Had to drop my car of at garage this morning ,had to walk back about 3 miles ,walking with a bit of pace ,a mile or so into the walk i started to feel wierd , stop walking had a rest for a few minutes and then started walking again , same feeling came back , rested again felt better, then walked at a slower pace to get back felt ok ,feel okay now ,i.m only taking 0.65m of Bisoprolol. When i started taking these i started on 1.25 g for a couple of days then they up it to 2.5 for a few days had a few problems with that over the next few days then they brought it back to 1 .25 for a couple of weeks , then last friday down to 0.65 . Light headedness and dizzy spells seem to have eased a bit. Never had these problems before taking this dam stuff
walking low dose of bisoprolol - British Heart Fou...
walking low dose of bisoprolol

I've been taking Bisoprolol for 5 years now and have suffered with the same side affects as you. I only joined the forum a couple of weeks ago and it has surprised me to find out that there's so many of us struggling with this. I'm taking it for Atrial Fibrillation. I had a second Ablation at the beginning of March this year, hoping that I would be free of medication, but that caused more harm than good. I'm currently taking 2.5mg of Bisoprolol until I go back and see the Cardiologist at the end of this month.
hi Iv been on bisoprolol for about 8 years and I’m on 12.5 per day. I a get lightheaded mainly if I bending down. Looks like most of us get side effects from this drug
Hi mobyfool,
It sounds like you are super sensitive to Bisoprolol. 0.625mg is an extremely low dose. I assume you take this with a blood pressure medication. My feeling is that you might benefit from a review, probably best done with a pharmacist if your GP practice employs one, otherwise with your GP. Getting the balance of medication right is essential.
I started on 3.75mg of Bisoprolol and had awful feelings of impending doom. My GP stupidly wanted to increase the dose, but I got it reduced to 2.5mg and then halved again in consultation with the practice pharmacist. Even now I occasionally have some issues with feeling dizzy. Bisoprolol benefits the heart by reducing the heart rate, so in combination with a reduced blood pressure due to medication and relaxation can cause dizziness.
With regards to exercise, do you regularly walk any distance? If you don't, then setting off for a 3 mile trek at pace is not a good idea. As with all exercise you need to start off slow and work up to a decent pace and then slow down as you approach the end. I usually walk the 5 miles from my garage to home which takes me 1 hour 20 minutes. Sometimes I return on foot to pick my car up, sometimes I get a lift. I walk a few miles most days or carry out other tasks such as gardening. Some days are rest days.
I hope you get this issue sorted soon.
Best regards,
Bisoprolol didn't agree with me either,it made my pulse go too low that felt sick and dizzy
Thanks for that ,I,m not on any other blood pressure medication, I was put on it because I,ve had atrial fibrillation since 2018,but was not given anything for it then ithas only been since a month ago it became more noticeable ,saw the gp ,he said pressure was up ,so he put me on bisoprolol.
I’m on 1.25mg dose. I was told at hospital I’d be on it for life and the dose would probably increase over time.
My BP was being a bit stubborn and had risen when I came off a diuretic. My GP wanted to increase the dose until I provided details of my resting heart rate overnight which is normally in the low 50’s and can drop into the 40’s.
As for exercise I do a regular 5k parkrun without any issues although I do get joint pains which we ascribe to the Bisoprolol.
I had similar experience couple of months ago. My car broke down and had to walk back home, up hill down hill 40minutes walk. Fortunately I had my son with me, we sat down a couple of times just for short breaks. Got home safely. Was newly started on I.25mg Bisoprolol for AF, I month before this incident, generally ok.
I have experienced the same symptoms on exertion. Prior to my cardiac event, I was extremely fit. This is both frustrating and scary. Look after yourself and don’t push it whilst on bisoprolol.
I now take mine before I go to bed. Not sure if it makes a difference but worth a try.
To be honest I doubt very much if that dose is doing very much at all. I’d say that if you have Permanent Atrial Fibrillation then it’s this that’s causing your problems and highly unlikely the Bisoprolol. Being in afib is going to drastically reduce your hearts ability to get your body supplied with oxygen.
Everyone is different however. I’m on 10mg day for highly symptomatic ectopic beats after having a successful ablation for afib ten years ago. Ironically I get less side effects on 10mg than I did on 2.5 or 5mg so go figure that one? Been on them for 20 years now. You need a stress test done to determine what’s going on.
Being on any drug for Atrial Fibrillation, it’s going to be very difficult to determine if it’s actually the drug or indeed the condition that’s causing problems. Bisoprolol are probably the best beta blocker for most people. I’ve tried them all and Bisoprolol has been the most effective for me - but there again One Size Does Not Fit All when it comes to meds. Hope you feel better soon.
I take Bisprolol and also ramipril, I do believe that they both contribute to the moments in the day when I feel light headed and woozy.
I excericse 4 times a week now ( weights, rowing machines, supersets) and walk a hell of a lot on the days I'm not in the gym.
I used to feel mega light headed during these sessions, but the cardio team at the gym recommend I drink lots of water as the two medicines might be causing drops in blood pressure and this combined with excericse will make me feel worse.
Since doing that the moments of feeling woozy especially during the gym have become a none issue or a very rare issue.
might be a fluke but worth trying

I,ll try that thanks
Dizziness yeah I was on2.5 Ramipril morning and evening was getting really bad dizziness was lowered 1.25 in evening felt okay for a few days then the dizziness came back so the morning one was lowered as well been feeling fine but still on times are still having the odd dizziness. Not sure what to do now.