Funny turns? : Hi guys as it says in... - British Heart Fou...

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Funny turns?

Yumz199725 profile image
75 Replies

Hi guys as it says in the title of this post I keep having funny turns I get a weird sensation in my head and I feel faint dizzy and sick so I had to quickly sit down while I was in town with my mum. This happened last week while I was in tesco. This is how I felt after I had my MRI. Im not sure why it keeps happening but it's horrible!! 💔😔. I'm gona be contacting St barts tomorrow because I'm getting worried. What do you guys think is causing it??? 😕

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Yumz199725 profile image
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75 Replies
Cavalierrubie profile image

Oh sorry Yumz. I think it is all the stress you have been under these past few months as it sounds a lot like a panic attack. These can come out of the blue for no particular reason and make you feel very ill. They do pass off and are not harmful even if awful. You have had so much to worry you, and you are anxious waiting for your results of your tests. If you phone Bart’s l would tell them that the anxiety waiting for results is making you this way. I hope you soon get some peace and feel better. Anxiety is terrible to cope with, and gives many horrible physical symptoms. 🥰

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Yeah your probably right but how do I stop it randomly happening while I'm out? Don't understand how and why this keeps happening was really weird and scary actually x

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Yumz199725

I don’t know any magic cure. Perhaps when you get rid of all your stress your nervous system will calm down. They are so frightening but it’s extra adrenaline that your body makes when you are anxious. Lots of people get them and they mimic that you have something seriously wrong or you are about to hit the deck, but you won’t faint or pass out. I was told to just let it happen and it will pass, rather than try mentally to stop it. You will be ok. If there was anything seriously wrong with you, you would have been contacted immediately from the hospital. Sorry you are having to go through all this. Love and prayers. X

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Cavalierrubie

I know I appreciate your concern. But I got to admitt Im sick of everyone telling me it's phycological 💔😞. Yes I have anxiety but not everything is stress related 😭. I was walking through town shopping with my mum nothing stressful about that I'm sorry. I understand my results will be told to me at my appointment in November but what else am I supposed to think when I am light headed, nauseated, shakey, and feel faint I will let St barts know but they will probably just treat me like everyone else like it's nothing and it's stress. Sorry if this comes across as rude but I'm getting tired of just brushing off my symptoms because it could just be anxiety 😑🙁😞😕x

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Yumz199725

Ok Yumz. You ask what you thought was causing your problems and l answered because l could relate it to myself many years ago when l had anxiety problems. I am not a medic so can only give an opinion. Wasn’t intended to upset, but to help. Hope you find out what is causing your problems. Take care. 🥰

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Yeah I know I'm sorry x Im just upset because I don't know why it keeps happening 💔. I am on anxiety and depression medication but I have been on this since April and this is more recent it's happened 3 or 4 times. What would you do if you didn't know it was anxiety? Could it be low blood sugar but I have had blood tests recently everything was fine?? Is it worth letting St barts know or are they just gona say the same thing as you that it's anxiety??

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Yumz199725

Well, l don’t know. It could be a drop in blood sugar which makes you feel lightheaded and shakey, so you could try eating a sweet or something when you feel poorly. I don’t know what else to suggest unless you talk it out with your doctor. I really hope you soon feel better. Hugs.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Thank you I will be going to doctors tomorrow because I can't deal with this anymore 💔. Just what should I say to receptionist should I ask to speak to cardiac nurse or just doctor?? 😘X

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Yumz199725

I think you are doing the right thing Yumz. I had to go to doctors today and feel much better for it. It’s the only place to go when things get on top of you and you don’t understand what is happening. Only you know how you feel. Take care ❤️

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Thank you I am convinced it's POTS so I'm gona ask if I can have some tests for it x

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Yumz199725

👍 Go for it. Xxxxx

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Is it possible to go for more then one problem beccasue I have so many problems just lately it's awful xx 💔

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Yumz199725

I think you need to speak of all your problems Yumz. I would ask to discuss your ongoing health problems and general health as you have some concerns. Xxxx

Carercmb profile image
Carercmb in reply to Yumz199725

Just to add to others trying to help.I felt the same and I was dehydrated and it effected my BP. Just make sure you are drinking plenty of water and check your BP. If your out shopping and it happens again ask Tesco to check it or go to any pharmacy.

