Hubby still not awake : Hubby had his... - British Heart Fou...

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Hubby still not awake

105 Replies

Hubby had his quadruple bypass on Thursday morning. Back in ICU 2 in the afternoon. Tried twice to wake him up today and it didn't work. They aren't going to try until 10 on Saturday morning now. I went to visit, it's heartbreaking that he can't breathe on his own. 10 a.m. tomorrow will be 42 hours, that can't be right. I can't lose him now after his op was successful, I am so scared and worried. He's such a good man, why won't he wake up?😞😭


Just been to see him with my sons. They woke him this morning and disconnected the breathing tube, but after 40 minutes, he was shaking and distressed and couldn't focus, had a vacant look in his eyes, no reaction when they shone a light. So they've sedated him again and reconnected the breathing tube. Now they think it may be neurological even though the scan he had yesterday was clear. So I think he'll have the scan on Sunday or Monday so they can wake him up first and scan him when he starts shaking, so they can see what's happening.

Sadly he was back asleep before we got there. I'm trying to stay positive but it's very hard x

105 Replies
Tos92 profile image

I’m really sorry to hear this. I can imagine the wait is nerve wracking and upsetting. It may take some longer to wake up if there were complications during the surgery. I know you’ve mentioned that the surgery was a success. Have you been able to speak to a consultant regarding his procedure and the estimated timeline set in place for patients that have had a quadruple bypass?

Thinking of you.


in reply toTos92

Yes, his surgeon came while I was there, he said it was a complete success. He's surprised he's not awake but says it may be because he's a bigger man

Tos92 profile image
Tos92 in reply to

That sounds reassuring! The main thing is, the surgeon doesn’t seem concerned yet so I would take that as a positive. Saturday morning is around the corner now, so keeping my fingers crossed for you and him that he’ll be awake tomorrow morning 🤞🏽

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

We spoke yesterday and I said sometimes this can happen

They tried me and I could not breath on my own and they waited till the following day and everything went ok

I know this is longer they are keeping your Husband under but they know what they are doing and you are not going to lose him

We can all react different after these ops and your Husband is just needing a little longer

I know you are going to feel upset and worried but please try and trust them he is in the best place with professionals around him they will make sure he is alright

It might be to late by now they will have gone home I think but I wished you had posted earlier as I would have suggested you phoned those lovely Rehab Nurses we talked about I am sure they would have helped put your mind at ease :-)

Try and distract yourself you are going to need all your energy for when he comes home to help with his recovery :-)

Let us know how you are getting on and your Husband when you can :-) x

in reply toBeKind28-

Thank you, I will. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard. I was able to hold his hand and stroke it and talk to him. One of my sons will take me tomorrow afternoon for an hour if he wakes up

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to

Hello :-)

I read what you said about the Surgeon saying the op was a success and it most likely is because he is a bigger man and they know and will have seen it all before and why they are not worried so see that as a positive :-)

I am glad you could hold his hand and talk to him :-)

Hope they wake him up soon and I know it must be so hard not to worry but he is been looked after by the best keep reminding yourself of that and I hope you get to visit with your Son tomorrow but he will be ok :-) x

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply toBeKind28-

When I had my quad I remember being told that people woke up at hugely variable times. He is in the best place and the fact the medics are not concerned is very encouraging.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply todevonian186

:-) x

Blearyeyed profile image

I can sympathise it must be very scary for you especially when you see that your husband still needs help to breath.Just try to remember , that although the ventilation tubes look scary they are doing an important job helping him to breath whilst he is still asleep and helping him slowly recover.

It is not common for patients to stay asleep longer than a day after a big surgery , but it does happen.

Some patients take longer to come out of sedation especially if they had a long or complicated surgery , or they are older when it was done.

Some patients bodies react in a way that encourage them to stay asleep even if they weren't induced to despite coaxing from doctors to wake up as though the brain is encouraging the body to sleep and protect itself , trying to give all of it's energy to recovering. Again , very worrying for those around the patient but often the patient can just suddenly wake up on their own when they are ready to do so.

