Hi to all you lovely folks out there in cardiacland, just stepping into the shower this morning at 7.15 & occurred to me that exactly 2 yrs ago today, I'd just arrived back on the coronary care unit, having been rushed to the cath lab following waking up having a a heart attack. Weird to remember the bewilderment, looking around the unit, no pain (still full of morphine from Paramedics & Ambulance crew), wires everywhere, people waking up, staff going about their everyday jobs... Then the nurse was there "here's your meds", "I've got meds?", how naive that sounds to me now, must have sounded pretty daft at the time...blame the morphine!
So begins the journey, I had no warning, was active, fairly good diet (or so I thought), normal BMI but did have family history of heart trouble, I was even on statins, just not high enough dose I guess. So it transpires I suffered an Inferior Stemi, 100% right coronary artery blockage, turns out a bit of a doozy. They put in 2 long stents into the RCA emergency rapido style & I was fixed, well mostly. Anyone else fascinated by the process?, I ended up asking the Cardiologist about the images left on the screen as I shuffled off the cath lab table (really uncomfortable!). "is that me?"... he told me about how one of the images was a look down the newly opened artery! wowzer! Anyway 2 days later 5 more stents into the LAD artery, ironically by the same Cardic guy. I was chatting to him whilst he was operating inside my heart, surreal, & he was happy to chat along as well... even called me metal micky as I got off the table this time, mind you he did say I looked remarkably better than when he'd seen me before, in the middle of my HA.
Must acknowledge, I was very lucky, the response from everyone from the 999 services to the nursing staff, everyone worked hard to save me... lucky the v badly blocked LAD artery held out when the RCA completely blocked otherwise I wouldn't be chatting to you fine people.
Meds... usual Beta Blocker, ACE Inhibitor, Aspirin, Anti-Platelet & big dose of statins. I've continued to have the meds reviewed and reduced as I've recovered and got fitter, lost some weight etc. There's been ups and downs, still occasionally get v tired, I'm left with impaired heart function and yes I'm lucky. I've worked hard to stay fit and disciplined with my diet, but still have a few well chosen treats ...
Future...who knows, I'm healthy, fitter than I was pre HA, still get tired at the end of the day, work FT, still attend a post rehab fitness class (same but harder & more intensive), "if you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got!" so I push a bit when I feel fit and able. take it easy when it's one of those off days. I go to Parkrun on Saturdays when the weather behaves, exercise at home when it doesn't. For those stats people out there my ejection fraction measures at 41%, only a 3% improvement from the HA damage, this is permanent damage, RCA blockage was high up so more heart muscle was starved at the start, but I'm trying to maximise with caution, what I have & what I can do, not mourn for what I've lost or can't do...as I say I'm lucky & I'm thankful.
Sorry for the long post, good things can come from some really dark places when we're thrown into these events, yes the demons can creep into our thoughts, I attended Trauma Therapy late last year, waited 18 months for it & worth every second, if you're struggling with the mental side, which can be massive, refer yourself or ask your medical professional to refer, it can be a big win.
last thought..." if you don't try, you don't know & if you never try...you'll never know"
Good luck out there, lighter nights are in the way...