Anxiety won’t help and the only way to get rid of this is to stop overthinking easier said than done.

Take care 💕

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Carercmb

Thank you I will take my oximeter out with me in future x I have emailed St barts anyway just to make them aware of what's been happening.

san_ray70 profile image
san_ray70 in reply to Carercmb

I get funny turns when it is very hot, even if I eat and drink enough. This year although we have not had many hot days I kept out of the sun where possible. I have actually collapsed after some of these turns and ended up in hospital. I was told my blood pressure plummets and they called it a vesa vega attack.

kkatz profile image
kkatz in reply to Yumz199725

Yumz I totally understand how you reacted this way.It is so bad when everything gets put down to stress & anxiety.I am not an anxious person but sometimes it creeps through.Is there any way you can check exactly how you body is reacting?.physically measure your pulse .Does it feel fast,slow, irregular? Is your breathing normal.Is it lightheadedness or off balance dizzy? Does drinking water help?

It is good to write your observations down.

And then if you decide to contact someone.

I have felt dizzy & faint with different medical problems .And they were all different.

AFib,Seizures,dehydration and yes anxiety.Just noting what your body is doing can help you overcome any panic.

Good luck.

Damaris1 profile image
Damaris1 in reply to Cavalierrubie

Hi again, Stress and anxiety can do strange things. I always throw up when I've had to go to doc's or somewhere and really get scared to go anywhere. I ventured to supermarket with my daugher last week and was sick on the shop floor. My weird head feelings cleared up quite suddenly a couple of weeks back. Hope yours will soon.

Saladay profile image
Saladay in reply to Cavalierrubie

It could be to do with blood sugar. If you have a strong reaction to sugar or carbs and secrete a lot of insulin quickly, that will result in 'reactive hypoglycaemia' which will make you feel faint, light headed, and a bit sweaty; and can actually result in you fainting. Typically, this would come on half an hour to an hour after eating something with a sugar load. That could be something obvious like a cup of tea with sugar in it or something sweet, but could be after a fairly innocuous meal e.g. a sandwich. That can also be affected by the circadian rhythm of your normal hormone production, so while you might not be vulnerable in the morning for example, you might be more vulnerable in the afternoon. Maybe worth asking for a glucose tolerance test, where they give you a sugar load and track your blood sugar after that, looking for any abnormal response.

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Saladay

Ok. I have been helped with Dr. Claire Weeks who states very clearly to have something sweet. She herself suffered with lightheadedness and drops in blood pressure. Yes, by all means have a meal if you can to give slow release, but when you are in the middle of a Supermarket you need quick action.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Saladay

That's interesting thank you x

Saladay profile image
Saladay in reply to Cavalierrubie

Should follow up by saying, try eating something with a low glycaemic index when it happens. That means something which will release sugar slowly into your bloodstream i.e. complex carbs. Don't eat something with refined sugar in it, as that will only exacerbate the cycle. In general try to avoid eating anything with refined sugar in it, and stick to complex carbs.

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Saladay

See my post above.

Saladay profile image
Saladay in reply to Cavalierrubie

Makes sense but probably eat something slow release too, otherwise back to square one half an hour later.

Cavalierrubie profile image
Cavalierrubie in reply to Saladay

Yes l agree with what you say but in an emergency …………..

Hi Could be stress or blood pressure or blood sugar, you need answers from those Barts medicsHugs x

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to

Thanks hun x i don't know what it could be I think blood pressure maybe don't understand why this keeps happening 😢.

Cat04 profile image

Its a horrible feeling isnt it 😔 Going on my own experiences It could be blood pressure, POTS, heart arrhythmia or your valve insufficiency. You need to check it out with your gp and/or your cardio team.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Cat04

Yeah I am dont worry xx 😘 I think its one of those problems just hope it's not my valve playing up even more then it normally does.

Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply to Yumz199725


Hi Yumz, Sorry to see that you're not feeling well.

Can I ask if you are susceptible to migraines?