Some patients can be asleep without sedation for 24-48 hours after a surgery without it causing any further complications or because of post op problems , so keep positive. During that time the medical unit do continuous monitoring and blood testing to check that complications don't occur.

I'm sure , if your hubby still doesn't wake up before tomorrow 10 am the ICU team will then consider doing other tests like a CT and MRI to check if there are other reasons for him being asleep , and will have other procedures to keep him stable and as well as possible while they try to find a solution.

You can ask them if they are considering these options or if they might be necessary.

Do try to keep hope on high.

If you are at home alone , you mind may start racing more , it might be an idea to find a friend or family member to stay with tonight and for the next few days to support you and help you keep your mind at rest.

I will be keeping you both in my thoughts and will look out for your updates.

Take care , Bee

in reply toBlearyeyed

Thank you, I'm trying to stay positive. I've had to put my heating on as I am freezing

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Well it is very cold but you'll probably also be feeling a little shock or stress from what you are going through and that can drop your body temperature too.Keep warm , have a nice warm drink , cosy up in a blanket.

Have you got someone whom you can go and stay with , or whom can come and stay with you?

Contact them if you have.

If not , spend some time ringing ( not just texting) and chatting with friends and family as the conversation will distract you but also make you feel a little more relaxed.

Hugs , Bee

Mydog8it profile image

As a "bigger man" who is also on the waiting list for a 5 x CABG (quintuple bypass) I am sending positive vibes to both you and your hubby and hope to read a positive outcome from you in the very near future.

in reply toMydog8it

I'll let you know as soon as I do. Good luck with your surgery and hope you don't have to wait too long

WeeHoolet profile image

Your husband's team are trying to ensure that you don't lose him, Castleview. His surgery has been successful; hold that thought if you can. Thinking of you 🤞

Yumz199725 profile image

Aww I'm so sorry to hear 💔. Maybe he just needs a few more days to recover before waking up x

Weetabixie profile image

What the surgeon said was promising and all did go well and as should be. If they had concerns they would have brought them to your attention I'm sure. I feel for what you're going through and understand how much of an emotional and anxious wait this is. But I am hoping and praying this time tomorrow I'll see that you've posted he's awake and recovering. Hang in there I've got everything crossed for you both🤞🙏🫶

in reply toWeetabixie

Thank you. They took him for a scan this evening to see if there's any reason for him not waking, but won't have the results until morning.

Weetabixie profile image
Weetabixie in reply to

I'm hoping scan results show everything is ok 🙏

Stumpy47 profile image

I can only imagine how much anxiety you are having to cope with. Best wishes to you all.

Sending you best wishes and thinking about you and your husband. It’s brilliant the surgery was a success and while he’s there having machines doing all the hard work he is asleep and resting, major surgery takes it toll on the body and the anaesthetic was for a long procedure. I hope he wakes up well today and you get to smile at each other. Take care 🦊x

Callie456 profile image

I'm sorry you have to go through such a worrying and stressful time and hope and pray that your hubby will be awake and chatting with you soon. Sending hugs 💙

Edenowl profile image

My ex husband had a triple bypass 10 years ago. He was asleep for nearly 3 days. They kept trying to bring him round but couldn’t. He did come round and was very groggy for a while but fine. He’s 82 now and absolutely fine. It was very worrying at the time. My son and I were asked to just keep talking to him. If the doctor isn’t concerned that’s a really good thing. He will wake up today just be positive and focus on that lovely chat you are going to have soon with him. Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts. You and your husband can do this 💛

in reply toEdenowl

Thank you, very reassuring. I'm hoping the scan he had last night doesn't show a problem as to why he's not waking. They'll know results when consultants do their rounds this morning and that's also when they're going to try and wake him again.

Silvertail profile image

❤️🌺 Blessings to you both. I do hope he wakes up soon.

