Hi all,
I have lived with my congenital AVS fairly well up to the age of 22 when I needed the intervention, which was to replace my leaky valve with a mechanical valve, along with this unfortunately I also needed an ascending aortic graft put in too due to the damage caused over the years.
Ever since my surgery in 2018 I have experienced intermittent chest pains which sometimes can start randomly in my right leg or even right arm. I had never experienced this before my surgery and actually started 24 hours after the op when I was in ICU.
Having investigated with several doctors overs the last 5 - 6 years noone has been able to pinpoint it. I presumed it may be Coronary Artery spasms as it only happens at rest, never when I am exercising or moving. However, cardiologist seem to not think It is and advise the only way to diagnose is to go through a provocation test, which doesn't sound too fun if I am honest! It happens once / twice a month and doesn't respond too well with nitrate/GTN spray.
As I have a 2 and half year old daughter, I am always so worried about having this pain when I am alone with her.
Has anyone experienced this? I feel like I am the only person, especially in my age group!.