I only ask as your symptoms are very similar to those I originally had before I started having full blown migraines. I associate them as a precursor to surgery.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to

Yeah I am very prone to migraines I was on medication for it but I haven't had any in a while well since Sunday lol x

Erm it could be aniexity related. I have heart failure but also aniexity with this. I mean I used to get serious panic attacks before I was diagnosed with heart problem. But it could also all be linked. I mean with a dodgy heart, the brain will be picking up all sorts of signals of stress and what not with the heart condition.

The problem is that the symptoms are all linked to one another too. So even if your heart is racing, it could be one or the other or even both!

I would probably just rest and keep any eye on things and if it worsens or hasn't resolved then go get checked could be literally anything.

Fullofheart profile image

Have you checked your blood pressure? That's how I feel when mine is low, which it is currently.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Fullofheart

Thats a good point but should I take my blood pressure monitor out with me 🤔. It always happens while I'm out maybe it is a panic attack I thought I was over them I had a severe one before I was on my medication and it honestly felt like I was having a heart attack. X

Fullofheart profile image

But also, as other people have mentioned panic attacks....supermarkets are a number one location for this. Over stimulating environments! Doesn't mean it's all in your head. Lots of physiological stuff gets activated when in these kinds of environments. Given your history though, I'd be checking in with GP at least, if not cardiology.

Helly75 profile image

I've been having what I describe as funny turns for a while now too yumz, it's very very unpleasant to put it mildly . I still don't have any answers I'm afraid . I've had pain in the side of my head for 7 months now & because I'm chronically unwell it's become almost impossible to get any dr to take me seriously, I regularly get told its all just anxiety/ I should be grateful for access to paracetamol & I should probably go on a holiday or think of all the people who are worse off than I am. So take it from me ,what's happening to you is valid ,it's not all in your mind & you deserve proper investigation & answers ,I hope you get this looked at properly xxxx

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Helly75

Ahh thank you I have emailed St barts now to make them aware of the situation x I will definitely be taking my oximeter witu me all the time now for when it happens again ( I really hope it doesn't). I'm so sorry you have been feeling the same and like me have no idea why! 💔💔😭. I hope your able to get some answers and someone to take you seriously xx

Smitty1956 profile image

Hi, Yumz199725,

I am really sorry that you have been feeling poorly lately. Being lightheaded is a serious condition as you could pass out and be hurt. Plus, it is scary to have these feelings.

For about four to eight weeks now, I have had a whole lot of episodes of lightheadedness. It scares me as I never had these feelings before, and I feel that it ties in with my shortness of breath and, perhaps, lack of oxygen.

I have done some reading (and worrying) on this, and it could be several things. We both know that there may be some element of anxiety involved in how you feel (maybe me too), but I think that it is likely more. I am worried that mine may be related to lack of oxygen getting to my organs due to possible heart failure. I have not had an actual diagnosis from my cardiologist yet, but I see him in November. You are correct that dizziness can also be related to POTS.

The truth is that you need to report all of these symptoms to your doctor so that s/he can help you to get it all sorted out. It is often too easy for people to simply blame stress, anxiety, or panic attacks for everything that we feel, and sometimes what we have is a real physical problem.

Hang in there—talk with your doctor—and, hopefully, you will get this all sorted out. It is all very scary, but it is likely not all in your head. ❤️

Partner20 profile image

I had a year or so of feeling like this recently. I would often feel dizzy and faint and have to hold onto a shelf in the supermarket or a wall if out walking in order to steady myself. I would feel unsteady and sometimes"out of it" for a short while afterwards, then all would be as normal. At one time I suspected possible POTS, but it seemed to happen less frequently and now rarely occurs. I have linked some episodes to neck movement or positioning, like turning my head round quickly for instance, or simply angling my head to one side for a time while chatting to someone. Dehydration can sometimes play a part, too, I think. I only experience the occasional episode now but yes, very disconcerting. Hope you can get some reassurance soon.

