Recently I my wife and I drove to Portugal and unfortunately on the day we were due to start driving back to! WSantander in Spain the car broke down. It was taken to a main dealership and they advised it would take 7 to 8 days for the part to come from the factory. I didn't have enough statins, ramipril or indapamide. We went into a chemists with the old boxes and strait away they issued them over the counter at a cost of €11. They wouldn't do that in the UK. Hope all you readers have a good day today Tuesday 26/09/23 we start driving back. I had to get the parts for the car myself in the end. 😉👍
Run low on Meds on holiday - British Heart Fou...
Run low on Meds on holiday

Hi, I can imagine you being anxious about not having enough meds. It's great that you was able to buy the in the chemists. Hope your holiday went well and you both was OK. Linda
In the UK you can used the 111 online Emergency prescriptions service.
Use this service to request a limited emergency supply of a medicine you've completely run out of. This must be a medicine you are prescribed regularly, through a repeat prescription. You will be charged your usual prescription fee. If you do not usually pay, it will be free.
having had the misfortune to use it once the 111 emergency medicine service is excellent
Hiya DiggerO I ran out of tamsulosin (not life threatening) yesterday Tuesday Oct 3rd, so I rang 111 at 16.00 hrs they took all my info then said go round to the chemist in 5 or 10 minutes. Which I did after 30 minutes, but they had no record, so, they sent me into the surgery, the surgery had it on their system and told me to go to the chemist in the morning (today) so this I did. They had trouble finding the 111 referral, eventually they did but said the prescription won't be ready until sometime tomorrow 5th October. I rang 111 again they sent me to another chemist, I arrived there 1 hr later but they had no record from 111. Eventually they gave me the meds but I had to show them proof (from the NHS app) that I had them on a repeat prescription. So now all good 😉👍
I tend to always take a months supply even if its only a two week holiday. You never know when a volcano, air traffic breakdown or some other problem may occur. Safe journey home.
Quite agree. My wife insists I take double the amount I need with us every holiday which proved good advice during the ash cloud delays when we were in the US.
Wow that was good very impressive. Hope you had a lovely time, shame it wasn’t the same with the part for your car 😀🌞X.
Probably worth planning ahead to have a month or so's supply with you. I never put my heart meds in my chacked baggage for the flight - always keep them in my cabin baggage.
Ever since the the illness we can't mention I have been a bit paranoid when on holiday in case something happens and I get delayed, I take at least 10 days extra meds sometimes more, my wee rukki is like a mobile pharmacy 😅 I never let it out of my sight. Char
Yes, they will help in the UK. Go to the nearest chemist, and they’ll either give you a day’s supply, or tell you to phone 111 for more. And not charge you €11 if you normally get free prescriptions. Just remember to take your prescription with you - it has all the information the pharmacist needs and saves a lot of time.!
You were very lucky, what a nightmare for you and your wife. Safe journey.
That's excellent - last year in belgium i wanted to buy some Paracetemol for my husband and was horrified that it was over £20 a pack! decided against it and eventually found the supply my husband told me we had not packed! i think his headache must have affected his eyesight😉
Recently I was able to walk into a chemist in England with my Scottish repeat prescription list and was able to get a full week's supply of furosemide there and then. I can't remember how much I paid, but if it had been an English prescription list I wouldn't have paid anything as my prescriptions would be free of charge.