Edenowl profile image

We will all be thinking of you. 💛

Woodywoo36 profile image

My brother works in icu and said this does happen. The sedation is deep and it takes different people different amounts of time to wake up. With my own dad after his bypass, he woke up then had to be sedated again a while later for another 24 hours. It's a tense time. I hope he wakes up today and all is well xx

in reply toWoodywoo36

Thank you 🙏

A246 profile image

Dear Catleview, just read your post. Sending kindest regards to you both. My father-in-law had CABG years ago and took a week to wake up. He was ok. Please keep us posted.x

in reply toA246

Oh my gosh, you must have been so scared and worried. Will do x

A246 profile image
A246 in reply to

It was, eventually he woke up and was ok. Thinking of you my dear. Looking forward to hearing from you later. X

Seal59 profile image

You must be so worried, I hope your husband wakes up today.

Plum53 profile image

Sorry you are having this worry and stress but hopefully your lovely husband will be awake today and starting his road to recovery. Sending you a big hug x

Pingpon profile image

Your hubby will be fine Castleview Hang in there

Sending fervent prayers and love

Dyllibobs profile image

Oh I'm so sorry you're going through this. As others have mentioned, this does happen & the Surgeon's will be used to seeing this. It must be so stressful for you. I hope all goes well today & your Husband makes a good recovery. X

pjw17 profile image

Loads of love and prayers to you both I'm sure he'll be awake soon .Please keep us posted .

meadfoot profile image

Hoping for good news for your husband and yourself. Its so hard for you both and your family. Thinking of you and sending a big cyber hug. Please update us when you can. All the very best to you both. X

Stent2024 profile image

I really hope hubby wakes up today . Must be a very worrying time for you . Thinking of you both

devonian186 profile image

Its now 8am so thinking of you and your husband and his waking time of 10 this morning. As others have said it is not at all uncommon but obviously deeply concerning for others when waiting for the event. You will let us all know I hope at 10.30 AM that all went well.

Comfycousin1 profile image

My thoughts are with you. His tired body has been through a lot and he's resting/recovering. He'll be awake soon. Look after yourself in the meantime xxx

hang in there…the body does amazing things to heal when we are asleep, he is in good hand. We will all be rooting for him. Best wishes

Sooz34 profile image

I can really feel for you as my husband had a bypass in December 2023 and it wasn't plain sailing at all for him. But he is home now thank goodness and I know how I felt being on my own at home when not at the hospital visiting and it was incredibly hard. Hang in there and try to keep busy so time doesn't drag but don't overdo it as you'll need your energy later. Sending you a massive hug and keep us updated xx

andrea_waffle7 profile image

Thinking of you. Please take care of yourself too. This wait is really tough on you but probably exactly what your husband needs to recover. Xx

Avagra profile image

after all their hard work the hospital will make certain they don’t lose him,sounds like his brain has self induced a little coma to aid recovery.Good luck to you both xx

CyclingTime profile image

He will when his body is ready, he just needs to rest and recover. Things will improve soon

Nannysue1 profile image

I have no experience or advice for you as to what you're going through but just wanted to say that I hope things go well and that you'll soon have your husband home x

DippyDingDong profile image

Will be thinking of you at 10 and adding to the virtual hugs x

Plodsie profile image

Hi, He will wake up and fall back asleep again many times. Especially if he is on Morphine. Don't expect any kind of long conversations that is all I am saying. The main thing is he's through the worst and now it's up to him. One thing I will say is that I don't pop in on this very often but please beware that things can go different moodwise. I remember when I had mine I changed quite a lot and would get angry and bad tempered. Short term memory could also be a problem. I am speaking from experience and every one is different, but I have been told nobody comes out the other side of this the same person. I wish you all well.

in reply toPlodsie

Thanks. I don't expect any conversation really, just want to know he's awake and breathing on his own

Plodsie profile image
Plodsie in reply to

The first thing I wanted when I woke up was that tube out of my throat... It was horrible. The next was feeling very very thirsty. I was 39 when I had my quad bypass and woke up about 8 hours after my surgery. But it took me about 4 days to fully get back to reality from Morphine to Tramadol. They get you to stand up the first day you wake. Next few days they get you to try to walk a wee bit. He'll have a drainage tube fitted to his chest as well which is taken away when it is clear of any fluids. All will be well I am sure. It is a worrying time not knowing. All I can tell you is that when I was asleep it was very peaceful and pain-free. So please don't think that he is in any discomfort. I have no doubts he will be aware you are there and you will get a smile soon enough when he see you all.

