Different hospital : They moved Ralph... - British Heart Fou...

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Different hospital

70 Replies

They moved Ralph from Sheffield to Chesterfield today. They rang just as I was about to leave for Sheffield. He's on High dependency ward. Easier for me to visit. Still intensive care, and back on ventilator as well as tracheotomy but they've already reduced some numbers in a couple of hours. Obviously moving him has left him absolutely shattered, so I came away just after 3. I won't have to leave the house now until 10.10 bus to visit,so much better.They went through everything with us from when he first went into Chesterfield in January, so they're up to date with everything. Sheffield had missed some information out, so I could tell them.

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70 Replies
Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Good to hear that Ralph has moved to Chesterfield where it's easier for you to visit.

My mother in law has had very good cardiology care at Chesterfield Royal.

I hope Ralph continues to make good progress.

Take care of yourself too.

Traveldreams profile image

glad he’s coming closer to home (for both of you). He will undoubtedly be exhausted for a few days and possibly a bit disoriented. Still in hospital but a new bed and ward.

You must be worn out. Put your feet up if you can xx

Pdbd1 profile image

Thank you for taking the time to update. Have been thinking about you both all day. It’s a positive that he has been moved to a hospital that you are both familiar with. And I’m glad it is less travelling for you . Again, please try and rest. Take care

Digger0 profile image

Many thanks for the update - i have been looking every day. Chesterfield will certainly be easier for you to visit. He will be tired and will have to get used to new staff but I'm sure he will benefit from being closer to home etc. Remember to look after yourself as well!!

Cat04 profile image

That will be so much easier and less stressful for you to have him closer now. You can get a little more rest and be longer with him. It will take a day or two to get over the journey and settle in but he was obviously well enough to transfer hospitals, which is a positive sign and also to step down from ICU to HDU. Hope he soon gets used to all the new staff and environment and once again continues well with his progress.

Purpled profile image

So glad they have moved him for you, my hubby was inSt James in Leeds for eight weeks and I had to move into a local holiday inn as we come from Wolverhampton and I don’t drive. Are you happy with his move and the new staff you have met so far? I wish he could get clear of infections to enable him to build his strength up but I am sure this will come. “Come on Ralph we are all rooting for you” x

in reply to Purpled

I'm happy with the high dependency unit, they seem on the ball, and have a plan in place. He's obviously tired from the move, but should me more with it tomorrow x

Seal59 profile image
Seal59 in reply to

That sounds good. I hope his situation improves soon x

weepip profile image

I'm so pleased to see the update that they have moved him closer to you and that he was strong enough for them to do so. he is bound to be really tired for the next couple of days but hopefully this will be a fresh start towards his recovery. I'm also very pleased that it is going to be easier for you visits you must be exhausted with the travelling and stress. as always I'm sending positive wishes for his recovery xxx

Cavalierrubie profile image

Hope this will be a turning point for Ralph and that he will improve, with what sounds more specialist treatment. It is such a long ordeal for you and so worrying. Keep strong and full of hope as l am sure he is in the best place to get well. Hopefully, in a couple of days, he will improve and that they are now helping him a lot more. I will be praying for that and for you to keep well. You must be worn to a frazzle, so take care of yourself.

Valentina98 profile image

I'm glad he has moved closer to home,

I'm sure he'll be well looked after at Chesterfield Royal.

V x

Weetabixie profile image

Sounds like a positive move and to be on HDU is a step up from ICU I think. I'm glad it's closer for you and your familiar with it. It's nice to know a plan is in place properly too. You must be exhausted bless you. I'm hoping and praying he gets stronger day by day here. It sounds like a positive move for both of you. :-) x

Elsabounre profile image

I just wrote as I had not seen tjis and was very worried..please God let that be a good move for him and let him recover from all his ailments and whatever he is now going through Amen...I hope this new hospital has some better solutions and better doctors for his special case..I do not understand the move but hope it is for the better.

in reply to Elsabounre

It's a lot closer to where we live. He was in this hospital to begin with and transferred to the other for the operation, and was always supposed to move back

Elsabounre profile image
Elsabounre in reply to

Will hope that this is his recovery place...even if it does take a bit longer than first thought...all positive orayers and vibes go out to you both.

Dempo profile image

Just caught up now. Sounds like good news if you are confident in the HDU. Maybe the change will give him a boost, he will feel like he’s getting closer to home?

Gillph profile image

Good news and less travelling for you will ease your pressure too. Fingers crossed the new medics will be able to get him to a cardiology ward and then home quickly. 🤞🤞

in reply to Gillph

He'll stay on HDU while they "fix" him then go to cardiology ward a few days before home I think

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to

that is positive isn’t it? Great for both of you

Danceawaytheblues profile image
Danceawaytheblues in reply to

It sounds like Ralph is moving in the right direction. HDU is a positive move from ICU. Next a general cardiac ward and then home. Fingers and toes all crossed for you both Sue. Love and hugs Marianne. x

Nannysue1 profile image
Nannysue1 in reply to

So pleased to hear this.

