Hi me hearties! I was quoted over £1000 for a weeks insurance for the USA! so cancelled the trip😪 ..Its nearly 6 months since my NSTEMI..just on meds,..nearly finished Cardiac Rehab course..feeling back to normal....Will the premium reduce as time passes and no further heart issues do you think? 🤔
Travel Insurance..Will premium reduce? - British Heart Fou...
Travel Insurance..Will premium reduce?

As I say on here many times we are all different and insurance providers assess our risks differently. So the only way you will properly answer your question is to do your own research by using a comparison site for travel insurance for pre existing conditions and take it from there. And even then my experience of doing that is that premiums and cover provided from different insurers can vary considerably even for the same set of conditions so there is no simple answer.
Thanks..I did use and apply to various insurance companies..start again I guess ..just wondered if anyone had experience of the cost reducing the longer in the past the HA was.
I have found, no doubt like yourself, that there is a question which asks about the timing of any heart attack. The problem is the insurers don't share how the answer to that question affects the premium. The premium cost is what it is at the time you take out insurance matched to your risk profile and the general market place conditions at the time.
It's such a minefield...and god help you if you have to make a claim! They will avoid paying out at all costs! Hey ho..I'll wait till 6 months has passed and try again..not going to the USA without health insurance!
I think the US is really expensive for travel insurance anyway, we used to pay £12-18 for a single trip family holiday travel insurance. This year it's £53 5 years since HA (Europe)When my Husband had his HA we looked to get insurance via the bank but they wouldn't entertain it for a year, but we don't travel enough for it to be worthwhile at the moment
All insurance providers vary. I doubt it would decrease as you still have heart disease but other companies may be much better.
I have found that the insurance through my bank was the cheapest. I had HA in July last year. I bank through Barclays the insurance is now with Aviva. I pay £14 per month and had to pay and additional £122 on top of that because of my existing conditions.
I have found the answer you can give re heart attack very narrow, usually “ was your heart attack in the last 6 weeks or longer than 6 weeks” have never found a way of saying it was 4 years ago! Wish these underwriters would expand the answer boxes. You would think some of us are healthier/ take more care health wise now than we were pre heart attack.For me my premiums have not come down but I do have other medical issues .
I always use a comparison site like confused. Com or compare the market. And then I usually ring up the company I fancy and explain in more detail about my health and you could then ask if the price will come down the longer its been since problems. Some companies with some conditions discount them after 3 years. Brian
Thanks.. think I'll.do that
Hi as someone said we are all different for insurance purposes 🙄 nearly four years ago I had a heart transplant due to arrythmogenic cardiomyopathy and severe heart failure my insurance was sky high. Since then it has went down every year and last year it was pretty cheap considering I have a few other things as well. It was Europe only. I am now dreading this year's as I have had surgery for cancer I imagine it will be back to sky high again, if I can get any at all. I hope you get something that won't break the bank and have a fab holiday. Char
I found that for visiting USA it was cheaper to go for an annual policy. I have lots of medical issues and I am paying £650 for myself and my husband. This is with staysure but I used a comparison website for pre existing conditions .
shop around for cheaper insurance. The US is very expensive for medical so be aware, a low cost holiday may be very expensive. If they ask you if you want exceptions to make the cost cheaper then don’t. The old policy used to only mention HA in the last two years but now it’s any time. Just to get extra premiums off us I think
I did shop around ... Well aware of medical costs in the States! ..I was due to go in February but had to cancel due to MI .. just want to know if premiums reduce if no further problems but knowing insurance companies they will squeeze what they can out of us! Think I'll leave it for now...let a year pass then see.....