Palpitations and Bisoprolol - British Heart Fou...

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Palpitations and Bisoprolol

Carolx profile image
43 Replies

I have been put on Bisoprolol for SVT. Started it 12 days ago at 2.5mg a day, then cardiologist increased it to 5mg a day 4 days ago.

I have never felt so ill in 52 years of having the SVT.

I have had 10 episodes of tachycardia since taking the Bisoprolol.

I cannot sleep, as it is so uncomfortable, like my heart is being squashed and it becomes very erratic.

I have had 2 hours broken sleep for the last 3 nights and I’m exhausted.

I emailed my cardiologist at St Thomas’ hospital a couple of days ago reporting the increase in palpitations and his reply was stick with it and if we need to increase to 7.5mg then 10mg we will do.

It’s making me feel worse.

I feel so anxious and really fed up.

Anyone else had the same experience?


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Carolx profile image
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43 Replies
Stumpy47 profile image

It sounds so very similar, I had very similar reactions on Bisoprolol but "stuck with it" & slowly felt better & adjusted. I did have a successful ablation in May 2019 but still take the drug & in Sept 2019 had a pacemaker implant. If things really don't improve I would certainly pressure your team for a meds review, but some alternatives also can have side effects. The main ones I had were, poor sleep,nightmares, tiredness, which have all improved but still appear from time to time on 5mg daily.

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toStumpy47

Thank you for your reply.

I have just received an email from my cardiologist.

He has consulted with the EP and they have decided if I felt better on the Diltiazem then to stop the Bisoprolol and go back on the Diltiazem.

As long as the last dose of Bisoprolol was at least 12 hours ago.

Let’s hope the palpitations start to settle and I can get a decent nights sleep.

Appreciate your reply.

Stumpy47 profile image
Stumpy47 in reply toCarolx

The current heatwave sure plays havoc with palpitations Ifind. Hope your change of meds helps!

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toStumpy47

That is very true, plus I’m a 52 year old hormonal woman 🤦‍♀️😂

Major factor I think!

Brandibell profile image

Yes, and I simply refused to take them and told them so. I am in control of what I put in my system and 1.25mg is too high I am on a quarter. I too suffer SVT. It is a drug that costs about 80p a tablet so it is easier/cheaper for them to stick us on tablets then to get to the route cause and and fix it or try to.

I totally agree with it makes the beats worse, my eptopics skip left right and centre. I couldn't sleep off them either, it also caused major anxiety something i have never had.

You do what's best for you if 2.5mg keeps you steady then stick with it. Anything is better than nothing where cardiologists are concerned. It is all about them saving their own skin and trying to prevent a medical negligence claim. Bisoprolol is for hearts only. X Take care.

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toBrandibell

Thank you for your reply.

I agree I need to be in control of what I’m taking and it’s scaring the hell out of me the way the Bisoprolol is making me feel.

My cardiologist has advised to stop the Bisoprolol and start back on the Diltiazem.

I did still get palpitations with that also, but nowhere as bad as this.

Having another 72 hour Holter Monitor fitted Friday.

I appreciate your advice and sharing your experience.

Lucymoo profile image
Lucymoo in reply toBrandibell

I do feel your response is very personal to you and very negative. Cardiologists have spent years learning their skills and some are better than others of course, they are only human. They also have a range of treatments to offer a range of different patients. I do feel your attitude of slagging off your cardiologist is your experience and the majority of us try to work with our cardiologists and GP”S.

dawny1908 profile image
dawny1908 in reply toBrandibell

Hi I am 50 next week and gave been having palpatations for about 5 yrs and had 24 hr ecg at doc and they said it was normal some ppl feel them some don't, so everytime I had them I thought they were 'normal'. Last August in the really hot weather I went to docs as felt all achey. He sent me to hospital as heart was racing and he couldn't take my BP. Since then I have bouts of svt. My bpm go to around 196. They give me 6mil of adenosine which brings it back down again thank god. They are saying the think it's stress related. I gave had echocardiogram and 24hr BP and ecg monitors. Heart structure us normal but I have ectopic (which I have only recently started to actually feel). He said these are normal for middle aged ppl. And my mitral valve doesn't close properly which again he says is normal. I was off work from jan to May and my last palpatations svt was in Jan until I went back to wrk. I was stressed one day 3 weeks ago and ended up with palpatations again and again last night I was in hospital having adenosine again. I'm wondering us it stress or menopause. I currently rake 1.25mg bisoprolol and have been given amlodipine to taje for BP but it says can cause palpatations. So haven't started them yet

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply todawny1908

I do think it’s linked to hormones, as I am peri menopausal.

