Is there such a thing as a sticky on this Forum? If not it's a shame. If so can this be the Ultimate Guide for those seeking travel insurance cover where they have pre-existing medical conditions.
Posts on here requesting recommendations for travel insurance occur (or so it seems to me ) as frequently as four or five times a month or certainly no less than two a month. The answers are usually the same. So..
1. We are all different, including age, medical history, gender (usually select from one of two!), and ethnicity. Therefore our risk profile (as assessed by travel insurance providers) will be different. So what applies to Person A will not necessarily apply to Person B.
2. It appears that travel insurance providers assess the risk differently, which means that in extreme some providers will decline to cover whereas others will not. And premiums can vary considerably.
3. Travel insurance will depend on where you intend to travel, what you intend to do may be higher risk than land based travel, and obviously the length of cover required.
4. If you are awaiting treatment of any kind, or an investigation e.g an angiogram, you will find premiums are high or you may find some providers decline to provide cover.
5. Some pre-existing medical conditions are worse than others when it comes to risk . and the more conditions you have and the more serious they are will also increase the risk.
In short there is no best fit for everyone. We are all unique as are our travel arrangements. And so just because someone on here found ,for example, that Staysure , or Avanti or Allclear provided cover at a modest premium does not mean everyone will qualify for the same.
So the solution is to try a website for travel insurance with pre-existing medical conditions, answer all the questions honestly and then take it from there. If you are deemed high risk you may find that you are declined cover or the premium is very high. That's just how it is.
Or go talk to your local insurance broker who should know the market better than any of us and will be incentivised to get a deal if one is available
Other suggestions welcome...