MickP1000 profile image
MickP1000 in reply to Partner20

I have this very occasionally. It goes as quick as it comes. I get dizzy but don’t feel as though I’m going to blackout. Had it once or twice pre heart surgery so don’t think it’s directly surgery related. Sharp head movements are linked I feel as is dehydration and it can happen when sat down. When I have the chance to measure BP it seems normal. Glad I’m not alone but will mention to my cardiologist next time

san_ray70 profile image
san_ray70 in reply to MickP1000

I actually lose consciousness, for instance the last time was after I had seen a doctor. We went to the chemist about 20 min. walk, I told my husband I did not feel well. he went to a shop to get me water, meanwhile I sat on a wall. I went out for a bit, I was woken by a lady asking if I was ok, she gave me her kids orange juice. I am not dibetic, but after a turn, I need a drink and something sweet to eat. I have not had a turn this year, if I feel dizzy I make sure I go and sit down. My doctor said when I went my B.P. was normal and to keep a diary of when it happened.

Bluelobby profile image

Hi yumz , I had what you describe on the 15th of this month at 4am and ended up in a+e for 6 hours , woke you feeling nauseous, dizzy and could feel myself turning white , exact same as when I had my HA apart from added jaw pain . I was taking my blood pressure constantly as I was on the phone to 111and it had dropped to 89/69 . Went to a+e , bloods, ecg were fine but I've now been taken off ramipril completely as they think it was maybe that causing my low readings and the dizziness. Dont know if your on ramipril at all ? But you have my deepest sympathy as it is quite scary wondering what the hell is going on ha , best of luck x

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Bluelobby

Ahh your so right it is scary my mum was well worried she thinks it's my heart which it could well be but if not then I am having a severe panic attack which I sufferd from alot when I was in hospital few years ago 💔. Glad you went to A&E and they found out what was causing it. I am not on the same medication but I am verapamil and I have noticed I still get lightheaded and feel weird which for a while I didn't so maybe I need it changed or adjusted. Funny enough I had a phone call today from my GP they did a medication review and they want to change my verapamil to bisoprol as my cardiologist told them to do in like may lol. Only issue is it's a beta blocker and I'm asthmatic so I raised that concern and they agreed that it's something to think about and maybe ask St barts so I have and hoping they get back to me soon xx

Cookieisland profile image

It must be so difficult to know whether it is anxiety or something physical causing your symptoms when you already have to deal with so much! Like everyone else has mentioned I’d definitely want to get checked out first and then if there isn’t a physical issue causing it, then you can tackle the anxiety. I have had anxiety for 15+ years (so over half my life now!) and it definitely can take you by surprise after a stressful event. Have you ever spoken to anyone about anxiety, as there are lots of things you can do to overcome panic attacks. Most of the time it means sitting with the feelings until they pass and your mind realises you are not in danger. Easier said than done though!

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Cookieisland

Thanks that's definitely a plan and I will be doing that. I already take mirtazapine for anxiety 15mg so maybe I need it put up. I have had a lot of panic attacks and it normally affects my breathing which it hasnt been doing this time. Thanks for the helpful suggestions x hope your keeping well.

Grassmower profile image

It could be a bad reaction to drugs you are on, it could be anxiety or BP or low blood sugar. I'd ask the cardiac nurse to investigate various possibilities.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Grassmower

Thank you I have I emailed them and will be mentioning it in November at my appointment x

Deejay62 profile image

Hi Yumz I think you should contact your cardiologist and seek medical advice. We don’t know what’s going on, it could be medical or not, but to be on the safe side speak to them. List every time you felt that way, what you were doing and the symptoms. Even list the dates, if you can remember.

When my blood pressure is low, when I’m dehydrated, when I get up too quickly or even while I’m standing I feel like that. At one stage I had a lot of ventricular tachycardias, non sustained, and I think that was around the time I was feeling that way. I still have the odd moment. It happened last week.

Let us know how you get on. All the best.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Deejay62

Thanks Deejay, I also have ventricular Tachycardia which I'm on verapamil for x and it's definitely the third time it's happened in the space of about a month so it's a very recent thing. Maybe I have low blood sugar or something? I have contacted St barts about it and will definitely be mentioning it at my appointment in November. Yes same I feel like that and every time I'm standing! Once it happend while I was sitting but it passed very quickly. Thanks for your help x

Tigger_2 profile image

One definite cause of the lightheadedness/dizziness/need to grab something is low blood pressure.I have suffered all these including full blown blackouts, involuntary falls and all were associated with bradycardia.