Dogsaremybestfriend profile image
Dogsaremybestfriend in reply to

Hope he is awake and doing well. That anesthesia can really do a number on people. My wife had a hard time coming out as well. Sending blessings your way.

JMV100 profile image

Thinking of you. Big hugs.x

maggie80 profile image

Hello, It's been a major operation. Your hubby will be fine. He'll wake up when he's ready. The body is resting. I had a quadruple and a replacement heart valve Nov' 21. It took me ages to recover. I had my op on the Thursday, I'd say it was Monday when I was aware I was in a ward. The surgeon came to see me, asked how I was. I said, I felt i had been run over by a bus. When you go to visit, hold your hubby's hand. He'll know you are there. Best wishes. C

Shabana1974 profile image

Hi please don't panic in 2019 my husband had a full liver transplant.and first couple of attempts he didn't wake up. And like you those few days felt like entiernity. But it was just his body needed more rest is the way I look at it now. Several days after surgery he finally woke up. . And I believe it will be the same for your hubby. I know just being in ICU is scary in itself. Just keep hope.

FoxyHome profile image

I have just read your post and as it nears 10 I can't stop thinking about your husband and you. I can imagine how absolutely distraught you must be asI have been through similar when my husband had aggressive lymphoma. I am hoping all is well especially as there have been positive responses from members of this community who have experienced the same.

A big virtual hug.My heart goes out to you

Afibflipper profile image

Thinking if you this morning & hope all goes ok today x🤗

irishwife93 profile image

Thinking of you and your husband, I pray he wakes up soon ❤️

Pdbd1 profile image

Thinking of you. Such a difficult time.

Dempo profile image

I hope all is well. So scary for you.

Heartsofoak profile image

Hi Castleview, I had a triple bypass and AVR last year and the same thing happened to me and I spent 4 days in the acute care unit whilst they slowly got my heart working on its own. It was worse for my wife as I didn't know anything about it untill I woke up asking for something to eat in the ICU. Try not to worry they know what they are doing, I'm sure this happens more often than we know.

SJ410 profile image

Good luck for today i hope it went ok and he's awake 🤞

Wooodsie profile image

Dear Castleview, that is very distressing news, I am very sorry to hear. It's 11.15 now, I wish that he wakes up or has already woken. I'm sending my hopes for you 🫂 Steve xx

in reply toWooodsie

Just been to see him with my sons. They woke him this morning and disconnected the breathing tube, but after 40 minutes, he was shaking and distressed and couldn't focus, had a vacant look in his eyes, no reaction when they shone a light. So they've sedated him again and reconnected the breathing tube. Now they think it may be neurological even though the scan he had yesterday was clear. So I think he'll have the scan on Sunday or Monday so they can wake him up first and scan him when he starts shaking, so they can see what's happening.Sadly he was back asleep before we got there. I'm trying to stay positive but it's very hard x

Wooodsie profile image
Wooodsie in reply to

😢. The best hing for him is sleep xx

Wooodsie profile image
Wooodsie in reply to

Thank you for the update, you don't need to 😊

Comfycousin1 profile image
Comfycousin1 in reply to

He is in the best place for the support he needs. Sleep is very healing xxx

Wishing your husband a good recovery and hoping he will wake up when his body says I'm ready now. 🙏

weepip profile image

I'm thinking of you and hope that all has gone as planned xx

fairyfeathers profile image

Sending gentle hugs and love to you xx

Thinking of you x

Topper60 profile image

Best wishes CV .....hope you get good news soon . Take care.

