Hiya. So I’ve suffered from blackouts from a young age. Last year I had a loop recorder fitted which showed that when I have the fainting which apparently is called simple fainting/ reflex syncope my heart stops/ pauses for a long period of time the first time they caught was 42 seconds. I was put on medication which was fludrocortisone and midrodine to higher my blood pressure but this medication did not help and I had another fainting episode where my heart had stopped again. I’ve now been told my top options are ablation surgery or pacemaker. I’m only 26 and it’s really scary for me and I’m suffering with constant panic attacks and worry it’ll happen again before I get treatment. I just want to know if anyone has been through the same and can give me any advice
fainting/ syncope and heart condition - British Heart Fou...
fainting/ syncope and heart condition
I don't have this condition, and I know heart conditions are scary. Mine are different, but they're all scary in their own way. I see this as positive for you though. Now they've got to the cause of why you've blacked out all your life. Doing an ablation will hopefully set right the pathway your heart takes when it pauses. If not, a pacemaker will ensure it does. Don't be scared. At 26, help is just around the corner, which will change the rest of your whole life ahead in good ways! Hang in and be strong 💪, I'm sure you'll be so happy you did, looking back. Loads of good luck wishes!
I’m 3x older than you. I had the blackouts, once whilst driving, a crt-d was implanted and 7 months later I’ve not had any further problems. The procedure was painless and took about an hour. All the very best.
morning. I too suffered fainting episodes/blackouts from about the age of 11. I put it down to all different things-heavy periods then a stressful job and lively children. At 52 I was in hospital undergoing investigations for a troublesome gall bladder when I had a ‘ventricular standstill’ for 30seconds. I just thought I’d fainted again. It happened a couple of times more and I was fitted with an emergency pacemaker later that Friday. Monday morning I had a pacemaker fitted and haven’t fainted since. I know I was twice your age when I needed a pacemaker but I can only say how much better I felt and continue to feel. I’m now 65 and have had my batteries replaced after 10 years. It does take a while to get used to but if needed it’s a small price to pay. If sporty there are many protective/padded t shirts you can buy. A friend had an ablation and has been fine since.
Whatever is decided I wish you well. It’s easy for others to say don’t worry but try and keep busy. I’m through the other side now and am so grateful the problem I had was sorted.
Best wishes x
That’s what I was told when I had these fainting episodes while having the loop recorder in it showed my heart had paused for 42 seconds
HiI had a pacemaker fitted 13 weeks ago after a loop recorder noted my heart rate going dangerously low and then stopping. I have postural orthostatic tachycardia and Neurocardiogenic syncope. I've suffered from blackouts and fainting for 12 years. I'm also on fludrocortisone and midrodine.
Like you I was worried being younger and needing a pacemaker. I know I'm very lucky to have 1. It will stop my heart rate going dangerously low.