It's a complex story and involves ectopics and pacemaker, but the net result was I was getting a slow and erratic pulse.

Under control at the moment with Bisoprolol and due to see the consultant (pacing) in October.

I don't see how panic attacks or raised heart rate can cause the dizziness, but even just one of these possible pre-syncope events needs investigation.

In my experience, this can take a long time and be resolute when the GP says nothing to worry about. Of course you need to worry about it.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Tigger_2

Thank you, is it possible I might need a pace maker?? I am definitely mentioning at my November appointment. I am on verapamil for my lightheaded feeling and ventricular Tachycardia but even on this I feel like that it's awful. I was supposed to be going to doctors about it today but I have had a another problem that's lasted 3 weeks and it's my foot I can hardly walk so it's a bit tricky?, I don't know if it's heart related or anxiety but I am gona take my blood pressure monitor and oximeter with my where ever I go now just to be safe! ❤️

Hephzibar profile image

Sorry you having these funny turns - not knowing the cause just makes them worse.

I can only give you my history of a funny turn - nearly fainting, dizzy and feeling unwell one morning. Checked out with GP and hospital and finally saw a cardiologist who reviewed all my tests which were OK, except for my tachycardia. In the end he suggested that dehydration may be the cause, so I just keep myself hydrated especially first thing in the morning! I hope you can find out some answers.

Take care x

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Hephzibar

Thanks that's good that they found out what's causing it, I try to keep well hydrated I have about 3 or 4 drinks on thr go and some times I over hydrate which is just as bad as being dehydrated lol. I will definitely drink more in the morning, it's hard to sometimes because of financial issues I try to buy alot of drinks when I go shopping but I end up drinking them in a day or two! 😅😁X

JaninS profile image

Just a thought, I found that I felt like that after drinking coffee. About 20mins to an hour afterwards. Now drink decaf and its fine. Hasn't happened again.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to JaninS

That's a good point I used to drink normal tea and it affected me sooo much had to stop I wound drink it and it would affect my breathing, heart would be jumping all over the place, my mouth would go purple and I would feel so sick, but I have been drinking decaf for over a year now maybe longer I think. X

Doublef profile image

Getting up to quick after taking medication orlow blood pressure

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Doublef

Yeah that's a good point, but each time I'm already standing for long periods of time and I get that weird sensation come over me.

MWIC profile image

Hi - I occasionally at the start of an AFib episode get a feeling in my head which I can only explain feels like I’m going to pass out - I don’t and it only last a couple of seconds (thankfully) - scary as hell and dread it - have had it a couple of times when out in the supermarket as well - I’ve mentioned it to my consultant and only thing they could come up with is that it may be a blip in blood pressure which suddenly drops - does this sound like what you’re experiencing?

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to MWIC

It does but mine lasts like 20 minutes x

Bobkins99 profile image

I had this for 25 years. I would get this weird almost deja Vue feeling in my head then go dizzy or even black or for a few seconds, then come around feeling really sick and disoriented. Had all sorts of tests and although they recognised I had some electrical issues with my heart they couldn't really put a finger on it. Tired and stressed were the usual triggers. Eventually I blacked out in 2018 and got a concussion from hitting my head on the floor. At A&E they said things had moved on since 1990 and I was referred back to cardio. They fitted an implanted loop recorder and within 3 weeks diagnosed that I had a heart arrythmia issue which caused syncope problems, causing my heart to stop until it re-synched. They fitted a pacemaker and that cured it. Get it checked

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Bobkins99

Oh wow thats how I feel but don't ever pass out but that's because I have to quickly sit down some where before I get the chance too, I really hope I don't need a pace maker or loop recorder, glad they found out what was causing your issues x hope your keeping well.

Ellester profile image

It could be your crystals in your ear being misplaced. I had the same problem and went to the doctors and now awaiting an appointment with ent at the hospital.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Ellester

That's interesting never thought of that x

Jetcat profile image

Stress/ anxiety panic can cause this. Iv had some of these episodes in the past and they’re not nice.!

