Hi all , just looking for others experiences with heart rates while running /exercising. I’ve always had a high working heart rate (cycling , running , a lifetime of other sports) . I’l did the level 3 cardiac rehab 6 week course a few months back , found it extremely easy and not really tailored to individuals but completed it and d joyed the company of others . I have a cardio specialist coach online who has ress as lot helped me get back to weight training , running 5k (jogging) and back into my yoga classes. 5k goss as l achieved and running with my eldest (adult) daughter was a goal . She’s got me into Parkrun the last two Saturdays and it’s a fabulous way to meet up and get the cardio done on a Saturday morning.
I note that my HR can get to 160s well into the 5k , Borg scale of effort around 12-15 out of 20 for the last 4”500m. My training runs are usually 130-150s. I’m on 1.25 mg bisoprolol, hss as of a 1.25mg Rampiril beta blockers ( aspirin, clopidogrel, pantaprazole and GP supervised stopping of 80mg artovastatin for 1 month , feeling better after 2 weeks).
Is it anyone else’s experience of high working heart rate post surgery/meds and not having any issues ? I’m not feeling any issues after , just usual result of effort and then recover. Coach has mentioned that the guidelines for beta blockers is the HR should be lower …. But stressed they are guidelines and if I’m feeling good , carry on and be sensible (don’t go sprinting etc) .
Grateful to hear your experiences. I will be mentioning my experience to my consultant when I’m due a call In April.
All the best