H, I'm 58
I had mild chest pain or rather more discomfort a few times last year.
Decided to take it to A&E last October.
ECG, BP were fine, blood test showed high Cholesterol.
Slightly elevated troponin. (10)
Second blood test an hour or so later showed no rise in troponin. (9)
Sent away with something to ease the discomfort which was put down to something gastric.
Also suggested that I start statins, atarvostatin.
Few days later was asked if I wanted to be involved in a study of people that had presented at A&E with chest pain but were not diagnosed with heart failure/disease.
Said yes and when I was phoned got a coin flip in favour of being included which meant a CT scan.
CT scan found "moderate" (50-70%) blockage in distal LAD and mild (under 50%) blockage in other areas of arteries.
-----------------------here's the numbers---------------------
Coronary arteries
Right dominant coronary system
LMS: Normal
LAD: Mild noncalcified plaque in the proximal LAD, less than 50% stenosis. Mild mixed plaque in the mid LAD, less than 50% stenosis. Moderate mixed plaque within the distal LAD, 50-70% stenosis. Small first diagonal. Normal second diagonal branch.
LCX: Mild mixed plaque in the proximal circumflex and AV circumflex, less than 25% stenosis. Mild mixed plaque in the mid / distal circumflex, less than 50% stenosis. Normal OM 1 and OM2 branches.
RCA: Mild mixed plaque in the proximal RCA, less than 50% stenosis. Normal mid and distal RCA. Mild calcified plaque in the PDA, less 25% stenosis.
Cardiac findings
Normal cardiac valves and chambers.
Now just looking into it all to try to find out how worried I need to be.
Eating more healthily and losing weight. ( BMI 29 from 30.5 and going down)
Drinking moderately now.
My Dr said that it was better that it be in the distal LAD.
I'm really quite worried as my sons are 15 and 10 and the 10yr old is autistic and I want to see him safe in life.