Callie456 profile image

Being in hospital closer to home is good, anything that helps make this difficult time a bit easier for you is great news.Moving hospitals or wards can be a bit unsettling for a few days, getting used to different staff etc. Be gentle with yourself and try not to worry if there's any initial setbacks, things will settle into a familiar hospital routine again. Enjoy the extra bits of time at home instead of on a bus 💗

Larneybuds profile image

I think we are all engrossed with Ralph's condition and progress and hope this is a positive move for him. It will certainly be a bit less stressful for you if it's not so far to travel and possibly means you can stay with him a bit longer when you visit. Let's hope things now start to change for the better and there's some sunshine for you both. Xx

AmandaLouise77 profile image

Great news, he'll be shattered for a few days to get over the move but even just knowing that he's closer to home is sure to help.

Bishop1 profile image

Good news, Ralph is on the move nearer homeTake care of yourself and hospital will look after your husband.

Hope he settles in his new surroundings quickly and they take great care of him

Have a good day x x

Stent2024 profile image

good morning castleview . I was enquiring on here yesterday , as to wether anyone had heard from you . I’m gladthe change will make it easier on you to visit . Hope all goes well . As we know hubbys name now , do you mind if I ask yours ?

in reply to Stent2024

My name is Sue...how do you do, lol. I'm not a boy though 😜😂

Stent2024 profile image
Stent2024 in reply to

I wasn’t being personal , just seemed weird calling you castleview 😂look forward to your next update sue

in reply to Stent2024

No problem 😁

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to

Somehow Ralph and Sue sound a lot more personal than Castleview and hubby. Thanks. All the best to you both Eva

JeremiahObadiah profile image

Thank you for taking the time to update us. This sounds like a positive step . And how fortunate they told you just before you set off.

All around the country ‘Team Ralph’ members are wishing him well and are empathising with you. Take care of yourself too.

Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply to JeremiahObadiah

Team Ralph & Sue 😊

in reply to Cat04


Art-99 profile image

such a roller coaster of emotions and stress for you over these past weeks, the mental anguish is worse for the partner, because you feel so helpless. Three and a half years ago I had planned valve surgery and should have been out of hospital in a week , like Ralph the surgery went well but then they couldn't wake me, my kidneys started to fail and I was put on dialysis for a while. I finally got home three months post op, six months later I flew back to the UK for my daughters graduation ceremony. So please keep positive, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

in reply to Art-99

Thanks for your reply. Yes, it's hard isn't it when things don't go to plan. So pleased you had a positive outcome, and I truly believe Ralph will have a happy ending as well, even if it's taking longer x

Catwifie profile image

That's great news! He'll be happier to be nearer home too! Onwards and homewards! Love to you both from Bonnie Scotland ❤️ 😘🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

devonian186 profile image

I would imagine he will see this as a positive move and it is good that it was seen that he was stable enough to move. Useful that it makes your journey easier as you need to keep strong for both of you.

He will be wiped out the next day or so after the move but with a plan in place hopefully you will notice improvements, although it will still be 2 steps forward and 1 back. Presumably he is not eating sold food?

in reply to devonian186

No, still a tube in his nose. They said in the last hospital it would be a day or two after the tracheotomy came out, and we all know how that went.

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply to

I suspected as much.

I will be selling "Team Ralph" T shirts amongst the community here at the popular price of £200 each. As Kenneth Williams said "Well its popular with me!"

I think this move is very positive and it will certainly help your travelling.

in reply to devonian186


Lynxmygingerb profile image

Good morning Sue, I have been following your up's and down's on here. I am so pleased Ralph is nearer to home and that you haven't lost your sense of humour. Take care of you. X

andrea_waffle7 profile image

Hoping the move is just what he needs. 🤞🏼 thinking of you both 🩷🩷

Plastow48 profile image

Good news and hope you are feeling more hopeful too. Must be easier not having so far to travel. Remember to take care of yourself. Prayers and gentle hugs. Jenny

Carercmb profile image

He was strong enough for the move, better for you both.

