I’m not sure how to describe the second symptom I have. It’s like a long lasting weight in my chest area ( I think) and I feel like I need to cough sometimes even though I don’t need to.
I have been having daily palpitations since the birth of my daughter 11 months ago.
never had them in my life before it.
not sure if it’s connected but it is everyday.
some days are worse than others, but the symptom that really frustrates me is the one I can’t even describe properly. It feels like I am Just waiting for a palpitation that doesn’t come.
this feeling can go away for days but then come back and I could have it for hours.
Can anyone relate to it?
My ecg was normal, haven’t heard back about holter and my electro cane back normal.
I am at a loss on how to manage this. I take magnesium but hasn’t helped. It did for a while but it’s not anymore.
I go through periods where I am ok and it’s like it never happened but mostly it’s everyday
thanks so much