Hi thanks everyone for all your helpful and encouraging replies. I really appreciate it you are all such a great bunch of people even though everyone has their own problems. I hope I replied to everyone if I missed someone out I apologise .I got the CT scan yesterday with contrast, that was a surprise I didn't know till the nurse said she was putting the cannula in but everything went fine. They sent me through to the children's hospital for it and the plasters all had teddy Bears on them 🤣. Char x
Thank you : Hi thanks everyone for all... - British Heart Fou...
Thank you

I think Communities like this have a purpose yes so many suffering but we know how it feels so when one goes down others try and pick them up and vis versa which is how it should be and I was so pleased to see the support you got and I also know that when you are well you will do the same for others as you have done so many times in the past including offering kind and supportive words to me which have always been appreciated
I am glad the scan is out the way even if you did go through the Children's department to have it done I would have liked plasters with teddy bears on it
Do you now wait for these results to see what happens next ?
Thank you for the update and know we are with you all the way until you get through this which I know you will get through it as you are a survivor and such a strong lady x
Hi it was funny in the children's hospital the beds were tiny 🤣and the plasters cute it did make me smile 😀🐻❄️. Once they have the biopsy results and the scan they will let me know exactly what is happening and a date for surgery which I am really dreading not just the nature of it just the fact of getting opened up yet again ooft! I have enough scar's as it is. Char x
I hope you do not have to wait to long as the waiting I always say is the worse
Lets hope this is a little scar and not seen x
I was over two years for a heart I cannot describe how bad it was horrendous doesn't even cover it, but definitely worth it in the end. They seem to be moving quite quick so far on this so hopefully that will continue. Char x
I could not even imagine how bad that must have been but here you are and you did it just like you will do this and I hope they will keep moving at this quick pace so you can enjoy these Holidays you have planned x
It was hard I won't deny, fingers crossed this will be dealt with quickly we have booked to go to crete with friends in May I would like to aim for that and hope we will manage although travel insurance is going to hit me hard, if I can get insured I dread to think what the cost will be 😭xx
You will be going to crete in May I am confident on that one
Hopefully this will not make any difference to your Travel insurance but after what you will have been through you deserve a lovey Holiday x
Afternoon char, pleased to read you have had the scan, we seem to be lucky here and things are moving quickly, even if you had a plaster with a teddy bear on it 😂 did they give you any idea of time scale for the results? Remember your a fighter, and you will overcome this. Think about all those holidays you have to look forward to.
Love Pauline xx
hi char,
Not too long to wait, never been to the Queen Elizabeth though have passed it. Is it the Queen Elizabeth for the surgery? Shame it’s not the Golden Jubilee, some where we both feel comfortable with. You will be in my thoughts so let us know when you get the results and what happens next.
Love Pauline xx
The surgery will be in the RAH definitely not my favourite hospital and I told him that, oh dear blame the sedative! He said it was the best team to do it which is obviously reassuring but the after care in Paisley has been severely lacking any time I have been unfortunate enough to be admitted, one time the ceiling fell down right next to my bed it just missed me, they patched it up with cardboard 🙄 I am hoping it will be alright this time x
Look at all the big stuff you've conquered already! I smiled about the ceiling falling in😁, someone is definitely protecting you.
Sending a virtual hug, we're all here for you Chat x
Morning from a wet and miserable Scotland the wind was gale force during the night I am surprised my fence is still standing. The cardboard they used to fix it was from a box of incontinence pads 🤣 lovely view when lying in bed. I think that hospital is badly in need of a refurb. My heart hospital only has single rooms it's like staying in Ritz after being in Paisley.
I hope you are feeling alright yourself I find everything gets worse in the winter. Char x
Good job it was only the box from the incontinence pads😁really you couldn't write this sort of stuff a comedian would have used that as a joke.I'm ok had my yearly check up yesterday at my GP surgery and a pharmacy phone call this morning when I asked about my blood pressure medication being changed because Ramapril is not agreeing with me at all, so just waiting for a call back, other than that and the gale force wind here not a bad day.
I hope you get it sorted, ramapril gave me a terrible cough.I had a huge hedge which was 11 leylandi tree's it was half dead and awful looking so Steven chopped it down and we took it down to the council dump in my polo! it took a good few runs, at the back of is a rickity panel fence that belongs to my neighbour the wind was so strong last night I was amazed it was still there this morning. I now need a proper boundary fence built in the spring when hopefully my treatment might be finished 🤞🤞 I so hope it will be xx
Well done trees and mattresses have a life of their own as soon as you try to move them, I speak from experience or both when mum still lived in her house she asked me to take down an overhanging rose Bush . I can't tell you how many very bad words came out of my mouth between getting slashed by the thorns on the bush and trying to control the damn bush it was a nightmare, naturally my mum kept saying your doing it all wrong!I think if I recall my sister started her chemotherapy about three or four weeks after the surgery and she had ten sessions over about 12 weeks but naturally everyone's experience is different so don't think you maybe the same amount of time. Chemotherapy is tailored specifically to the type of cancer, the surgery and the patient.
My sister and three cousin's all diagnosed in the December with cancer, the three cousin's all had breast cancer all had surgery and therapy and all are doing well.
Hope in some way all this helps you.
I know who to call now if I need a few tree's moving😁 xx
Good morning Char, wow I’ve just read your bio as I had a double take there when you said you waited two years for a heart - my word how brave are you! Plus a ceiling fell down next to your bed - you sound like a cat with nine lives! Might sound daft, but you’re a lucky lady aren’t you and you come across as one who has got a sense of humour whilst going through all of this and I think that really helps when you’ve gone through as much as you have. My family came from Greenock so not far from you and yes I always remember it for its rain but I loved going up there to see my wee granny ❤️. Anyway I just wanted to say keep up your strength and braveness, you sound amazing and look forward to all the holidays you’re due to go on. Good luck with everything “hen” 😊. Best wishes ❤️🧚🏼♀️
Ta much for your kind words, waiting for a transplant was awful I was just over two years on the routine list but the phone never went I was so ill by then I was put on the urgent and admitted until I got a heart which was about four weeks later. I have to say the wait was worth it for the difference it made to my quality of life. I am still shocked at the latest diagnosis I never thought for a minute when I sent the test back that cancer would be the outcome. Thankfully because of the test they said it has been caught early so now just waiting on the scan and biopsy results and I should get a date for surgery after that. I will keep everyone posted when I get any further news. Char
Thanks for the update.Gosh , I want a teddy bear plaster next time , I think they should be standard for everyone , it would certainly help to make you smile while the stuff was being done.
Fingers crossed with the results and take care , Bee
So glad the scan is out of the way and it's reassuring that everything is moving quickly. I can just see you with a little kid's plaster on (hope they gave you a lollipop!!!). I've got the same procedure in January and by that time you'll have the all clear.
Thinking of you every day Char.
Love and hugs. Jan xxxx
🤣I did actually ask for a lollipop 🍭 I was a bit disappointed when there were none! I will just be glad when the results are in and they can tell me exactly what is happening next.I hope your own scan goes well. Char
Hi Char. I just get used to having scans!!😂. What - no lollipops in a Children's Hospital!
I'm sure everything will run smoothly. You're just so lucky that it was found when it was.
Lots of love and hugs. Jan xxx