An Eventful January: I like to keep the... - British Heart Fou...

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An Eventful January

20 Replies

I like to keep the NHS busy.

My January itinerary as its stands, although more can be added yet.

Week 1 - Respiratory Chest Consultant, following a CT Scan on 29/12 I had an appt with the Consultant a few days later. As I expected the scan showed that I had a Pleural Effusion/Pneumonia (fluid) in both lungs and my chest cavity. Nothing unexpected, a case of monitoring for now and hopefully the fluid will clear. X-Ray that afternoon with a six week follow-up appt in February with a further CT Scan and the Consultant. I like the Consultant, she listens and liaises with Cardiology. INR appt later that week and Bloods(1) taken.

Week 2 - Monday A&E. Out of the blue, that morning I had significant amount of blood in my stools, 5th time in 20months so I know the procedure off like the back of my hand. I thought it would be 50/50 on being admitted, but, in the end the Gastro Surgeon decided that given my history it would be better to self monitor at home (as it happens the bleeding stopped by Thursday). I'd been having Ectopic beats occasionally the past few weeks so I also had an ECG and Bloods(2) again. Anyway in and out in about 3 hours so happy with the service.

Tuesday - Cardiology appt with my favourite Cardiologist. Interestingly BP was 140/40, diastolic seems low at first glance but not unusual as I have an Aorta to RVOT Iatrogenic Shunt, which means I have an abnormal blood flow between the hearts chambers. Appt went well enough, but, confirmation of Ectopics, EF was last measured at 46% by Perfusion Scan in June last year so he was happy with that. I may have an Echo in the next couple of months to re-check valves and shunt, although I'm not bothered either way. Bloods(3) taken again. Next appt in 6months for now.

Friday - Bloods(4) again and INR. Its no wonder I'm anaemic the amount of blood that gets taken. Haemoglobin levels dropped but, well above level needing a transfusion.

Week 3 - Relatively quiet to date with only INR for Friday booked in.

Week 4 - Monday, Pacemaker pre-op. Tuesday, new pacemaker to be fitted, looking forward to having the op done and dusted. Although I have this nagging doubt that something will come up in the pre-op that may delay things.

With regards the bloods, they continue to be mixed, with renal function being a problem. eGFR down to 29 and Creatine 220+.

I can't wait to find out what February brings.


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20 Replies
Fanfab1 profile image

let’s hope you don’t meet a vampire any time soon as they’ll be bitterly disappointed - that’s a lot of bloods.

Made my head spin reading the amount of appointments etc. you’ve done well to keep track and hopefully February is less hectic.

Having a favourite cardiologist is a blessing.

Hope the op goes well 🤞

in reply to Fanfab1

Bloods wise it's quiet compared to January last year, by now I'd been admitted to hospital with a bleed and by the time I was discharged they'd taken blood on ten occasions or so checking haemoglobin levels until I was given a transfusion. Over the course of the year it was about 30 times between the GP and hospitals.

I've been seeing the Cardiologist since 1995, so he knows me well and I trust him more than any other medic I've met over the years. The op should be straightforward enough, it'll be the third time they've opened up the shoulder and normally I'm a quick enough healer with the wound.

Fanfab1 profile image
Fanfab1 in reply to

Well you sound very very experienced! And an eventful January is not new for you. Still wish you the best for your op!

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

How do you cope with all this my anxiety went high just reading what you are going through !

Relief when we got to week 3 and February I would be staying under the duvet and not coming out :-)

I hope the op does go ahead you certainly deserve it :-) x

in reply to BeKind28-

Hi, I'm lucky that I don't get anxious as a rule, probably as I've been dealing with heart related matters for a long time, so I see it as life rather than as a journey if that makes any sense. I'm also very fortunate that I live within five minutes of the hospital which generally negates any worries of travelling, and have a blue badge that helps as well. The pacemaker op is a one-off but, I just get on with the likes of bloods, INR, Cardio appts etc, as I need them. One thing I've found that helps is that I don't get hung-up waiting for results or look at my medical records on the internet. I've had enough dodgy results from Echo's, bloods etc, so I don't go looking for problems. I suppose trust that the medics are doing there best for me comes into it, which stems from my second and third OHS valve surgeries, that were problamatic and more than anything led me to deal with my mortality.