Take it easy. Best wishes.


Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Jetcat

Yeah it could be this aswell but i have had panic attacks before and this is different x

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Yumz199725

Make an appointment with doctor Yumz in that case. It’s better to get checked out if you’re getting different symptoms than before plus you’ll have peace of mind then too.👍

Poorlizzie profile image

I get funny turns like this when my blood pressure falls. It is very low anyway but if I stand for a long period or use my arms above my head it comes on. Have to sit down immediately or I feel I will fall. A rehab specialist, I have heart failure, told me it is because the limited oxygen enriched blood goes to the large muscles in my legs? Have to put my legs up for a time and drink plenty of water and it comes back up.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to Poorlizzie

That's interesting maybe this is the same problem for me? X

honeybubs profile image

I don’t know your full history but I had funny turns quite a lot either out walking or especially when I get up from sitting or stooping down to get something which I put down to my low blood pressure. It felt like a horrible warm sensation coming up from my waist to my head and I had to sit quickly and it was really scary. I’ve had a CRT-D fitted and it hasn’t happened since and I still have low BP.

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to honeybubs

oh my days that's how I feel x I have congenital heart disease, bicuspid aortic valve severe aortic regurgitation and moderate stenosis and small restrictive perimembranous ventricular septal defect. Is it possible that I might need some kind of device. I've decided to take my blood pressure monitor and oximeter with me every where now so if I do get that strange feeling I can see if it's anything affecting my heart and blood pressure x

honeybubs profile image

They say my heart failure is hereditary but I’m still waiting for the test to confirm it. I was getting an extra 34,000 beats so 134,000 in total. My EF is stable at 35% but hasn’t improved. My cardiologist said I had no choice and that I would have to have a pacemaker to regulate my palpitations with a defibrillator as a precautionary measure. I don’t get palpitations now and feel a lot better since the device was fitted a month ago. Just got to increase my fitness now. Please go to see your GP or better still an appointment with your cardiologist you could do with an Echocardiogram to see if anything else is happening as you seem to have a lot going on and at such a young age. Good luck and let us know how you get on. Joy x

Yumz199725 profile image
Yumz199725 in reply to honeybubs

Wow that's alot of extra beats!! Glad they fitted with a device woah! I have had an echo recently so still waiting on results x

isobelhannah18 profile image

I sometimes get a weird feeling in my head and it can turn into a vertigo attack. I find if I stay perfectly still, keep my head very still and focus on one thing I can often ward the dizziness off. If I get dizzy then sitting if I'm out or lying down if I'm at home is the only way to stop it. It leaves me feeling slightly nauseated. One of the things that brings it on is moving my head quickly or moving it side to side, which is difficult to avoid when you're talking to people. Every one of my meds. has dizziness as the the most common side effect so - - -. I hope you get it sorted because it's not pleasant.

Blearyeyed profile image

Have you been told when your Holter monitor tests will be back , or will you have to do it again because of the leads getting crossed?When you ring for an appointment you should probably ask about that.

If your dizziness is happening because of POTS or swings in Tachycardia the rules to get over it are different to those for people with Diabetes.

Because if you haven't also got low blood sugar you can make the dizziness and nausea feel worse with a sugary snack.

Try and get in the habit of carrying a bottle of water with you at all times and drinking as you go . If you choose to bend or sit down take some quick sips before and after doing it. This includes times when you get in or out of a car or seat.

If you do feel dizzy stop and take a seat or get some support and drink some water quite quickly and take deep breaths keep drinking until you feel clear again then take it slow. If you do need to a snack something containing a little salt or a small banana is ok but not sugar if you have POTS or a tachycardia condition, because a sugary snack will increase your heart rate and make you feel worse.

Don't eat a big meal before you go out of the house but do have a healthy snack half an hour before leaving the house.

If you are going to have a bigger meal while you are out do you physical activities at the beginning of your trip and have the meal at the end because your heart rate drops when you are digesting food and it can make you dizzy or sleepy if you try to do physical jobs after eating.

Until you know exactly what's going on try and have short trips( 1-2 hours at a time) rather than long ones.

Let us know what the clinic says , take care , Bee

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