Wanderinglady profile image

I’ve only just seen your post and as it’s now 1:25 on Saturday, I’m hoping you have some positive news by now. Just want to say that my brother in law took at least two days to wake up from his bypass op and I remember spending several hours over those few days talking to my sister on the phone as she was so frightened of losing him. He woke eventually and the outcome has been good for him. This was 17 years ago and his heart is still functioning well. He was 60 years old at the time of the bypass and like your husband, a ‘larger man’ (well in girth if not height, he is only 5’5” tall). Please update us on how he’s doing once you feel able to. Everyone here is routing for him.

in reply toWanderinglady

Updated above and done a new post x

Wanderinglady profile image
Wanderinglady in reply to

I’ve just read your update and I’m sorry to hear things are not going as you had hoped. They will be able to tell you more once the scan is done. I’m hoping you will get better news soon xx

in reply toWanderinglady

Me too, I'm flagging tbh 😭

Wanderinglady profile image
Wanderinglady in reply to

I know there’s no point in me saying try not to worry, but I will say to you take good care f yourself. You need all your strength and energy right now xx

in reply toWanderinglady

I'm staying home tomorrow, will make do with phone calls. They said I can call as often as I like x

Wanderinglady profile image
Wanderinglady in reply to

That sounds a good idea. Make sure to eat regularly. Maybe try a relaxation app like Calm, even if you can only focus for a minute at a time, it will help x

Adhtz21 profile image

May god bless you with the recovery of your husband. I wish you well. My Dad was unconscious in ICU for about 4 days in his late 70’s following an operation on his intestine. He came out of it when ready. I feel for you as I know how worrying it is. Let’s hope it’s a good day for you and your family. Andy

Nodoubt2 profile image

sending love ❤️ x

ROBBO36 profile image

Hi there,

All I can add to all the other kind messages is that I’m wishing both you and your husband all the very best. I’m sure your husband is getting the finest care and after a huge operation like that then it must take time.

Thinking of you.

Best wishes.

Oh dear... I hope everything will be ok! He's in the right place at the right timeJust try and allow time to pass..... But, yes it's understandable... It's a good job we're not back in the 70s.... 😂...

Where heart treatments were in their infancies?

I'd be concerned too but rest assured he's in some of the best hands....

Please keep us updated..... We'll be thinking of you and your husband and really hope everything will go well ...

Thinking of anyone going through a difficult period at this time....spring is around the corner.....

As above!

ETHEL103 profile image

So sorry to hear this.Hope your hubby wakes soon .

pauljusa profile image

Very best wishes for your hubby and you all.

Blearyeyed profile image

Do stay positive. This sort of issue can happen to some patients and they require being sedated again for a short time to help them recover and stop their body feeling shock from being woken up before it feels it's the time to do that.Some people after operations or injuries can be put back under sedation a number of times to reduce the body feeling Stress and to allow it to be relaxed to help with recovery.

Those people whom have a shaky start to waking up often have a strong recovery after the body finally wants to make the next step.

The fact that your husband's first scan was clear , showing no obvious reasons for a problem is a good sign, and hopefully does just help to prove that your husbands mightn't be following the expected timeline for recovery but his body is dictating the terms that it needs to get better it's way.

Thanks for the update and keep that family close for support, hugs , Bee

in reply toBlearyeyed

Thank you again. I said at least while he's sleeping his wound is starting to heal. The nurse said "I hope he wakes up and comes back to you" which scared me

WoodlandLover profile image
WoodlandLover in reply to

Yes, and of course it scared you because you're so vulnerable. I'm waiting for HS and will magnify every last comment and nuance and tie myself in knots sometimes. I think what Blearyeyed has said makes great sense. It is my own gut feeling as well. And you're not alone. We are all rooting for your hubby, and you. XX

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Sometimes doctors or nurses don't realise that their choice of words when trying to reassure you can do the opposite.Often it is because they aren't allowed to say definite comments like 'I'm Sure....... Will happen ' , because on this might be more upsetting to loved ones if problems occur.

linnielizzie profile image

Just read the posts - we are all thinking of you - not quite the same but it took a few days after my OHS for me to know what was going on and 'come' back' to my body- the anaesthetic and hours in surgery take their toll - stay positive - his body is doing all the work it needs.

Jackiesmith7777 profile image

how stressful for you . It’s such a horrible position to be in . Sending you my prayers and best wishes for your husband xx

HHH2017 profile image

I am so very sorry to read this. Must be absolutely awful for you & your sons. Its major surgery to recover from so hopefully being sedated is giving him extra healing time with minimal effort on his heart ❤️‍🩹

We are all rooting for your hubby and you & your family. Sending love & strength.

