On Monday I had a feeling of pressure on my chest. It was like someone was sitting on me. Anyway after visiting a walk in centre (I was terrified) an ambulance was called and I was taken straight to A&E. I know this would have been the same for others on here but after being discharged i had to ask the question "did I actually have a heart attack". I felt like such a fraud and still do now as the only changes i have felt is tiredness and feeling the cold more.
Yes I did have an Angiogram, Angioplasty / Stent and I have to admit that the NHS are amazing. I said I was terrified to the nurse staff and they couldnt have made me feel anymore at ease. Watching it all happen was amazing to see and if anyone reading this had an Angiogram planned, i will say that i prefered it to dental work and I admitted this to the surgery staff.