As everyone says “ look after yourself “

Wooodsie profile image

Nice one Castleview, saves you a lot of travel. Perhaps that anaesthetist was right after all 😀. Moving in his condition is a big thing, so I'm sure he will be tired, I'm pleased to hear he is still in ICU, if only for a short time (hopefully). If Milkfairy is saying Sheffield is good, Sheffield is good 👏👏👏 x

in reply to Wooodsie

HDU is one step down from ICU, which means they think, despite the setbacks, he is on the mend, just needs more specialist care, focused on mobility rather than the heart, which is stable now. I'm quite pleased with the change so far, once he's recovered from the move I think he'll come on leaps and bounds

Wooodsie profile image
Wooodsie in reply to

Yes, sorry, you did say HDU. Looking on the up side, he will be past the pain caused by the operation, I wish I could have slept through that 🤣🤣

in reply to Wooodsie

I've said that to the staff at both hospitals, he slept through the worst part. All drains etc were out before he woke up. The only pain he has had is a couple of headaches the first couple of weeks after he woke. That part, to me, is amazing

LSCE profile image

thank you for the update, I was also wondering how things were.

Chesterfiled Should be much easier for you to commute but still very tiring so remember to take care of yourself and rest when you can.

GrannyE profile image

heart being stable is excellent news.

Sunnysummerdays profile image

Great news!!!

cappachina profile image

So pleased to read this What a positive sign he was well enough to move It will take him a couple of days to recover from journey though and how good is this for you no more long travelling and more time to rest up in preparation for him coming home What a long twisting road you have both been on hopefully it's now a steady pace to home for him

WoodlandLover profile image

Ah, this is good they've been able to make Ralph's planned move now! It's bound to have been big for him, but it was likely to have been expected he'd be tired after it, and good he got extra support to cushion it. They will all get him well again. It's great he's closer to you now. Take care of yourself, dear Sue. I hope you're going on giving yourself little treats all along the way. It's an Odyssey and you're both Stars 🌟 🌟 XX

lizzieloo2 profile image

Glad to hear he has improved so much that he could be moved nearer to you. Onwards and upwards. Take care both of you

Bingo88 profile image

It's good news for you that he has moved closer to home now for you. I hope he can continue to improve and be home soon. Brian

Wanderinglady profile image

One step closer to home, that’s good. I’m not surprised he needs some extra support after the move. You take care of yourself, you must be exhausted by all this.

2wheeler profile image

Nice to hear the traveling is going to be easier for you, what is your return traveling time now. I hope that Ralphs care will get him back on his feet and home very soon.

take care Hugs

in reply to 2wheeler

1 hour 20 minutes round trip, instead of best part of 5 hours, a doddle 😊😜

2wheeler profile image
2wheeler in reply to

Still a lot of traveling but as you say much easier. Traveling can be so tiring, take care and look after your self as well xxhugsxx

JefferyW profile image

One piece of practical advice. I can see that you use public transport to visit your husband. You may want to investigate whether there is a volunteer driver service near you that could take you to visit occasionally. I am a driver for North Oxfordshire service and there may be one near you. The journeys are chargeable but are very reasonable and offer a door to door service. It may be worth you looking into it to give you a break occasionally.

in reply to JefferyW

Thanks, but I'm okay with the shorter journey, and the buses are free for us old folk, lol x

Thanksnhs profile image

Good morning Sue, it's lovely to know your name, I was hoping there would be an update today. I am so pleased to hear that Ralph has been moved nearer to you and that they felt he was strong enough for the journey and the downgrade to HDU it sounds like a corner has been turned. I hope things keep progressing now and I look forward to your next update, love and hugs Chary xx

Avagra profile image

you are having a rough time of it and I wish for a speedy recovery of your husband xx

Qualipop profile image

Oh that's so much easier for you. I don't think they would have moved him if they felt he wasn't fit to move and the handover seems to have been done well. Praying for him. He's bound to be shattered. I hope they continue to keep you so well up dated.

Furryears profile image

aaah that’s definitely better for visiting I hope you are both coping ok,

Give hubby my regards and I wish him all the best in his recovery, you also need to look after yourself

Thanks for the update take care both x

Handel profile image

Hi Castleview. it's good Ralph is closer to home and you don't have hours of travelling. Once they've knocked that nasty infection on the head, things will get better. This has been so exhausting for you and I think we all wished we could help in some way.

Lots of love and hugs and give Ralph our best wishes for a quick recovery. Jan xxxx

pauljusa profile image

He's nearer and hopefully things can only improve. My positive thoughts and best wishes are with you both - wish that I could do more.

in reply to pauljusa

Everyones messages are a big help, thank you ❤️

A246 profile image

Glad that your husband has been bought closer to you. I hope that this is better for you. Been following your posts my dear. Sending massive hugs, love and prayers for you both. Please keep us updated dear friend. Xxxx

BEATbump profile image

Good to hear its easier on you travelling. Also reassuring that the hand over was good. Let's hope that now Ralph is nearer home it helps in his recovery. He's a fighter. Best wishes 🤗

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