WoodlandLover profile image

We definitely are all thinking of you, very much. I'm praying for golden healing light to surround him, and to surround you with tons of strength and comfort, to help to make the waiting as manageable as it can be for you. And perhaps that is it - he is going through his healing sleep for as long as it takes, and will come round, his usual self, if a bit disorientated to begin with, when he's ready. As people have shared here, it can take more time than we think, sometimes. You'll be the one who'll have had the hardest time of it, but your relief will be unbounded. Hang in there. I don't know you but I send you my love. XX

in reply toWoodlandLover

Thank you so much 🙏 x

Jako999 profile image

These things can happen give it time. I was out for a total of 16 hours and I woke up twice before I was ready and tried ripping the tube out it was all panic and they had to knock me out again. The whole being well one day and then bang HT, quad CABG andHT all in a month left me with PTSD , I would have much rather stayed asleep longer because I know being tuned and waking up played a big part in the PTSD.

When I did wake I really don’t remember much about the first 48 hrs and was apparently very vacant, I could still feel and tast the anaesthetic 5 days after. Remember this is one of the biggest op’s you can have his heart has been stopped for a considerable time then restarted not to mention being opened up and the harvesting of the veins and arteries. His body is saying go away, get stuffed I need a rest and come back another day😁

We are all thinking of him, you and the rest of your family ❤️

in reply toJako999

Thanks. It's 52 hours since he came out of surgery

Furryears profile image

Hi sorry I have just seen your post, we all react differently when being brought round

Please keep us updated have you spoken to the surgeon since they tried to bring him round?

Thinking of you all x

in reply toFurryears

Yes, spoke to surgeon on Friday, op went perfectly. Surprised he wasn't awake, but not too concerned. We're a day further on now though. Will ring ICU 4 times tomorrow and hope for some improvement by Monday x

Heather1957 profile image

I can't imagine what you are going through and I doubt anyone can say the right thing to reassure you as no-one really knows the outcome.

That said, the staff in these places have seen it all and are experts at what they do, he couldn't be in a better place.

They are leaving him 'under' as long as it takes so he can wake up, breath on his own and be calm.

Not quite the same but my brother had an exploding aorta which had to be repaired and his survival was 50/50. He was in Bristol Heart Institute and was kept in a coma for about 4 days post op. They tried to bring him around twice and he became agitated and distressed and it was only on the third time of trying they had success. I have a feeling he was given something like Valium intravenously first.

They really are the experts, they'll know when the time is right and what to do if it isn't, waiting is the hardest part.

I am sure you are getting a lot of comfort and support from your family but for the times you don't want to bother them, you can usually get some response from someone on here.

Hang in there!! 💖

BEATbump profile image

I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how difficult and scary this must be for you and your family. I really hope your husband recovers. Thinking of you. 😔

BEATbump profile image

I'm so sorry. I can only imagine how difficult and scary this must be for you and your family. I really hope your husband recovers. Thinking of you. 😔

Dempo profile image

just… thinking of you. Xx

Pdbd1 profile image

it’s so tough waiting. His doctors and extended medical team will be doing everything they can to help. Time and rest is also something your husband needs. My husband had an ohca. He was placed in a medical induced coma. They had hoped to bring him round on day 2, this didn’t happen. His heart was too unstable. Late on day 4 I was told best case scenario he’d have memory loss . Worst case potentially he’d be in a vegetative state. Within 24 hours he was waken and asking to go home . And could he have a KFC. It’s so tough waiting. But please do remember he’s in the best place. And being taken care of. Please do take care of yourself. He will need you so much

cappachina profile image

So sorry to hear this but try to stay positive he could improve over the weekend as many people are telling you Am holding him in my prayers that he will recover

SCCDL profile image

I don't know if this is relevant but I remember that when I had a lengthy surgery, I slept a lot afterward. The surgeon told me that it was connected to how long I was "under" the anesthesia. Prayers for your husband and for YOU as well.

Haggishead profile image

thinking of you, love and big hugs to you and yours, you must be so tired and scared, keep hoping all will be well.

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