My palpitations have definitely got worse over the last couple of years.

I’m 52 now.

I think I need a hormone test to see what level mine are at.

Could be many factors I guess making them more frequent.

Bloody nuisance aren’t they! 😩

dawny1908 profile image
dawny1908 in reply toCarolx

Yes definitely control what you can do as you never know when they are going to happen. I got told if the don't go within 10 mins then go to hospital. But I do also think they are stress related which again could link to menopause... If so I wish it would get it over with haha x

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply todawny1908

Oh I agree! The things us poor women have to go through 😉

I was also told to try and get to the hospital whilst having an episode.......pretty difficult to drive yourself there and by the time you get there it probably would have stopped.

My longest one was 35 minutes when I was pregnant.

OMG thought I was going to die!

Had to call my mum to come round.

Of course they do eventually stop but I’ll never get used to them or not have a moment of panic when I’m having one x

dawny1908 profile image
dawny1908 in reply toCarolx

I have had them for 2 days before!! Absolutely tires you out afterwards and makes you ache especially across shoulder blades. I end up driving myself even though I shouldn't. I think ya can also ring 999. Last night I was feeling anxious whilst they were happening too and hot with the mask on... They are horrible I feel it all in my throat. And my boobs is wobbling ten to the dozen! Ya sit there and think why me!!! But then it's surprising how many ppl do suffer with it. Mine have been up to 196 bpm and a lady in next cubicle had same and hers were 257 bpm

in reply todawny1908

I have the same as you, Svt and mitral valve prolapse, I do feel it’s stress related, I haven,t had an attack for 7 months because I came out of a stressful time which was giving me very unpleasant palpitations and racing heart. I don,t like the side effects of Bisoprolol at all.

dawny1908 profile image
dawny1908 in reply to


This is more or less exactly the same as me. I stress at work and it sets me off. I was off work and never had a bout again for 6-7 months. I go back to work been back about 6 weeks and already had adenosine in hosputal twice already. What dose bisoprolol are you on? And what side effects are you experiencing x

in reply todawny1908

The dreaded adenosine, awful feeling! I,m on 1.25 Bisoprolol drops my blood pressure too low and my heartbeat is 52 but has been 44. It makes me feel like a zombie and tired all the time,lightheaded when I stand up,I,m currently reducing it to see what I feel like without.

in reply todawny1908

Your post is 4 months old and reading it you are a mirror image of my symptoms ,even the mitral valve. I,m on Bisoprolol 1.25, I,m never sure if it’s them or my heart problem makes me feel so awful. I,m older than you ,my symptoms have progressed as I got older but the Svt is definitely stress related. I have had a few at night that have woke me up from sleep though.

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply to

I’m back on Diltiazem and things are much better.I still get the palpitations but they aren’t as strong or last as long.

I’ve been wearing a holter monitor the past 3 days.

Took it back today.

Nothing to report that I’m aware of but that happened before and they picked up loads. So I’ll wait and see what the results are.

Itching like mad where the sticky pads were, very raised and sore 😩

I’m also waiting for cardiac MRI results.

I honestly believe it’s hormone related.

I used to get maybe one a month, since I reached 50 I was getting 3 or 4 a week.

Draining isn’t it.

Hope you get yourself sorted.

in reply toCarolx

I have a raised patch under my left breast where I had a pad which I forgot to take off after an admission to A and E. it’s been there a year and still hasn’t gone.

angel343 profile image

hi carol i was on 2.5mg bisporol and ramipril then they stated i had bracycardia and completley stopped bisporol and ramipril. it was horrendous. they have now had to put me back on 1,25 bisporol. I am waiting to see cardiologist i feel a bit better whilst taking it. I take my in the morning but like so many others struggle at night cant sleep also menapausal. Sometimes i feel like its trial and error trying to get meds right, but its so frightening i totally understand where you are coming from, I would definately contact your cardiologist to seek advice maybe higher dose isnt suiting you. The current situation we are all in makes it all feel worse. I hope you manage to get the help you need. Take care x

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toangel343

Hi angel343

My cardiologist has taken me off them. He’s told me to go back on Diltiazem.

