Hi all since May I’ve been experiencing palpitations , they come and go some are worse than others , I’ve had various tests with not a lot of joy . I’ve had a bad week this week and hubby is convinced it’s stress related or anxiety . I’ve had a 48 hr ECG monitor and still waiting on those results , I’m feeling like I may never find the reason behind these and wondered how other people got diagnosed . A cardiologist had recommended I take 75 mg of aspirin daily which has now set alarm bells ringing alongside my bisoprolo fumate !
Still struggling to find an answer to... - British Heart Fou...
Still struggling to find an answer to palpitations

I suffer with svt. Rapid heart rate. No pain just palpatations. Have to give it 15 mins and if they carry on have to go to a & e. Doc thinks mines stress related. I'm also on bisoprolol. 1.25mg at night and half of 1.25mg in the morning
Unfortunately, some people do just suffer with benign palpitations. All the word palpitation means is someone having an awareness of one’s heartbeat, nothing more: if all the tests come back normal or negative, and the rate and rhythm of your heart are normal and not of concern, then the underlying cause may just be something in your body that simply means you’re more aware of your heartbeat than others.

True I’ve always been aware of my heart beat it’s just a little scary when for the last 52 years I’ve never been ill ! Might well be my age
Anything to do with the heart is scary, though, and justifiably so to some extent. Palpitations just aren’t particularly fun, even the benign ones. I say that as someone that has tonnes of palpitations that have been determined to be otherwise benign - they suck, but if everything that requires treatment has been ruled out, you just have to learn to ignore them the best you can, and take comfort in the fact that there’s nothing actually wrong. Have you tried cutting out stimulants? Sometimes they can increase palpitations, even if your heart rate itself isn’t particularly high.

Yes I’ve cut out coffee and alcohol and it has made a difference , I’m also peri menopause and I know it could be that also , I agree if they no cause I’m gonna have to learn to live with it !
When I started with palpitations I was sent for a stress test/treadmill. IT showed absolutely nothing but very luckily they left he electrodes attached while I sat down to recover and lo and behold, had a long bout of them which showed on the trace and hey could tell where they were coming from. Mine were benign. Still get hem but mostly ignore them.