Basically, acceptance of my health is how I cope.

Fanfab1 profile image
Fanfab1 in reply to

There’s definitely a calmness that comes across in how you write and how I read about your eventual life😊

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to

:-) x

Yumz199725 profile image

Wow that's alot to go through in just a few weeks! Let's hope February is alot more chilled 😅😘xx

in reply to Yumz199725

Maybe, but, it is what it is.

Mind, I've not been on for a few weeks, so I've been reading up a bit, and you seem to have a fair amount going on yourself recently. I hope things are going well just now.👍

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to

Yeah just take each day as it comes x. Yeah not been a good few months for me either to be honest just keep getting ill, now cold weather is flaring up my asthma x 😔😩. Just can't catch a break and we only in January! ❤️ X

in reply to Yumz199725

Hopefully the problems will clear up soon, but, like you say it's only January. Try and keep warm and be careful with the asthma, I don't have it myself, but, I know what it's like being breathless over the winter months so I can empathise.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to

Yeah I hope so too, yep let's hope February is a better month 😅👍🏻. Yeah I've been keeping so warm I feel asleep must of needed a power nap lol, my breathing has never been this bad in cold weather before can't understand it can't even have the window open because breathing in the cold air is sooo bad for me never realised. X

Sljp0000 profile image

I hate to say this but I had well over 60 medical appointments/scans/treatment/bloods/ physio last year and I don't have to have my INR checked. Hoping yours and mine calm down this year!

in reply to Sljp0000

Novice! Seriously though, its amazing how quickly you can rack up appts etc.

To be fair with me, it was exacerbation of my heart failure last year so I ended up with more than expected with the Heart Failure Team and cardio rehab.

Yes, hopefully this year can be a bit calmer for both of us.

devonian186 profile image

February is a shorter month so you should be using the NHS less!

Its good to see you have kept your sense of humour in spite of your problems. Not helped by the very cold weather which I find grinds me down

in reply to devonian186

Yes, February is shorter so I tend to make the most of it, and found it to be an ideal month for a short hospital break or two. Last year I went in for three days due to another internal bleed, although being kicked out on a Sunday afternoon wasn't ideal.

More positively, my third Valve Replacement OHS event was 10 years ago this February, although I did overstay my welcome just a bit and was in for 15 days, but, that's a story in itself.

Cavalierrubie profile image

Bless you. Hope you feel better getting this nightmare off your chest. Lets hope when you get your pacemaker fitted it will solve lots of problems and you start to feel better. This time of the year is always the same for me. Every time l go out at the moment it’s either hospital, GP or booked tests. Keep your chin up. February will hopefully be better for you - it’s a short month. Take care.

phebamom profile image

Do you eat meat? My GFR is 30, kidneys are failing from Multiple Myeloma, diagnosed a few weeks ago, start chemotherapy on Monday. My nephrologist put me on a vegetarian diet and my creatinine level dropped and my GFR went from 30 to 35 in just a few weeks. A little irony here. Hubby and I are cattle farmers and raise beef for a living. I have 3 freezers full of the stuff and don't touch it. I do eat fish, but no poultry , beef or pork. It is difficult cooking two meals now, one for self, one for hubby, but it is worth it if it will keep me off dialysis. Sorry this is not heart related. I belong to several other hubs on HealthUnlocked. I do have resistant hypertension from the kidneys failing. Chemotherapy should help that also. I was always dead set against vegetarian diets, what with what I do for a living. But, I was amazed at how well it works, and how much it is helping me. Good luck.

in reply to phebamom

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, I eat meat, some might say too much.

What we've found with the kidney function is that its a fine balance with the meds for the Heart Failure. The eGFR collapsed following valve surgery 10years ago, and has been mid 30's more or less since, although, it dips below 30 on occasions. Latest bloods yesterday had it at 32. Creatine levels are normally below 150, but now and again I have blips and it jumps higher.

Best wishes

MelB51 profile image

sounds like my life! Currently in hospital initially due to cellulitis but are now trying to deal with my ongoing respiratory and heart issues with kidney problems thrown in for good measure!

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