I am 66 I am going for an angioplasty on the 27th November with the possibility of a stent in LAD. Very nervous. I have had LBBB since in my early 30’s so always got a slight tight chest on hills, i had an angiogram in 2012 and an MRI I was put on Bisoprolol, statins and ramipril after this. Dosage reduced in 2019 to a maintenance dose 1.25 on each. Turns out that statins caused diabetes and muscle wastage so I came off them I had catscan November showing problems hence angiogram. The doctor put me on stains agains and within a few months my glucose levels were out of control, so stopped them again and went on a low carb diet, lost 12kg in 3 months, blood sugars completely under control again without meds. My body does not tolerate statins, tablets in general and I think the possibility that the diabetes caused the partial artery blockages. I work as a self employed domiciliary carer and love my job, how will having a stent affect my work and driving? , I can’t afford to stop work.
angioplasty : I am 66 I am going for an... - British Heart Fou...

If you have a simple angioplasty you are not allowed to drive for a week. You don't have to tell the DVLA. If it's associated with a heart attack it's longer. More here
As for your recovery the advice is to take one week off work, but you may need longer according to how you feel. You will be given advice on your personal recovery by the team performing your procedure at the time. More here
If necessary your employer is required to take reasonable steps to facilitate your recovery post procedure, perhaps by giving you lighter duties, but this may not be possible depending on the organisation you work for. The Equalities Act 2010 covers this.
Stents are great and allowed me to go cycling again, look forward to a healthier happier future
Hi I had 3 stents fitted May 2022 and now can do everything I could before they were fitted. Work, drive etc You will be fine don’t worry
I had a heart attack at the beginning of the year and 3 LAD stents fitted age 62 Doctors thought I may need more stents so had MRI ( found that worse due to claustrophobia !). Glad to hear you are in control of blood sugar. Mine is all over the place I think cold weather doesn’t help.
Hi there, I had a stent fitted in my LAD in September 2020. Please don't be nervous. It was a little uncomfortable when they put the wire into your wrist but apart from that no pain at all. I stayed in hospital overnight and was home the next day. Was prescribed Ticagrelor for 2 years (off this now), remain on Aspirin and Atorvastatin. Living a normal life just exercising regularly and eating healthily. Good luck
Hello Lizbeth, hope you are well. I had a stent fitted two weeks ago. Could you tell me do you ever get tingling down your left arm or any discomfort in your chest area since the procedure ? I have had both but am not overly alarmed, just as always with me, looking for reasons or just to compare notes .
Shouldn't affect you at all... getting a stent will improve whatever condition your getting it for...
I had 2 stents fitted 6 years ago and I do 10 mile walks. I'm 79. The only thing I felt at the time was the local anaesthetic in my wrist, I was awake throughout and watched the procedure on the monitor and went home the same day. This was only 4 days after a heart attack so it's not surprising I was tired for a few days and slept like a baby. I took no medication before the HA but afterwards was given aspirin, ramipril, bisoprolol, atorvastatin 80mg and clopidogrel. The Atovastatin and slight changes to my diet brought my cholesterol down from 6.8 to 2 point something so I voluntarily reduced the statin to 40mg by taking one every other day. At my next annual check, my cholesterol was still well within the guideline (4.5) so the nurse changed my scrip to 40mg. Since then I've got it down to 20mg by the same method.
Statins can cause problems but I've not heard of them causing diabetes. Since you've lost 12kg it seems your diet is the key to your health. You should only stop the statins if your cholesterol is OK.
Hi, I wouldn't think the stent will have any impact on your ability to work or drive. I had my stent 2 years ago, happily working (well thats debatable) and driving.(I'm 50) and I think it was heavy lifting to avoid and maybe driving for a short period after op. If your doctor is happy for you to drive then so will your insurers (and hopefully employers). All the best and good luck.
Woukd like to know about your low carb diet routine better friend me on facebook Brenda King Lawrence ms
Basically no processed food, only real food. Meat, above ground grown vegetables , fish, eggs, yogurt, avocados, berry fruit only. Use only Ghee or coconut oil to cook
no bread, no cereal, no pasta, no rice, no potatoes, basically no grains, no plant oils like rapeseed, sunflower, no margarines.
Most recent HBA1C is now 6.1mmol, previous was 11
Did anyone on clopiderel get to to stop taking before the angioplasty? I would ask the GP but cannot get hold of them, I have a low platelet count.