less or just skip that one for a day etc. Or get a different med.
hi Dodgy, thank you for your reply that’s reassuring for me to know it takes years or it might never happen. I will ask my G P about Fludrocortisone. Thank you so much hope you stay well. Joy x