I have been imformed by cardiac rehab that BHf would give me results of travel insurance
companies that would cover my condition
I have been imformed by cardiac rehab that BHf would give me results of travel insurance
companies that would cover my condition
Just enter "travel insurance" in the search box (the little magnifying glass) at the top the page and you'll find lots of posts. But basically you'll be just as quick Googling travel insurance, as BHF don't recommend any particular insurance company.
Just be aware that insurance companies won't normally accept anyone who is still under treatment or awaiting a diagnosis.
Good luck!
as Chappy says. But travel insurance companies may insure you with an extra premium.
I was using stay sure for the last 2 years of multi trip, but changed to admiral as it was cheaper with the same cover . Use any comparison website for the best price to suit your condition
Not sure of your age, but after my hubby had a mild heart attack and two stents fitted we were able to still get travel insurance from our existing insurer Saga, I spoke to the underwriters and they said they would insure him once he was post 6 weeks after HA providing doctors said he was fit to fly, he had also had a small pulmonary embolism as well at the same time but again providing Dr sad he was fit to fly we could get insurance it only put our annual policy up by about £80 with all medical conditions declared and covered. We have found Saga brilliant as his HA also meant we had to cancel a holiday that was due to happen 10 days after his HA they paid out without issue and we’ve been really happy with them, but they only insure over 50’s