I stopped the Bisoprolol Tuesday and I cannot tell you how different I feel already.

Last night was the first night in 2 weeks I could actually lie down without feeling like my heart was going to explode.

The palpitations I was getting were very odd and very strong.

Like my heart was actually jolting but mainly when I lie down.......strange I know.

I was having mini panic attacks and kept imagining I couldn’t swallow properly.

Drama Queen 👸😂

I have been so anxious too.

Mainly over having to have a MRI.

I still can’t do it, so claustrophobic.

Cardiologist said we will look at other options, possibly referring me to King’s College Hospital.

I’m hoping I can have an open MRI somewhere or be sedated 🤦‍♀️🙏🏻

Why can’t we just be normal 🤷‍♀️ x

Petercat1 profile image
Petercat1 in reply toCarolx

Hi.If the MRI scanner makes you feel claustrophobic, try closing your eyes and breathe deeply whilst you're in there, that works for me.

Hope it goes well.


Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toPetercat1

Hi Denise This was 7 months ago, so all done n dusted now.

Thank you for your reply x

angel343 profile image

you can do it carol the MRI if you close you eyes and put headphones on you will get through it. im not joking i was so frightened after i had a stroke but it is the only way to get the best diagnosis, i had diazepam to reax me before i did it and i glad i did. i am very claustropphobic also but please just ask for some diazepam to calm you beffore and you will be ok. I also want to be feeling normal but what is normal carol. There are a lot of peope who have lost their lives ad i try to keep telling myself how lucky i am to still be here 5 years later after my severe heart attack. I used to be a very outgoing person very good job lots of peope around me, now theres no one only all of us can truly understand what we are goingg through. We need to set up a group where we can all meet up and help one another through everything. Please dont be scared about MRI scan just ask like i said for a small course of diazepam to help you get through it. Take care X

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toangel343

I was supposed to have a MRI on Tuesday at St Thomas’ hospital.

I was so nervous I hardly slept Monday night. I had a terrible nightmare where I couldn’t get out of my bedroom, there was no handle on my door 🤦‍♀️

I literally jumped out the bed.

When I did actually wake up around 6am my stomach was in knots and my heart rate so erratic.

I am ashamed to say I emailed them and cancelled it. I just couldn’t see the point of wasting everyone’s time.

I was only informed on Monday of the MRI so I did contact my GP for an anti anxiety tablet. She said she was very reluctant as she didn’t know how it would interact with the Bisoprolol and I’d need a trial run first, there just wasn’t time.

I was so disappointed in myself. I worked myself up so much I was literally having a panic attack.

Cardiologist was so understanding and said we’ll try and explore other options, maybe at Kings College Hospital.

I just cannot bear the thought of it.

An hour in a tunnel 😩

Many would not understand and think I’m being very stupid but I can’t help how I feel.

If I had more time I would have definitely tried the diazepam x

angel343 profile image
angel343 in reply toCarolx

please carol do never be dissapointed in yourself anxiety is terrible. its the unknown please ask for diazepam they are the only thing that helped me . Please do not feel bad about yourself its understandable its frightening you have all of us for support. I believe in angels my dog was called angel i got coronavirus in march within three days she died in my arms. Each dday i see white feathers . white butterflies have been coming everyday ive collected all the white feathers. Some people will think im crazy but im a believer. Please have your MRI they need to do it. When i was 28 i got cervical cancer annd im still here through the heart attack and everything, You can do this please for your sake. Take care you are not alone XX

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toangel343

Oh bless ya. Thank you.

Sounds like you’ve really had a tough time.

I do need to do it, you’re right.

So if they insist I do have one, I’ll definitely get something from my GP to calm me down.

Shame I can’t take a hip flask of vodka in with me 🤪

angel343 profile image
angel343 in reply toCarolx

well go together with a vodka hipflask ha ha if you need support im here x

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toangel343


Anxiety is horrible, hard enough during the `good times`. When you have to have a procedure it`s a hundred times worse. Sending you best wishes. x

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toDanceawaytheblues

Thank you x

Marmalade28 profile image

I just developed AF and I’ve been put on them 1.25mgs and blood thinners. I feel dreadful.

Heart jittery and pain behind shoulder. My pulse is so low. Irregular heart beat showing up on bP monitor loads now.

