Sorry, another question from me.
I had HA start of March and stents fitted, recovery going pretty well and no major side effects of the various meds.
In the last week I have had what I could best describe as a “rush” in my chest with fairly reasonable frequency. I’m not breathless, it tends to be when I’m sitting still, it doesn’t keep me awake or wake me up, it doesn’t last long - seconds if that - and I read another thread where the poster described a stomach sensation like going down a dip on a roller coaster. That sort of fits the bill but it’s more in my chest/throat, and we have a couple of meds in common... Atorvastatin and Bisoprolol.
My pulse doesn’t seem to change with this at all, and to check I have worn a chest strap heart monitor all day to see if there are any big spikes or dips but there aren’t.
Is this sensation familiar to anyone, I may call cardiac rehab or cardio pharmacist tomorrow - I’m not overly worried, I’d rather it wasn’t happening but it is new to me and being early days of recovery I’m paranoid about the niggles and unusual sensations.