Hi, updating from my previous post re Ectopics and concerns about Bisoprolol lowering my HR to mid 50s I would like to share the following and would obviously be very grateful to hear about anyone else's experiences or opinionsTo summarise I had an AF whilst on Chemo 3 years ago and was immediately put on 5 mg of Bisoprolol twice a day plus also 10 mg of Amlodipine. More recently I have slso been put on Losartan 50mg. Blood pressure is fine.
The 48 hour Holter Monitor showed that I was in sinus rhythm throughout but had frequent ectopic beats. I am awaiting an ECG which the Cardiologist does not seem to be rushing which I guess is a good thing. They have also confirmed to my GP that they can increase my Bisoprolol to 6.25mg twice a day if the palpations continue to cause me concern. Being honest I feel like it's the Bisoprolol that may well be causing the ectopics which only seem to have started since my HR dropped from the mid 60s to the mid 50s. Of course this could just be a coincidence.
The other think worth mentioning is that I was prescribed a pill in the pocket by way of 50mg of flecainide x 2 day as and when required which I haven't used until last Thursday. After 2 days the ectopics stopped but I felt quite fatigued, something that Bisoprolol all seem to do. I continued to take them for a couple more days then stopped. Everything has been fine up until a couple of hours ago when suddenly they started up again.
Other than stopping the flecainide I was wondering if either of these may have started things over.
Been away on holiday for 5 days and other than a couple of cups of decaf tea I have drank water. Looking forward to a treat I ended up buying a large starbucks decaf coffee at lunchtime today followed by another one a couple of hours later. Could this be the cause.
The other one I have read about is lack of sleep causing ectopics. I don't sleep well at the best of time and always seem to wake up in the early hours. I managed to get on top of my sleep before going away but for the last few nights the quality of my sleep has been sleeping to the point that I was ready to go to bed a 6 pm today. Does anyone find lack of sleep a trigger. How many bad nights do you need to have to kick things off.
I have just taken a flecainide but having been symptom free for nearly a week it's all a bit frustrating.
Thanks for reading and look forward to receiving any comments