I feel awful. I was on amolodipine And was taking hrt tabs. just for two months, when my heart went into AF. I don’t want to be on thinners either. It only happened a week ago so I’m going to have to wait I guess to cardiology

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toMarmalade28

Good morning

My cardiologist said to me if palpitations are prolonged go straight to A&E.

I was getting to the stage where that was going to happen.

So glad I stopped the Bisoprolol.

I have no idea what’s going on with my heart.

I didn’t get to sleep til 4.45am last night.

It’s when I lie down, my heart is so erratic.

I’m wearing a Holter Monitor right now, so that will definitely show up.

I just feel so uncomfortable.

I think I need a hormone test.

I hope you get sorted soon. It’s no fun feeling like that is it.

Also I think it’s the anxiety that comes with it that’s making the symptoms worse.

My family say to me ‘You need to relax and stop worrying’ .........hmm not that easy.

I’m imagining all sorts.

If you do feel really poorly please just go straight to A&E.

Good luck

GJDinNZ profile image
GJDinNZ in reply toCarolx

Hi Carol,

Did you get a result from the Holter monitor yet?

I've just stopped the Bisoprolol (just over a day ago). Have had 2 really bad nights with palpitations. Went to ED last night to get checked and they just found sinus tachycardia.

I am puzzled about why Bisoprolol didn't help. This could well be a rebound effect from stopping the meds, but lack of sleep is dreadful. I agree that anxiety plays a part, but very hard not to worry about this group of symptoms!

I want to try and stick through a period of time without the beta-blocker, before I go for another GP review. You are still the only other person I've found where the Bisoprolol made the overnight symptoms worse, so I'm keen to know how you are tracking!

Hope you're feeling better

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toGJDinNZ


No I only took Holter back yesterday morning.

I’m guessing it’ll be around a week or so before I hear back from the hospital.

I’m also very puzzled why Bisoprolol made my heart race when it’s supposed to slow it down.

As you said many others on here all say how it’s made their heart rate too low!

Honestly it made me feel awful.

My heart felt like it was going to burst out my chest!

I had a few nights like that.

Nothing since stopping it Wednesday.

I’ve had a couple of svt episodes but very short and not that strong.

I’m baffled too why it made my heart race, instead of slowing it down.

I’ll let you know when I get results back from Holter.

I hope you’re ok. I did panic when I was having these episodes. I sat up for hours as I was scared to lie down.

I also felt like I couldn’t swallow properly but I think I was imagining that! 🤦‍♀️

I guess it doesn't suit everyone and you and I are the unlucky ones 😩

Marmalade28 profile image


I do think menopause has a big contribution to these issues.

My heart issues started 5/6 years ago I’m 56 now.

I find once I’m on HRT for 2/3 months my BP rises. But I hadn’t had AF before.

It’s a minefield all this.

Good luck to you too! X

GJDinNZ profile image

My pulse has rebounded to over 100.

Seems like this is an effect of stopping the Bisoprolol.

I'm reluctant to restart it, because it seemed to cause some problematic side-effects.

Not sure how I'd feel if they suggested a different beta-blocker.

(in my case, it was prescribed to supplement my other anti-hypertensive Losartan) High BP is my primary problem. I've always had a bit of stress-induced/'white coat' syndrome with my high BP. At the time, it seemed logical that beta-blocker would help, but my experience has been far from good.

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toGJDinNZ

See how you feel in a couple of days. Once the Bisoprolol is out of your system you may start to feel better.

If you don’t I’d contact GP or ask for advice from nurses on here.

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply toGJDinNZ

Good morning

I just wanted to check how you’re getting on.

Are you feeling any better?


nobby1st profile image

I am having trouble sleeping on 6.25 bisoporol

Carolx profile image
Carolx in reply tonobby1st

Is your heart rate fast on these tablets?

nobby1st profile image
nobby1st in reply toCarolx

No been good but wake up after 3 hrs sleep

Fifimyangel profile image

I have a pacemaker for heart block. In March this year I started having erratic fast heart rates. I'm taking bisoprolol. Been on it for 1 week. Still getting rapid beats but not lasting as long. Waiting to see a cardiologist. Soon hopefully. It's scary. Not sure what's happening to me at the moment.

Aughey profile image

I'm taking this medication for arrhythmia. . When I started the doctor at the hospital said for me to take it at night and like you I never got a nights sleep. When I went to my GP he practically shouted at me NEVER take this at night. I swopped to taking it at breakfast time and at least now I get a sleep.

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